Chapter 28

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Madison was sitting at home on the couch crying. Then there was knock on the door. Madison went to go open the door and it was her neighbor. "Hi can I help you?" Madison said trying not to show the fact she was crying. "I saw that there was an ambulance here so I just wanted to see if everything was ok." Her neighbor said. "Yea everything's fine." Madison said. "Are you sure I mean I saw Lily getting onto the stretcher and then Noel getting into a cop car did she hit you guys or something. I mean I've heard that she hits you guys." Her neighbor said. "Where did you hear that from?" Madison said. "Khloe next door when you guys were in Charleston she was there too and she saw Noel push you into the ground which gave you a concussion." Her neighbor said. "Amber you can't come around here saying horrible things about my daughters." Madison said. "They aren't even your kids." Amber said. "Neither are your kids aren't they your second husband's kids." Madison said. "I gave birth to one of them." Amber said. "No you did not everyone knows you're only with your husband for his money." Madison said. "You know what fuck you Madison." Amber said as she walked away. "Have a nice day." Madison said. Madison shut the door and then sat back down on the couch. Mariah had texted her that she can come to the hospital now but she said that she should just stay the night with Noel and Lily. Madison did pack a bag for Noel,Lily,and Mariah then brought it to the hospital. Once she got to the hospital she went into the room where Noel was first. "Mom you're finally here they have to give me some type of shot and I'm really scared." Noel said. "El do you want me to hold your hand when they give you the shot." Madison asked. "Yes please." Noel said. "Hi you must be her mom." The Doctor said. "I am" Madison said. "Well we gave a MRI and it came back clear we think it was just from all the stress she's been having which is also causing her back spasms." The Doctor said. "What's a back spasm?" Madison asked. "It's like a bad muscle spasm which can last for a pretty long time." The doctor said. "So what is the shot suppose to do?" Madison said. "It's suppose to help relieve some of the pain she's been having." The doctor said. "Ok you ready for the shot." A nurse said as she walked in. "I guess." Noel said. "Don't worry your mom can hold your hand." The nurse said. Madison sat next to Noel so she could hold her hand. The nurse gave Noel the shot and a sticker. "Why are you giving me a sticker?" Noel asked. "I give everyone stickers no matter how old they are." The nurse said. "Thank you." Noel said. "How's Lily?" Madison said. "She's fine they just had to take another epipen shot which made her sleepy." Noel said. "Can I go see her?" Madison asked. "I think so unless mom brings her in here." Noel said. "Hey El Lily was asking for you before she fell asleep again so here she's kinda heavy." Mariah said. "Mama stop" Lily groaned. "Sorry bean but you're killing my shoulder." Mariah said. "Mommy" Lily said tiredly. "Hi Lily" Madison whispered. Mariah put Lily down onto Noel's bed and sat down. Lily went over to lay down on Noel's chest when Lily's doctor came into the room. "Lily is free to go but just monitor her breathing." The doctor said. "Alright." Mariah said. "I can stay with Noel and you can take Lily home for the night." Madison said. "Ok give me the keys." Mariah said. "Lil wake up Moms gonna take you home." Noel said. "I'm too tired to wake up." Lily said. "Come on Lily I'll carry you to the car." Mariah said. Lily just put her arms up and waited for Mariah to pick her up. "You're getting too big for this." Mariah said. "Bye Mommy bye Noel." Lily said. "Bye text me tomorrow if you need me to pick you guys up." Mariah said. "I will love you." Madison said. Madison gave Mariah a kiss which made Lily make a face and then Mariah put her down. "Hey" Lily said. "If you can make faces then you can walk to the car." Mariah said. Lily grabbed Mariah's hand and then they walked out.

"Why didn't you go with Lily? You love having your alone time with her." Noel said. "I could've killed her all because I forgot about the pecan in the sauce." Madison said. "You made a mistake which happens." Noel said. "But she's gonna hate me." Madison said. "She is not going to hate you." Noel said. "Are you sure I almost killed her and then you would've had to live with her and I would never forgive myself and and" Madison said but was cutoff by Noel. "Mom you need to calm down Lily is fine we got her to the hospital pretty quick and she was still asking for you in the ambulance. That's what mom told me." Noel said. "Really why was she asking for me." Madison said. "She wanted you to sing to her like you do whenever she's scared." Noel said. "That helps her?" Madison said. "Yea it makes her feel safe." Noel said. The Doctor came into the room to see how Noel was feeling. "How's your back?" The Doctor said. "Not as tight as it was before." Noel said. "Ok let's try some of the exercises I had you do before just to make sure the shot is working." The Doctor said. Noel got out of the bed and did some of the exercises the doctor had assigned her. The only one she couldn't do was stand for more than a minute. "That's ok. Let's have you spend the night here and we'll see how you improve in the morning." The Doctor said. "Ok." Noel said. "I can ask a nurse to bring you another bed for your mom." The Doctor said. "Thank you." Madison said. The doctor walked out of the room while Madison went in her phone. "Do you want something to eat Mariah texted me she can drop something off." Madison asked. "I don't care what she brings I'm just hungry." Noel said. "Wait are you suppose to be eating after having your shot?" Madison said. "I just won't eat a lot." Noel said. "She's bringing chipotle for you and chick fill a for me." Madison said. "Ooo can she get me chips and guac too." Noel said. "She always does." Madison said. "If you can go home tomorrow do you think I should buy Lily this dress she's been wanting." Madison asked. "Wait let me see the dress." Noel said. Madison showed Noel the dress and she loved it. "I want one too." Noel said. "Ok should I just buy one for the three of us and then get Mariah a matching shirt." Madison said. "If you can find one that shade of blue." Noel said. "Noel we got you chipotle." Lily said who had just walked in. "Your back why are you so red?" Noel asked. "I got itchy again." Lily said. "And she started wheezing so I brought her back they said she has to stay overnight now." Mariah said as she gave Madison her food. "I can stay with Noel right?" Lily said. "We can ask the doctor." Mariah said. "Noel I want to watch a movie." Lily said. "Which one?" Noel said. "Princess and the frog." Lily said. "Again" Noel said. "Fine we can watch what you want." Lily said. Noel put on Outerbanks which made Lily pretty happy. "Mommy how come your hair isn't that long anymore?" Lily asked. "I had to cut some of it but I'm growing it out." Madison said. "Oh I like your hair now but if you grow it out again you should let Noel braid it." Lily said. "I will but me and Mama have to leave now." Madison said. "What why?" Noel said. "It's ok El we can just have a sleepover if the doctor lets us." Lily said. "You have your phone text me if anything goes wrong. We love you both and we'll see you tomorrow." Madison said. "Bye Mommy bye Mama." Lily said. "Bye Mom." Noel said. Madison and Mariah left and a nurse brought in a bed for Lily to sleep on. "I want to wear the shirt Mommy left for me." Lily said. "Ok you can wear it after you shower." Noel said. "I want Mommy to come back." Lily said. "I know but you'll see her tomorrow." Noel said. "She needs to come back." Lily said. "Stop yelling before the doctors think we're crazy." Noel said. "I want Mommy." Lily yelled. "I'll call her ok." Noel said. Noel grabbed her phone and called Madison. "Hey what's wrong I'm on my way back up there it was stupid of me to leave." Madison said in a panic. "Good Lily's having a whole tantrum about you leaving." Noel said. "Ok she's not causing a scene is she?" Madison said. "Umm I'll be right back." Noel said as she hung up the phone.

Lily was screaming and hitting the nurses. "Liliana stop please." A nurse said. "Where's her sister we need her consent to sedate her." Another nurse said. "I want my Mommy." Lily screamed. Noel went over and grabbed Lily. "Let me go" Lily screamed. "No you're being crazy." Noel said. At that moment Madison walked in and the nurses looked to her for permission to sedate Lily. "Sedate her." A nurse said. "Let me go." Lily screamed. "Lil it's ok you're just going to be a little sleepy." Noel said. Lily was still hitting Noel until her body slowed down and she fell asleep in her arms. "She's not even the worse one we've seen." A nurse said. "I heard her sister broke Sarah's nose." Another nurse said. "What happened?" Madison asked. "Lily had a really bad meltdown because you left." The front desk lady said. Noel went back to the room she was staying in and sat on the bed. "El how could you let this happen?" Madison said. "Me you two left without a proper reason when you know how Lily feels when you guys leave." Noel said. "I know I'm sorry." Madison said. "Don't tell me you're sorry tell Lily." Noel said. "I overheard one of the nurses saying you broke a nurse named Sarah's nose is that true?" Madison said. "Yea I was 13 I thought she was my dad because he was trying to hit me at the time. I had to be strapped to my bed because anyone who tried to touch me I would start to try and hit them." Noel said. "So Lily hit the nurses because." Madison said. "She wanted to do everything in her power to see you or Mariah. She knew that throwing a tantrum would make me call you so you would come back and then the hospital would call you guys to come back. Honestly it's pretty smart but not in the way you think." Noel said. "Today couldn't get any worse first I give her an allergic reaction then I cause her to have a meltdown and now she's sedated in a bed and I'm not even going in there yet because she's going to be super mad at me." Madison said as she started to cry. "Noel it's nice to see you again." Sarah said. "Nurse Sarah I see your nose healed nicely." Noel said. "You gave me a free nose job so a win is a win." Sarah said. "It did hurt my hand though." Noel said. "Well it hurt my nose. This must be your Madison she adopted you and Lily right." Sarah said. "Yea her and her girlfriend Mariah." Noel said. "Wait I follow her on instagram just to see whenever she postes about you guys." Sarah said.

"You know there's no need to beat yourself up about leaving." Sarah said. "I know but I'm the first parent who's actually cared about them." Madison hiccuped. "Well you're not the first one to watch Lily have a tantrum just to have someone there for her." Sarah said. "What do you mean? Madison said. "When she was 4 she threw one so she could see Noel. Noel calmed her down but they told her that if she ever has another one to point where's she screaming and hitting people she has to be sedated." Sarah said. "But who tells the nurses if she needs that." Madison asked. "I do. I knew she was going to have one so I warned the nurses and told them to wait for me to give my consent." Noel said. "But you're not over 18." Madison said. "Well at the time Noel was all she had so everything went through her." And then me when I took them in." Sarah said. "You took them in?" Madison asked. "Yea for an about two months then they got placed right back in the system." Sarah said. "But I promised them that if no one adopted them within a year I would. But you adopted them which I'm very happy about." Sarah said. "When's Lily going to wake up?" Noel said. "She should be up in about ten minutes since we gave her a small dose of it." Sarah said. Noel just went on her phone while Madison went to go check on Lily. "I'm so sorry about earlier I could've killed you and then I would never see you again and and I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Madison said. "Mommy I feel funny." Lily slurred. "Your awake I'll be right back." Madison said. Madison went to go get a doctor when they came back Lily was looking around the room. "Everything looks good she's just going to be a little confused for a little bit." The Doctor said. "Ok thank you." Madison said. "Mommy" Lily said. "Yea" Madison said. "Hug" Lily said. "Of course come here." Madison said. Madison gave a Lily a hug and told her how sorry she was. "It's ok Mommy I didn't really like the pasta anyways." Lily said. "Then why did you keep eating it?" Madison said. "Because I was hungry." Lily said. "I would've made you something else." Madison said. "It's ok I know for next time." Lily said.

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