Chapter 6

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Noel and Lily were still asleep while Madison and Mariah were making breakfast. "You think we should tell the girls that were adopting them?" Madison said as she grabbed some grapes out of the fridge. "I think we should." Mariah said. Mariah walked over to Noel and Lily's room and knocked on the door. "Lily Noel wake up" Mariah said. "We're already up" Noel said as she opened her door. "Good we made breakfast." Mariah said. Noel and Lily walked into the kitchen and saw waffles and grapes. "Grapes!" Lily said with excitement. "Woah Lily wash your hands before you eat." Noel said as she stopped Lily from running to the grapes. "I don't want to wash my hands." Lily stated. Noel just picked Lily up and brought her over to the sink. "Wash your hands!" Noel said. Lily washed her hands but was mad at Noel the whole time. "Meanie" Lily whispered. "bit-" Noel said but slowly stopped herself. Lily and Noel grabbed themselves food and sat down at the table. "Aren't you guys gonna eat with us?" Noel asked. "How there's only two seats?" Lily said. "Maddie can have my seat and you can sit on Mariah's lap." Noel said as she was getting up. Lily got up and let Mariah sit down. Maddie also sat down where Noel was before and watched Noel sit on the ground. Lily sat on Mariah's lap and ate her grapes. Noel sat over on the couch and watched tv. "What are you watching?" Madison asked. "My favorite show" Noel replied. "Which is?" Madison asked. "Obx" Noel said. "Who's your favorite character?" Madison asked. "Well I have a list." Noel said. "Ok tell me." Madison said as she batted her eyes. "Sarah is number one. Cleo is number two, Pope is number three, John B is number four, JJ is number five, Rafe is number seven, and Kiara is number eight." Noel said. "Number eight?" Madison questioned. Lily and Mariah were laughing while Noel just looked at her phone. "How am I number eight?" Madison asked. "Well your the hottest girl on the show...." Noel said. "Oh wow that makes me feel better." Madison said as she walked away. "The both of you need to get ready so we can go house shopping." Mariah said. "Didn't you guys look at houses last week." Noel said. "Yes but you two need to come with us." Mariah said. "Why" Lily whined. "Because you guys have to help us pick the house." Mariah said. "We" Noel said. "You two can go we'll just be here watching Netflix." Noel said. "Yea today is a sister hangout day." Lily said as she gave Noel her bowl of grapes. Mariah just took Noel's grapes and walked out. "Hey we were eating those." Noel said. Lily grabbed the remote and turned on a movie.

"Hey are the girls going with us?" Madison asked as she was putting on her makeup. "No they said today is a sister hangout day." Mariah said. "Oh well I guess that means we can just go to the store and finish putting there gift baskets together." Madison said. "Wait so we aren't going house shopping?" Mariah asked. "Mariah we picked a house we liked last week why would go look at more." Madison said. "So we can keep our options open." Mariah said. "Well we aren't so hurry up and get ready." Madison said. Mariah grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom. "Mommy" Lily called out. "Hold on" Madison said as she was walking out of her room. "What's wrong?" Madison asked. "Nothing we just want hugs." Lily said. Lily and Noel had their arms open ready to give Madison a hug. Noel and Lily hugged Madison and as they were hugging her she felt Noel and Lily start to lay on her. "Girls this is very cute but I really need to finish getting ready." Madison said. "You can't leave." Noel said as she hugged Madison tighter. "Hey you ready to go?" Mariah asked as she was putting her hat on. "I don't think I can get up." Madison said as she was pointing at Noel and Lily wrapped around her body. "Well I guess I'll go check out the "houses" then." Mariah said. "Ok have fun." Madison said as she tried to get comfortable. Mariah grabbed her keys and walked out while Madison turned on Moana since it was Lily's favorite movie. "Moana" Lily said as she got up from laying on Madison's chest. Noel just stayed there and let Madison braid her hair. "El you seem upset. Do you want to talk?" Madison asked. "I'm fine" Noel said as she quickly sat up. "Are you sure?" Madison asked. Noel did say anything she just gave Madison a look. Madison got up off of the couch and motioned for Noel to follow her. Noel followed her into her room and they both sat on the ground. "What's wrong?" Madison asked. "You can't get mad at me but... I overheard you and Mariah talking about adopting me and Lily and I want to know if it's true." Noel said. "It's true but the papers are taking a long time to go through." Madison said. "What happens if the papers don't go through?" Noel asked. "I'm not sure." Madison said. "Mommy your phone is ringing." Lily yelled. Lily brought Madison her phone and she realized it was Mariah. "Hi Mama" Lily said as she snatched Madison's phone from her hand.

"Hi baby" Mariah said as she waved to Lily. "Hey I'm on my way back I'll see you guys in a few." Mariah said. "Bye mama" Lily said. "Bye mom" Noel said. Madison hung up the phone and tried to get up but Noel and Lily wouldn't let her. "Get off of me." Madison said as she tried to push Noel off of her. "No" Noel said. "Please" Madison said. Noel and Lily just laid on top of Madison while she just took a video of them. "When's mama gonna be home?" Lily asked. "She should be home any mintue." Madison said. "Ok" Lily said as she get off of Madison. "Noel please get off of me so I can use the bathroom." Madison said. Noel got off of Madison and moved over by Lily. Madison got up and went to the bathroom. "Do you think Mommy and Mama are gonna adopt us?" Lily asked. "I think so." Noel said. "What if they don't and then we go back to living with daddy." Lily said. "Mommy and Mama are going to do everything they can to adopt us." Noel said. "Are sure because I don't want to go back to living away from each other." Lily said as she hugged Noel. "I'm sure and we aren't gonna live away from each other." Noel said as she hugged Lily. "Mama?" Lily said as she lifted her head up off of Noel's shoulder. "Hey girls" Mariah said as she was quickly wiping her face from the tears that had trickled down. Mariah and Madison went up to hug Noel and Lily but they stopped. "We have a surprise for you two in the kitchen." Mariah said. "Ooo what is it" Lily said with excitement. "It's a surprise I can't tell you." Mariah said. "But we need you both to put on blindfolds." Madison said as she handed Noel and Lily sleeping masks to put over there eyes. Noel and Lily put the masks on and held onto Mariah's and Madison's hand as they walked out into the kitchen. "Are we getting a puppy?" Lily asked. "Lily we can't get a puppy because your allergic." Noel said. "Oh" Lily said. "Can we take them off now?" Noel asked. "Yes but do it at the same time." Madison said. Noel and Lily both counted to three and took their blindfolds off. "Woah we got matching outfits." Noel said. "Look I got a iPad." Lily said. "I got a new phone" Noel said. "Wait why are you guys getting us all this stuff? Are you guys tricking us?" Noel said. "We aren't but open the envelopes that are on the table." Mariah said. Noel and Lily grabbed the envelopes and opened them. "It's just a piece of paper" Lily said. "You have to read the piece of paper." Mariah said. Noel screamed and started crying. "Wait is this for real" Noel cried. "I have two moms." Lily screamed as she jumped up and down. Both of the girls hugged Mariah and Madison very tight. "We got adopted" Noel and Lily kept singing over and over. "Are you guys hungry?" Mariah asked. "Yes. Can we go eat now?" Lily asked. "Yea" Mariah said. Noel and Lily ran to the counter and grabbed there food Mariah brought. "Noel took my breadstick." Lily cried. "Well she took my breadstick." Noel said. "No I didn't" Lily said. "Yes you did." Noel argued back. Both Noel and Lily kept arguing until Madison took two breadsticks and gave one to each to Noel and Lily so they both would stop fighting. "There now both of you can be happy and eat." Madison said. Noel and Lily sat down at the dining table and ate their pasta while Madison and Mariah took a picture of them. "Are we actually moving?" Lily asked. "No we just said that so you two wouldn't ruin our surprise." Mariah said. Mariah and Madison then grabbed food for themselves and ate dinner with there two new daughters.

A/n:what should the next chapter be about??

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