Chapter 9

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"Why is my mom being arrested?" Mia asked. "Because your mom has been selling ilegal drugs for over ten years and she hasn't paid her fines she owes the state." The police officer. "I knew she was up to something." Mia said. "Do you know more than what your mother is telling us." Another police officer asked as she walked over to Mia and everyone else. "I just know she sells drugs and uses them herself to get so high to the point I've had to stay with a bunch of my friends. Just because she had a lot of syringes and bags of cocaine." Mia said. "When did this start?" The officer asked. "About two months." Mia said. "When I saw one syringe I immediately got me and my sister out of there as I could." Mia said. "You did the right thing by doing that. Anyways when we went to check the house all your belongings were gone." The police officer said. "Wow in two weeks she got rid me and my sisters things. Now we don't have a place to live." Mia said as she started to cry. "Since you two have no other family members around I would say stay with your friend's family until a social worker is called for the both of you." The officer said. "Ok my friends family can adopt us or foster us right?" Mia asked. "That is something you would ask a social worker about not me. I wish you both the best of luck." The officer said. "Ma'am can we have you and anyone other guardians information just so we know where these girls are." A police officer asked Madison. "Sure" Madison said. "Noel can you guys wait in the car please." Madison said. Noel shook her head and everyone went to go wait in the car. "Mia are we gonna be homeless?" Gracie asked "Not right now Maddie and Mariah are gonna let us stay with them until we find a home." Mia said. "Maybe your guys new home could be with us." Lily said. "Lily if they stayed with us that means your playroom would become another guest room." Noel said. "That's ok I want another sister who can play with me all the time." Lily said. Madison walked back to the car and got in. "Do you guys want to go the store and get new clothes and other things." Madison asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Sure" Mia said. "Can me and Lily get matching pajamas?" Gracie asked. "if we find some." Madison said. "Do you want me to let Mariah know?" Noel asked. "Mommy can Gracie wear a pair of my shorts pajamas tonight?" Lily asked. "Yea do you guys just wanna wear some of Noel's and Lily clothes. I can go to the store tomorrow while you're all at school." Madison said. "It sounds like you want to go to the store by yourself more than take all of us." Mia said. "Well you aren't wrong." Madison said. "Mommy I'm hungry." Lily whined. "Alright let's go home since Mariah made spaghetti and she really wants us to try it." Madison said. "Yea I love spaghetti." Gracie said. Madison started the car and drove home. As they were driving home the girls were singing afterglow very off key. "We're home" Madison said. "Come on guys let go play mario kart." Noel said. Noel,Lily,Gracie,and Mia went inside and started to set everything up for Mario kart. Madison walked inside but she went directly to her room. "Do you guys wanna eat and then play?" Mariah asked. "Sure" Noel said. Everyone got up and went either to the kitchen or bathroom sink to wash their hands. "You guys know where everything is just save some for me and Maddie." Mariah said as she walked out. Mariah then walked into her and Madison's room as she walked in she saw Madison crying.

"Maddie what's wrong?" Mariah asked. "Mia and Gracie's mom got arrested and they both had to watch it happen. And now they're gonna have no where to go." Madison cried. "I'm sure someone in their family will gladly take them in." Mariah said. "That's the problem last week Mia told me that all her family doesn't want anything to do with Mia and Gracie because of their mom." Madison said. "Why don't we call a social worker and see if they can stay with us." Mariah said. "I gave the police officers my number so a social worker could talk to me." Madison said. "Ok then we just wait for them to call us and see what happens from there." Mariah said. "But what happens when I have to start filming again? You can't take care of four kids by yourself." Madison said with a panic. "Number one we'll hopefully have two teenagers and number two there good kids I don't think anything bad will happen. Number three if it does while you're away I'll handle it." Mariah said. "But—" Madison said but she was cutoff by Noel calling her. "One second" Madison replied. "Hurry up" Noel said. "We're coming what do you guys want?" Madison said as her and Mariah made it downstairs. "Mommy why are your eyes red and puffy? Do you have pink eye?" Lily asked. "Your mom has pink eye... EWWWW." Gracie said as she scooted away from Madison. "I don't think she has pink eye." Mia said. "I think her eyes were just itchy." Noel said. "Oh so Mommy doesn't have pink eye?" Lily said. "I don't have pink eye." Madison said. "Can we go play Mario kart now?" Gracie said. "Go ahead" Mariah said.

Mariah and Madison went to grab themselves some food while the girls put their dishes away and went into the living room to play Mario kart. While the girls were playing Mario Kart Madison's phone started ringing. "Hello" Madison said. "Hello is this Madison Bailey?" The woman on the phone asked. "Yes." Madison said. "Ok well I was informed to tell you that Mia and Gracie got approved to stay with you. Just like how Noel and Lily did." The woman said. "Oh that's amazing. Can I-we adopt them?" Madison asked. "You can after they stay with for at least two-three months." The woman said. "Ok can we start the paperwork now?" Madison asked as she got up and walked into a different room. "Who's mommy talking to?" Lily asked. "A friend why don't you girls get ready for bed and then you all can make your lunches." Mariah said. "Younger siblings shower first." Noel said. "What why" Gracie whined. "Because you two surprisingly take longer than we do."  Mia said. "We do not" Gracie said. "Yes you do now go shower." Noel said. "Fine" Lily said as she walked upstairs. Gracie followed her and they both went into the two bathrooms and did their business. Once Gracie and Lily got out of the bathroom Noel and Mia went in and did their business as well. Gracie and Lily went downstairs and started making their lunches. "Mama can you make our sandwiches please." Lily asked. "Yea do you want the same sandwiches that I made today." Mariah said. "Yes please." Gracie said. Mariah made Gracie's and Lily's sandwiches while Noel and Mia came downstairs. "Where's mom?" Noel asked. "She should be in our room. Why do you wanna know?" Mariah said. "Because I wanted her to braid my hair." Noel said. "I'm guessing you're doing the braid chain." Mariah said. "Yea." Noel said. "I'm right here" Madison said as she gave Noel a hug.

"Mommy look at the sandwiches Mama made us." Lily said. "Wow those look really good." Madison said. "Are we braiding your guys hair now or later?" Madison asked. "We can do it now." Mia said. Madison went to go sit on the couch while Noel and Mia followed. As they were both about to sit down...a huge stomach pain overtook them. "Are you two ok?" Madison asked. Mariah then came over to see what was happening. "They're just cramps." Mia and Noel said. "You two have been getting "cramps" a lot recently." Mariah said. Noel and Mia got another cramp but this one was a lot worse than before. "Do you two want to go to the hospital?" Mariah asked. "No I think lying down in bed should help." Mia said. Mia and Noel tried to walk upstairs but the pain took over. "We're going to emergency room whether you two like it or not." Mariah said. "But we can't go the hospital. We have a cheer competition on Saturday." Mia said. "You both can't go if you're in pain." Mariah said. Mariah carried Mia to the car and Maddie carried Noel. "Can you take them I'll stay here with the littles." Madison said. "I got u." Mariah said. Mariah and Madison placed Noel and Mia into the car. "El please be nice to Mariah. Madison said. "I will" Noel said. Madison then gave Mia hug and shut the door. "This hurts why can't Mom come with us." Noel whined. "She needs to stay with your younger sisters." Mariah said. "But—" Noel said as she was cutoff by Madison opening the door. "Mom?" Noel said. "We're going with you." Madison said as Gracie and Lily appeared from behind her. Gracie and Lily go into the sixth and seventh passenger seat while Madison sat in the middle between Mia and Noel. Noel and Mia laid down on Madison's lap and they both started crying. "Mom make it stop" Mia said. "I wish I could." Madison said as she rubbed both of the girls backs.

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