Chapter 11

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It's been a week since Noel and Mia got home from the hospital and things at the Bailey household have been a little crazy. Madison and Mariah ended up catching what Lily and Gracie had but a lot worse. Mariah is all better but Madison still has a fever and occasionally vomiting every now and then. Anyways the girls have been loving living with Madison and Mariah so much that they decided to surprise them. "Mia hurry up there almost home." Noel whispered. "I'm hurrying" Mia said. Mia was quickly setting up the balloons and while the littles were holding confetti poppers. "There here turn the lights off." Lily said. Noel turned the lights off and hid behind the wall. "Girls were home" Mariah said. "Surprise" The girls said as they shot off the confetti poppers. "Woah what is all of this" Madison said still a little stuffed up. "Well we wanted to surprise you guys with some little gifts since you both have been sick and really good caretakers." Mia said. "Ooo we got matching pjs" Madison said. "Thanks girls but you guys don't have to get us stuff every time we're sick." Mariah said. "You guys don't like it" Gracie said. "No it's not that it's just" Mariah said as she quickly stopped herself from talking. All the girls ended up walking outside to the backyard and started practicing their tumbling. "I think the they're mad at me" Mariah said. "Yea just a little." Madison said. "How do I make them not be mad at me." Mariah said. "Tell them the truth." Madison said as she blowed her nose. "What am I suppose to say"Mariah said. "I don't know whatever the truth is." Madison said. "Whatever you do tell them to come back inside it's getting late and they need to get ready for school." Madison said. "Ok" Mariah said. Mariah walked outside and told the girls to come inside. The girls came inside and sat next to Madison. "Gracie and Lily go shower while Noel and Mia make lunches." Mariah said. The girls didn't move since they were ignoring Mariah. "Go shower and make lunches" Madison said. The girls went their separate ways while Mariah grabbed out the leftovers. "El are you making the sandwiches?" Mia asked. "Yea can you do fruit and snacks" Noel asked. "I was already doing that" Mia said.

Mia and Noel finished making everyone's lunches and went to go take there showers. "Mommy can you help us" Lily called out. "I'm coming." Madison said. "Wait for me" Mariah said as she followed Madison. Mariah and Madison went upstairs into Lily's room and saw her struggling to braid her hair. "Do you want help?" Mariah asked. "I want mommy's help not yours" Lily said. Madison helped Lily while Gracie just stood there. "Gracie" Mariah whispered. "Fine" Gracie said. Mariah started braiding Gracie's hair as she was braiding her hair she saw Madison run out of the room. "Maddie" Mariah said. Madison ran into her bathroom and threw up in the toilet. "Mommy" Lily and Gracie said. "Mom are you ok?" Noel said since she was braiding her hair in Madison's bathroom. "I'm fine I just need some water." Madison said. "Mom you just threw up buckets I thought you were feeling better."Noel said. "I swear I was it's just" Madison said as she was cut off by puking again. "You lied to Lily and Gracie so they wouldn't be sad" Noel said as she rubbed Madison's back. "How did you know?" Madison said. "I just do. Now please take your medicine". Noel said. "Do I have to" Madison whined. "Yes you have a fever and vomiting. I told Mom to bring it she should be here in a minute." Noel said. Noel helped Madison up off the floor and onto her bed. "Take this it should help with your fever." Mariah said. Mariah handed Madison the pill and some water. "Get some sleep I'll handle the girls for the rest of the night." Mariah said. "Mommy!" Lily and Gracie said with excitement. Gracie and Lily ran and jumped on Madison's bed. "Oh no" Madison said as she covered her mouth. Madison walked  into the bathroom and threw up again. Mariah went into the bathroom and waited for Madison to stop throwing up while Noel took Lily and Gracie out of Madison's room. "Is Mom ok?" Mia asked.

"She puking her guts out at the moment. But other than that she should be fine." Noel said. "Did we make mommy throw up again?"Gracie asked. "I don't think so. Her medicine just hasn't kicked in yet." Noel said. "Oh. Can you finish my hair". Lily asked. All the girls went into Noel and Mia's room so they could finish the braids Mariah and Madison started. Once the Noel and Mia finished there was a knock at the door. "Come in" Mia said. "Hey girls can I talk to you all" Mariah said as she opened the door. "I guess" Noel said. "I wanted to apologize for earlier when you guys got us our little gift baskets. I'm sorry if I made you guys feel some type of way." Mariah said. "It's ok but I'm guessing we're doing to much with the gifts" Noel said. "No it's just we never give you anything in return." Mariah said. "Mom it's fine you guys have given us a lot already." Noel said. "Really" Mariah said. "Yes now go check on mom please." Noel said. Mariah gave the girls a hug and went to go check on Madison. "Thanks for braiding my hair" Gracie said. "You're welcome G" Mia said. Gracie and Lily went into their room and went to bed while Noel and Mia just stayed up. "Hey El" Mia said. "Yea?" Noel said. "Do you think Sophia and her friends will invite us to her party?" Mia said. "Hopefully but I don't think she likes me since my mom is famous." Noel said. "Maybe we shouldn't go then since she doesn't like us." Mia said. "I think we should just stay here." Noel said. "Alright well I'm going to sleep. Night" Noel said. "Night" Mia said as she turned off the light.

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