Chapter 1

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A week after Noel and Lily started living with Madison and Mariah. TW:this is will mention sexual assault.

"Noel" Lily whispered as she shook her awake. "Lily go back to sleep" Noel said. "I can't" Lily said. "Why?" Noel said. "I had a bad dream again." Lily cried. "Do you want to sleep with me?" Noel asked. Lily just laid next to Noel and cried. "Do you want to tell me about your dream?" Noel said. "Yea but I want Maddie and Mariah." Lily said. "Ok go get them I'll wait here." Noel said. Lily then hoped out of Noel's bed and walked into Madison's and Mariah's room. "Wake up" Lily yelled. Madison and Mariah woke up very startled. "Lily what's wrong?" Mariah asked. "She had a nightmare." Noel said as she walked into Madison's and Mariah's room. Noel then helped Lily onto Madison's bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" Madison asked. "Daddy came back and he hit me again." Lily cried. "Well he isn't going to come back." Madison said. "How do you know?" Noel asked. "Umm Sam told me" Madison said. " what did she say?" Noel asked. "She told me he was arrested for child abuse." Madison said. Noel didn't a peep she just walked out of the room. "Noel wait" Mariah called out. "Leave me alone." Noel yelled. Mariah followed Noel to her room she slammed the door shut. "Is Noel mad?" Lily asked. "I think she just needs some time to herself" Mariah said. "She always has time to herself and she never plays with me anymore." Lily said. "She is older than you Lily." Mariah said. "Well I wished she played with me." Lily said as she laid next to Mariah. "I'm gonna go check on Noel." Mariah said as she got out of bed. Lily was clinging onto her shirt which made Mariah stop walking. "Lily I'll be right back. You can lay with Maddie ok." Mariah said as she picked Lily up and placed her next to Maddie.

Mariah then knocked on Noel's door and waited for her to answer. "Noel can I come in?" Mariah asked. There was no answer. Which made Mariah worry so she opened the door and saw Noel sitting on her bed with her knees in her chest just sobbing. "Noel what's wrong?" Mariah asked as she sat next to Noel. "Nothing now just leave me alone." Noel said. "Noel I know something's wrong. So please just tell me." Mariah said. "I can't tell you." Noel cried. "Why?" Mariah asked. "Because I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone." Noel whispered. "Did you dad touch you before you guys came to live with us?" Mariah asked. Noel just shook her head and started to cry even more. Mariah then gave Noel a huge hug and let her cry into her chest for as long as she needed too. "Do you want to tell Maddie what happened?" Mariah asked. "Yea but before you tell her I just want to say that I haven't gotten my...period in three months." Noel said. "Wait when did he you know." Mariah said. "Four months ago." Noel said. "Oh do you want to take a test?" Mariah asked. Noel just shook her head yes and cried even more. "I'll go get Maddie brb." Mariah said as she got up from Noel's bed.

Mariah then walked back into her and Maddie's room. When she walked in she saw Maddie watching tangled with Lily asleep on her lap. "Hey. Noel wants to talk to you." Mariah whispered. "Ok can you stay here with Lily. She's already had two nightmares again so just make sure she doesn't have a panic attack again." Madison said as she got up. Once Mariah switched spots with her,she walked into Noel's room. "Noel?" Maddie said as she sat next to her. "Did Mariah tell you?" Noel asked. "No she just told me that you had something to tell me." Madison said. Noel took a breath and then said "my dad assaulted me four months ago and I haven't gotten my period in three months." Madison was speechless until Noel asked her to say something. "Please don't give me back." Noel begged. "I would never give you back. And I mean never. You and your sister deserve to have a place where you can call home." Madison said. "I know but what if I am pregnant. And I'm not even pregnant with a cute guys baby I'm pregnant with his baby." Noel said. "Hey no matter what me and Mariah are here to support you." Madison said. "Thank you." Noel whispered. Madison just hugged Noel and rubbed her back. "We can get a test later today since all the stores are closed." Madison said. "Ok. Do you guys have any pickles?" Noel asked. "Yea do you want some?" Madison said. "Yes" Noel said with excitement. "Alright come on." Madison said as she got up.

Madison and Noel walked into the kitchen and grabbed some bowls. Madison grabbed the pickles while Noel sat down at the table. As Madison opened the pickles it made Noel feel sick. Noel then ran over to the sink and vomited. Madison quickly put the pickles down and walked over to help her. "I guess pickles are a no then." Maddie said. "Yea I think I'll just eat some grapes." Noel said as she grabbed a paper towel to wipe her mouth. "Alright I'll get the grapes for you." Maddie said. Noel just gave a thumbs up and sat back down at the table. "Here are your grapes and some water." Maddie said. "Thanks mo-Maddie." Noel said. "Your welcome. Just make sure you sleep with a bucket just incase you have to throw up again." Maddie said. "Ok do you have one by any chance?" Noel asked. "Yea I'll grab it for you." Maddie said. Madison went to grab the bucket out of the hall close. When she came back she saw that Noel fell asleep at the table. "Noel" Maddison said as she shook her. Noel woke up and realized that she had fell asleep. "I think I'm gonna go back to bed." Noel said. "Ok do you want me to stay with you?" Madison asked. "Could you please?" Noel asked. Madison grabbed Noel's hand and walked her back to her room. Noel laid down on her bed while Madison placed the bucket on the floor. "Maddie do you think you would adopt me and Lily?" Noel asked. "Of course I would and I know Mariah would want to as well." Madison said. "Ok good night." Noel said as she yawned. "Good night." Madison said as she laid down to go to sleep.

Tw:this book will mention sexual assault and teenaged pregnancy if you do not like that stuff then you don't have to read it.

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