Chapter 2

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It was the next morning and Noel was in the bathroom vomiting. "Hey did you check the tests results?" Madison asked. "No my I've been throwing up for the past five minutes." Noel said. Mariah and Lily then walked into the bathroom. "El I brought you some water." Lily said. "Thank you." Noel said. Noel took a sip of the water while everyone sat around her. "Ok I'm gonna flip the tests over in 3 2 1." Noel said as she flipped the tests over. The three tests read positive which made Noel cry. "Hey it's ok." Madison said as she gave Noel a hug. "I'm pregnant with my fathers baby and I don't know what to do." Noel cried. "Noel this your choice and whatever you decide me and Mariah will support you." Madison said trying to reassure Noel. "Really?" Noel said. "Yea" Mariah said as she gave her a hug. Mariah and Lily walked out of the bathroom while Noel and Madison stayed in the bathroom. "Noel are you sure your ok?" Madison asked. "Yea I'm fine." Noel said as she wiped her face. Noel then walked out of the bathroom and went to her room. Madison then got up from the floor and sat with Mariah. "How's Noel doing?" Mariah asked. "I'm not sure. I think she's still trying too process." Madison said. "Yea she might need a few days to process all of this." Mariah said. Madison just agreed and decided to make Lily some lunch. "Lily can you come here please." Madison yelled. Lily came a running out of her room and into the living room. As Lily was running into the living room she stubbed her toe on the couch. "Lily are you ok?" Mariah asked as she saw Lily stub her toe. Lily started to cry so Mariah picked her up and asked her how bad it hurts. "Really bad" Lily cried. Madison came over and looked at Lily's toe. "It looks like it's bleeding." Madison said. "Can you grab her a bandaid?" Mariah asked. "Yea" Madison said as she went to get the bandaid. Mariah then put Lily down on the couch and grabbed a paper towel. She used the paper towel to wipe some of the blood off. "Here" Madison said as she gave Mariah the bandaid. Mariah opened the bandaid and put it on Lily's toe. "Does that feel better?" Mariah asked. Lily just cuddled into Mariah's chest and Madison continued to make her and Noel's lunch.

"Noel" Madison called out. "Coming" Noel said. Noel came walking into the kitchen and saw Mariah holding Lily and Madison making sandwiches. "What do you want" Noel said. "I'm making Lily lunch do you want any?" Madison asked. "No I'm good." Noel said as she started to gag. Noel then ran into the bathroom and completely emptied her entire stomach into the toilet. Mariah put Lily down on the couch and ran into the bathroom. "Want some water? Mariah asked as she was rubbing Noel's back. "Yes please" Noel whispered. Mariah got up and went into the kitchen to grab Noel some water. "Here you go." Mariah said as she sat down next to Noel. "Thanks" Noel whispered. The bathroom had gone silent for a moment the only thing you could hear was Lily and Madison talking just outside the door. "Would you be mad at me if I kept the baby?" Noel said. "No" Mariah replied. "Are you sure? I don't want the baby to bother you guys." Noel said. "Noel it's your body me and Madison can't decide for you. If you want to have the baby then have the baby and if you don't then you don't." Mariah said. "Ok well I want to have the baby." Noel said. "Ok I'm fine with that. I can tell Madison if you want me too." Mariah said. "It doesn't matter." Noel said as she was getting up. Noel then walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen. "I made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Madison said. "Thank you" Noel replied. Noel then took the plate off of the counter and walked over to Lily. Noel then sat next to Lily and Madison. "Mommy I'm finished." Lily said. Madison and Mariah looked at each other in shock. "What did you say?" Madison asked. "Mommy I'm finished." Lily said. "Put your plate in the sink." Madison said. Lily then got up and placed her plate in the sink and skipped back to her room. Noel had finished eating as well so she placed her plate in the sink and walked back to her room.

"Lily called me Mommy!" Madison whispered yelled. "I know she called me Mama earlier today." Mariah whispered yelled back. Madison and Mariah just laid on the couch and scrolled on instagram. "Mom can I talk to you?" Noel said as she walked over to Madison. "Sure" Madison said . "I think I'm gonna keep the baby." Noel said. "Ok we can set up appointments with a doctor tomorrow if you want." Madison said. "Ok. Your not mad?" Noel said. "No it's your body I have no control over what you do." Madison said. Noel just stayed silent until she got up from the couch. "Noel?" Madison asked. "Hmm" Noel said. "Your bleeding." Mariah chimed in. "What?" Noel said as she looked at the spot on the couch. "No this can't be happening." Noel said. Then out of no where Noel got a huge pain in her stomach. "Mom this really hurts" Noel cried. "Let's get you in the car." Madison said as she grabbed some towels. "Can you stay here with Lily?" Mariah said. "Yea" Mariah said. "Mom" Noel cried. "Come on let's go." Madison said as she helped Noel to the car. "Is the baby dying?" Noel cried. "I don't know honey." Madison said as she pulled out of the driveway. "Mom just incase anything happens to me. Just know that I love you and take care of Lily ple—." Noel said but passed out right before she could finish. "Noel Noel wake up." Madison yelled over and over. "I love you too." Madison said and kept driving.

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