Chapter 3

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Madison had just arrived at the emergency room so she ran inside and told them she needed help. A few nurses and doctors ran outside with her. "Ma'am can you tell me what's happening." A doctor asked. "She was having really bad stomach pain and then she just started bleeding." Madison said. "Is she on her period?" The same doctor asked. "No but she is pregnant." Madison said. The doctors then wheeled her inside and took her to a room. "Ma'am you need to wait here." A nurse said as she stopped Madison. "How about you go move your car and when you come back I'll help you clean the back seat." The same nurse said. Madison just agreed and went outside to move her car. She found a parking spot close to the entrance and saw the nurse from before come outside. "Here I found these sponges and wipes. I hope these help." The nurse said. "Thank you" Madison said trying not to cry. "Hey don't cry." The nurse said as she gave Maddie a hug. "But what if I never see her again." Madison cried. "Don't think like that. You need to stay positive." The nurse said. "You know my daughter Olivia went through the same thing. And she survived the baby didn't but she did and that's all that matters." The nurse said. Madison just kept crying and crying until she started to wipe her backseat down. "Well I'm going to leave you here and I'll see you soon." The nurse said and walked away. Madison wiped her backseat down and when she finished she threw everything away and went back inside. Madison just scrolled on instagram and saw Mariah story. Her story had a video of Lily trying to push Mariah who was siting in a laundry basket. Madison reposted it on her story and then she got off of her phone. "Madison?" A nurse said as she walked over to her. "Yes?" Madison said. "Would you like to see Noel now?" The nurse said. "Yes please." Madison said as she stood up. Madison followed the nurse and they both headed to Noel's room. "She might be a little loopy since we gave her morphine for the pain. We also gave her some blood and she lost the baby." The nurse said. "Oh will she be ok?" Madison asked. "Yea her hormones still might be unbalanced for a few weeks but after that she'll be back to normal." The nurse said. "Ok thank you". Madison said. "Your welcome and you can have visitors come in and see her if you would like." The nurse said and then walked out.

Madison walked into Noel's room and saw her watching tv. "Hey you feeling better?" Madison asked. "A little bit my cramps don't hurt as bad as before." Noel said. "Well that's good" Madison said. Noel then scooted over to try and signal to Madison she could sit down. Madison sat down next to Noel and didn't say anything. "Did you see Mariah's story?" Noel said trying to break the silence. "Yea it was really cute." Madison said. Noel just laid against Madison's shoulder and cried. "What's wrong?" Madison whispered. "I lost the baby." Noel cried. "I know but at least you didn't die." Madison said. "I guess that's good." Noel said as she grabbed a tissue. "Is the backseat still a mess? I can clean it for you." Noel said. "Noel it's ok I cleaned it earlier." Madison said. "Oh. Do you know when I can leave?" Noel asked. "I think tomorrow" Madison said. "Can you ask them if I could leave now I want to go home." Noel said as she started to panic. "I'll ask the doctor when they come back in". Madison said. Noel just whispered thank you and laid back down. The doctor then came into the room. "Alright Noel everything seems to be ok so you can get ready to go. I just need your sister to fill out your discharge papers." The doctors said. "Follow me ma'am." The doctor said. Madison followed the doctor and went to sign the papers while Noel got dressed. Noel was trying to put her shirt on but started to struggle since she was still hooked up to the iv. "Do you want some help?" The nurse asked. "Yes" Noel said as she put her shirt down. The nurse helped Noel with her shirt and then unhooked the iv. "You ready to go?" Madison asked as she came back in the room. "Yea" Noel whispered. Madison and Noel walked out of the room and headed to the car.

"Do you want something to eat?" Madison asked. Noel didn't answer she just sat there and cried. Madison just drove home and the car ride was silent. Once Madison parked the car Noel ran inside. "Noel your back" Lily said with excitement. Lily ran up to Noel and gave her a hug. "Are you ok?" Lily asked. "I'm ok now that I get to see you again." Noel said. Madison then walked in and she saw Noel and Lily hugging. Mariah was taking a video. "Lily you gotta let go so I can go shower." Noel said as she tried to put Lily down. Lily didn't let go which made Noel a little aggravated. "Lilliana let go now." Noel yelled. Lily then let go and ran into Madison's arms. Noel just walked away and headed to the bathroom. "Lily are you feeling ok?" Madison asked. "I think she's getting sick." Mariah said. "What do you mean?" Madison said. "In her file it says that she gets clingy whenever she starts to get sick." Mariah said. Lily just laid in Madison's arms and cried. "I think she is getting sick." Madison said as she felt her forehead. Noel then walked out of the bathroom brushing her hair. "Maddie is this part straight?" Noel asked. "It looks straight to me." Madison said. Noel then started to dutch braid her hair. "Noel your really good at braiding." Mariah said. "Yea one of my foster moms taught me. I can braid any hair type pretty good." Noel said as she put a hair tie on the end of one her braids. "Can you braid my hair?" Lily asked. "Yea" Noel said. Noel finished braiding her hair and then she started on lily's. "Do you want french,dutch,or regular?" Noel asked. "You pick." Lily said. Noel decided to do french braids on Lily while Mariah and Madison just watched. "Noel do you want the rest of these grapes?" Mariah asked as she got up to get a snack. "Please I'm starving". Noel said. "I can make you a sandwich if you want." Mariah said. "I don't really care I just want food." Noel said as she finished Lily's braids. "Thank you El." Lily said. "Your welcome" Noel said. Lily then got up and walked to her room. "Lily getting sick." Noel said as she ate the grapes Mariah brought her. "You and Maddie said that." Mariah said. "Yea she's being super clingy and she didn't even ask me for one of my grapes. And she loves grapes." Noel said. "When you say sick do you mean like a fever or—." Madison asked. "The flu and stomach flu." Noel said. "At the same time" Mariah said. "Yep. I'll help you guys take care of her don't worry." Noel said. "Then I'll get sick right after her." Noel said. "How nice" Madison said. After that everyone went to there rooms and called it a night.

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