Chapter 27

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It's been a two weeks since Noel,Lily, Madison,and Mariah arrived in South Carolina. A few days ago Madison and Mariah flew back home while Noel and Lily stayed for two extra days. "Lily wake up." Mariah's mom said. "Grandma five more minutes." Lily said. "I'm already gave you five minutes get ready so you can head to the airport." Mariah's mom said. Lily rolled out of bed and went to go take a shower. "Noel you better be up." Mariah's mom yelled. "I am I just need to get ready." Noel yelled. "Ok hurry up so you two can eat breakfast." Mariah's mom yelled. "Ok" Noel yelled. Noel finished getting ready when she went downstairs. "I got you guys some fruit." Mariah's mom said. "Thank you." Noel said. Noel started eating the fruit when Lily came downstairs. "El can you braid my hair?" Lily asked. "Yea I can." Noel said. Noel braided Lily's hair when Mariah's mom grabbed their bags and put them in her car. "I don't want to leave." Lily said. "Grandma can always visit us." Noel said. "I know but I liked staying here even though you gave Mommy a concussion and you got sick." Lily said. "Yea but we still had fun." Noel said. "You two ready to go?" Mariah's mom said. "Yea" Noel said. Lily and Noel went to the car and got in. Once they arrived at the airport everyone said their goodbyes then Noel and Lily went inside. "I can't wait to see Mommy." Lily said. "You saw her three days ago." Noel said. "You two are good to go enjoy your flight." The lady at the desk said. "Thank you have a good day." Noel said. "You to" The lady at the desk said. Noel and Lily went through security and found their gate. "Can we call Mama?" Lily asked. "Yea hold on." Noel said as she sat down. "Use your iPad and call her." Noel said. "Ok" Lily said. Lily grabbed her IPad and FaceTimed Mariah. "Hey Girls." Mariah said. "Hi Mama" Lily said. "Hi Mom." Noel said. "Mariah who's on the phone?" Madison asked. "Noel and Lily come say hi." Mariah said. "Hey everything is going on right." Madison asked. "Yes we're fine." Noel said. "Ok text me when you're about to board." Madison said. "We gotta go so we can board before everyone else." Noel said. "Bye I'll text you when I'm on my way. You guys are suppose to land at 3:20 right?" Madison asked. "Yea I'll try and text you when we have about twenty minutes left of the flight now we really have to go." Noel said. "Ok be safe" Madison said. "Bye Mommy bye Mama." Lily said. "Bye mom." Noel said. "Bye girls." Mariah and Madison said. Madison and Mariah texted Noel that they loved them and then Noel and Lily followed the security guard to their seats. "Have a good flight." The security guard said. Noel just smiled and buckled her seatbelt. Lily buckled her seatbelt as well and then watched movies on her iPad. Noel fell asleep on Lily's shoulder so Lily grabbed Noel's phone and took a picture. "Noel wake up the flight attendant said there's twenty minutes left." Lily said as she shook Noel. "Use my phone and text mom." Noel said. "Ok" Lily said. "I said our flight lands in twenty minutes." Lily said. "Ok make sure you have everything since we have to get off of the plane first." Noel said. "Ok I have everything. Do you have everything?" Lily said. "Yes I do." Noel said. Once their plane landed Noel and Lily were the first ones off and then they headed to baggage claim to meet Madison and Mariah. "Is Mommy here yet?" Lily asked. "They're waiting by the baggage claim." Noel said. "I want chipotle." Lily groaned. "Me too I'll take us when we get home." Noel said. "Yea" Lily said. Noel and Lily grabbed their bags and saw Madison and Mariah waiting for them. "How was your flight?" Mariah asked. "It was good I took a really good nap." Noel said. "Did you not sleep at all last night?" Madison said. "Maybe for an hour I can't remember." Noel said. "Can we go now?" Lily said. "Yea come on." Mariah said.

Mariah and Lily were walking ahead of Madison and Noel so they couldn't hear the conversation at they were having. "Noel have you not been sleeping because of your back?" Madison asked. "Yea I don't know why it's been hurting maybe it didn't heal right or something." Noel said. "Well have you been taking your medicine?" Madison asked. "Yea it's been making me feel nauseous." Noel said. "Well when we get home I'll schedule a doctor's appointment for you." Madison said. "Mommy I'm hungry." Lily said. "Well I made food at home." Madison said. "What did you make?" Lily asked. "Why are you asking?" Madison said as she got into the car. "Because what if it's gross." Lily said. "I tired it and it was really good." Mariah said. "You say that about everything Mom makes." Noel said. "Mommy are you gonna marry Mama?" Lily asked out of nowhere. "That's a good question. Are you going to marry me?" Madison said. "I want to but we have to talk about it. Mariah said. "You guys could go to a courthouse and get married if you two don't want a huge wedding." Noel said. "We could do that I mean I don't really want a big wedding." Mariah said. "You two should let us throw you a wedding party in the backyard." Lily said. "You two can definitely do that." Mariah said. Once they arrived home Noel went inside and into the bathroom. Mariah followed while Lily dragged Madison outside to go play on the trampoline. "Lily I thought you were hungry." Madison said. "I am but I wanted to play on my trampoline." Lily said. Madison got off of the trampoline and went back inside. "Mommy come back." Lily said. "One second." Madison said. Madison was putting the pasta she made into a bowl so Lily could eat it. "Lily close your eyes I have a surprise for you." Madison said. Lily put her hands over her eyes and waited for Madison to come outside. Madison placed her laptop down and then put the bowl of pasta in Lily's lap. "Open your eyes." Madison said. "Spaghetti my favorite. And Moana my favorite movie." Lily said. "Scoot over so I can watch it with you." Madison said. "Wait for us." Mariah said. Noel and Mariah climbed onto the trampoline and sat next in the middle. "El did you throw up again?" Lily asked. "Yea but I feel better now." Noel said. Noel and Lily were eating the spaghetti Madison made while they were watching Moana. "Best movie day ever." Lily said. "You guys like the pasta right." Madison said. "Yea it's really good." Noel said. "I like it but I like Mamas better." Lily said. "I thought mine was better." Madison said. "Noel you feeling ok you have said much in the last five minutes." Mariah said. "She sleeping Mama." Lily said. Noel was curled up against Mariah sleeping. "Her back pain must be really bad if she's getting barely any sleep." Madison said. "It has to be." Mariah said. "I'm gonna go inside my butt hurts from sitting on the trampoline." Lily said. "You go inside I'll stay with Noel." Mariah said. Madison went inside with Lily while Mariah stayed with Noel. Noel started to wake up when her back started to hurt again. "Noel you ok?" Mariah asked. "I can't move it hurts so bad." Noel said. "Noel did you fall on your back at all?" Mariah asked. "I did right before me and Lily left we were playing on the trampoline when I did a flip and landed on my back really hard." Noel said. "I'm gonna call mom." Mariah said as she grabbed her phone. "Maddie Noel can't move at all can you come outside and help." Mariah said. Mariah hung up the phone and Madison came outside. "Did you try sitting her up?" Madison said. "She said it hurts too bad I think we should just call an ambulance." Mariah said. "Mommy" Lily said as she tugged on Madison's sweatshirt. "Not right now honey." Madison said. "Mom Lily's having an allergic reaction." Noel said. Lily's face was covered in hives her breathes were very shallow. "Mariah go call 911. And find Lily's epipen." Madison said. "Mom what did you put in the spaghetti?" Noel asked. "It was the sauce it had pecans in it." Madison said. "An ambulance should be here with in about 5 minutes I also told them about Noel they said she can ride with Lily." Mariah said. "Did you find her epipen?" Madison asked. "I did bring her over here." Mariah said. Madison carried Lily over to Mariah and went back by Noel. "Help me up" Noel said. "I don't need you to get even more hurt." Madison said. "Los Angeles Police Department" A police officer said as she knocked on the door. Mariah went to go open the door and the paramedics and police officers were waiting.

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