Chapter 16

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Noel woke up before Madison so she could get ready for their flight. "Mom" Noel yelled. Madison didn't answer so Noel got up to go check on her. "Mom" Noel said as she was walking into Madison's room. Noel walked in and saw her dad standing right in the door frame. "This is just my imagination you're in jail." Noel said. "Am I in?" Noel's dad said. "What did you do with mom?" Noel said. "Oh I'll show you." Noel's dad said. Noel's dad grabbed Noel by her hair and took her to where Madison was. "She's bleeding." Noel said. Madison was holding her stomach since had just been stabbed. "Mom" Noel said. "Noel wake up." A random voice said. The voice was Madison shaking Noel since she was screaming. Noel woke up and was hyperventilating. "You're ok you had a nightmare." Madison said. "You're not dead." Noel said as she gave Madison a hug. "I died." Madison said. "In my dream" Noel said. "Alright we have to get ready since our flight leaves at 9 but I want us to be able to get through security and everything." Madison said. "Ok I'm gonna go shower." Noel said. "Ok I'm gonna make sure we have everything packed." Madison said. Noel got up and went into the bathroom. Noel was looking at herself in the mirror and she kept looking at one of the scars she got from her dad when she was younger. "El I got you some" Madison said as she walked into the bathroom. "Mom I didn't see you there." Noel said as she covered her scar. "Noel is that from your dad?" Madison asked. "Yea it was like five years ago which is in the past." Noel said. "Now get out so I can shower please." Noel said as she started pushing Madison out of the bathroom. "I'll be downstairs." Madison said. "Ok I'll come down when I'm done." Noel said. Noel got into the shower and did her normal routine. "El come on we're going to be late." Madison yelled. "El" Madison yelled. Madison went upstairs and knocked on Noel's bedroom door. "Noel are you ok?" Madison said. Madison opened the door and saw Noel standing in the middle of her room crying. "El what's wrong?" Madison asked. Noel just hugged Madison since she didn't know what else to do. "Come on let's go." Madison said. Madison and Noel walked downstairs and took their bags to the car. "Is riding a plane scary?" Noel asked. "Not really" Madison said. Noel and Madison got into their Uber and just talked. "Can we get food when get there?" Noel asked. "Yea if we aren't too late." Madison said. "We're literally two hours early." Noel said. "Security is gonna take forever." Madison said. The car stoped in front of the airport and security was already waiting outside for Madison and Noel. "Thank you." Noel and Madison said.

Noel and Madison walked inside the airport and went through security. After that the security guards left so Madison and Noel could get on their flight. "What if Mariah's family doesn't like me." Noel said. "I'm pretty sure they'll like you." Madison said. "Are you sure?" Noel said. "I'm positive." Madison said. "Ok" Noel said. Noel was on her computer doing schoolwork while Madison fell asleep on her shoulder. Noel took a picture and then posted it on her instagram story. The pilot had just announced that the plane was going to land in ten minutes so Noel woke up Madison. "Mom" Noel said as she shook Madison. "Mom the planes gonna land in like ten minutes." Noel said. "Ok" Madison said as she yawned. The plane landed and Noel and Madison waited for everyone to get off before they did. "Mom who's picking us up?" Noel asked. "We're ubering." Madison said. "Oh how nice." Noel whispered to herself. Madison and Noel got off of the plane and headed to baggage claim. "I'm hungry" Noel whined. "Again" Madison said. "Yes can we get food when we get there." Noel asked. "Mariah's mom said she made pizza with Lily,Gracie,and Mia." Madison said. "That sounds nice" Noel said. Noel and Madison grabbed their bags and headed outside to wait for their Uber. "You stopped getting headaches right." Madison asked. "I'm still getting them but they don't feel like they did when I had my concussion". Noel said. Once their Uber arrived Madison and Noel got in and told the driver where they were going. The Uber stopped in front of the house Mariah and her family were staying at. Right as Noel and Madison were getting out of the car Lily ran outside. "Noel's here." Lily yelled. Lily ran up to Noel and gave her a hug. "Hi Lil" Noel said. "We're matching." Lily said. "I know" Noel said. Mariah came outside and helped Madison with her bags. "Noel you aren't going to believe this." Mia said as she walked up to Noel. "What?" Noel said. "Ok Sam told Sophie who told Ellie who Lia who told Emily who told me that Lucas and Logan are trying to get with us." Mia said. "Really" Noel said. "Yes have you not checked the group chat?" Mia said. "No I was on a plane." Noel said. Noel brought her bags inside and followed Mia into the room she was staying in. "Lucas is the older brother right." Noel said. "Yes which means if you get with him and I get with Logan." Mia said. "Our delusions can finally come true." Noel said. "Wait you didn't tell mom did you?" Mia said. "No." Noel said. "Who's Lucas." Madison said as she opened the door. "Who's Logan?" Mariah said. "Both of you get out." Noel and Mia said as they were pushing Madison and Mariah out of the room. "Noel has a boyfriend." Lily said. "Shut up" Noel said. Noel slammed the door and laid down on the bed.

"You seem off. What's wrong?" Mia said. "A lot of things are wrong with me. But Coach Amy told me I was fat and then said I needed to lose weight then I had a nightmare where my dad killed Mom and then i can't stop crying." Noel said as she started crying. "El it's ok." Mia said. "I know it's just mom died right in front of me and then he hit me." Noel said. "I'm so sorry". Mia said. "You can't tell mom I don't want them to worry about me." Noel said. "Yea well mom been up my ass ever since we got here she won't stop asking me if I'm feeling sad or if I'm skipping meals." Mia said. "Mom's been doing that to me too. I think they're looking at our files more." Noel said. "Didn't mom bring them with her to you know show the family." Mia said. "Why are they showing the family?" Noel said. "Just so they know more about our past I guess." Mia said. "Oh well I'm going out in the backyard to tumble." Noel said. Noel got up and grabbed something out of her backpack. "Wait for me." Mia said. Noel and Mia went downstairs and quickly went out in the backyard. "Woah your kids didnt even say hi." Mariah's mom said. "Umm they've been having attitudes lately." Mariah said. "Well they both seem pretty good at tumbling." Mariah's mom said. "Yea they were both on the cheer team at school." Madison said. Madison got up and went to go check on Noel and Mia. "Noel whats this." Madison said as she was holding up a shirt. "A t-shirt" Noel said. "I didn't buy this for you." Madison said. "I know Lucas bought it for me." Noel said. "Well it's cute I guess." Madison said. "It really isn't but I don't want to tell him that and I told him I would take a picture with it on and send it him." Noel said. "Well did you send him the picture." Madison said. "Yea he said I looked cute in it." Noel said. "I don't think I looked cute in it but it's fine." Noel said. "Come inside and say hi to everyone." Madison said. Noel and Mia walked inside and said hi to everyone. "Noel try some of my pizza I made." Lily said. "I'm not hungry." Noel said. "Try it." Lily said. "No" Noel said. "Have mom try it." Noel said. "Fine" Lily said. "I'll try it if Noel tries it." Madison said. Noel took a piece of Lily's pizza and so did Madison. "Lily why did you put so much pepperoni on it." Noel said as she was taking a bite of the pizza. "Because I love pepperoni." Lily said. "Is it good?" Lily asked. "Yea it's really good." Noel said. Noel kept eating Lily's pizza and Madison was eating Gracie's. "Mommy can we get ice cream?" Gracie asked. "There's ice cream here." Mariah said. "Oh" Gracie said. Gracie and Lily ran into the kitchen to get ice cream while Noel, Mia,Mariah,and Madison were sitting in the living room. "So how was the talk with the principal?" Mariah said. "You told her." Noel said. "I only told her that the principal talked to you." Madison said. "Well what did he say?" Mariah said. "That I'm a bad influence for the cheer team because I was pregnant." Noel said. "How are you a bad influence?" Mariah said. "I don't know and I really don't care anymore." Noel said. "What did Amy said." Mia asked. "Nothing really." Madison said. "She called fat and told me I should lose weight." Noel said. Noel started crying since she was having trouble processing the fact her old cheer coach called her fat. Noel went upstairs and into the room her and Mia were staying in. "I'm gonna go get some ice cream."Mia said.

"She said all of that to Noel?" Mariah asked. "Yea and the principal thinks I'm not a good mom. I'm a good mom right." Madison said. "You're an amazing mom." Jadyn said. (Mariah's sister). "Are you sure?" Madison said. "Yes Maddie." Jadyn said as she was sitting down. Noel came back downstairs with her face red and puffy from all the crying she had been doing. "El what's wrong." Mariah said. "Sophie told me that Lucas actually said I looked ugly in the shirt he bought for me and he called me a s l u t." Noel cried. "What's a slut." Gracie said. "Something you should not be saying." Mia said. "Oh is it a bad word?" Lily asked. "It's not a word someone your age should be saying." Mia said. "Let's go upstairs and watch a movie." Jadyn said. "Can we watch mommy's show?" Lily asked. "Does she let you watch it at home?" Jadyn asked as she was closing her room door. "El come here?" Madison said. Noel sat next to Madison on the couch and cried into her arms. "El Lucas and Logan aren't the best guys to be dating." Mariah said. "I know I've been talking to this girl anyways so I guess it's not a big deal. Noel hiccuped. "A girl?" Mariah and Madison said. "Yes she was on the cheer team." Noel said. "Wait is it." Mia said. "Maybe" Noel said. "I want all the details now." Mia said. Mia grabbed Noel's arms and dragged her upstairs. "Wait for me." Mariah said as she was following Noel and Mia upstairs. "Mariah don't go up there". Mariah's mom said. "But I want to know." Mariah whined. "Just wait till they tell you and you owe me twenty bucks." Mariah's mom said. "Do I have to give you twenty dollars". Mariah said. "We made a bet." Mariah's mom said. "What bet?" Madison said. "That Noel is gay." Mariah said. "I knew way before you guys." Madison said. "How" Mariah said. "It's a mom thing." Madison said as she took the twenty out of Mariah's hand. "Maddie" Mariah said.

A/N:lmk if you guys are like the book so far!!

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