Chapter 23

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Noel decided that it would be a fun idea to fly to South Carolina where Mariah's family lives. So with the money she's made from YouTube and TikTok she booked herself a flight to Charleston without Madison or Mariah knowing. There is one little problem Noel also took Lily with her to South Carolina. Also Mia and Gracie were permanently placed into a new foster home with two moms who are pretty much just like Madison and Mariah. Now Noel and Lily just landed and Jadyn is waiting for them to come by the baggage claim. "Noel look Jadyn made us a sign." Lily said as she ran over to Jadyn. "Lily stop running." Noel said as she started to chase Lily. "Hey Lily bean." Jadyn said as she picked Lily up. "I missed you so much." Lily said. "I missed you too. Noel did you guys get your bags?" Jadyn said. "No not yet they should be coming around soon." Noel said. Jadyn put Lily down and went over by the baggage claim so she could help Noel with their bags. Lily's bag came around first and she grabbed all by herself. Then Noel's bag came around and Jadyn grabbed it since Noel was making sure Lily had everything. "You guys ready to go?" Jadyn asked. "Yea." Noel said. "I can't believe you guys actually got away with this." Jadyn said as she started to walk out. "I know hopefully they won't find out." Noel said. "They shouldn't I mean their going on some trip and it's not like their going to come here." Jadyn said. "They shouldn't be unless they're seeing mom's side of the family." Noel said as she loaded her suitcase in the car. "They wouldn't be seeing the family without you guys unless someone said you both couldn't come. And you guys said you were staying with Sophie right." Jadyn said. "Me and Sophie broke up last month since we thought we would just be better as friends." Noel said as she shut Jadyn's trunk. "I forgot about that. But didn't you turn your location off for both of you guys." Jadyn said. "Yea I've been turned it off I'm sick of Madison tracking me everywhere I go." Noel said. "My sister doesn't do that does she?" Jadyn said. "No that's why I like her better I mean me and Madison were cool when I first started staying with them but then once I started going to school,making friends, and hanging out with those friends I can't catch a break from her texting me I thought you said you would be home by nine or your would be home by ten just a pain in my butt." Noel said. "She's only looking out for you but I don't get why you brought Lily." Jadyn said. "Because Mama is so mean." Lily said. "Is she really?" Jadyn asked. "She wouldn't let me sleepover at Lena's house because I didn't clean my room good enough. And it was Lena's birthday party." Lily said. "How good did you clean your room?" Jadyn said. "I cleaned it the way she does and she said I'm not aloud to shove everything in my closet." Lily said. "Well that's why you couldn't go to Lena's party. Jadyn said. "I know but then she watched me clean my whole room. She literally sat in the doorway and watched me. That's too much." Lily said. Jadyn and Noel laughed then went back to catching each other up. Jadyn pulled into her driveway and parked her car. "I keep forgetting you have this nice house." Noel said. "Yea it's pretty great." Jadyn said as she got out of the car. Lily got out and went by the trunk. Noel handed Lily her bag while she grabbed hers. They all went inside and Jadyn showed them the room they were going to stay in. "I'm gonna let you guys unpack and stuff I'll be out in the living room if you need me." Jadyn said. "Ok" Noel said. Noel and Lily unpacked a few things and just sat in the room.

Madison and Mariah decided to take a trip to South Carolina as well since Mariah was asked to do photo shoot for someone. Madison has been trying to reach Noel for the past day and a half and there was not a single answer not even a read message. "Noel hasn't been answering my texts or my calls." Madison said. "Aren't they at Sophie's cabin where there is literally no service at all she told us that remember." Mariah said. "I know but she said she would try her best to text me at least once and it's almost been two days." Madison said. "They're staying up there for the same amount of time as we are maybe Noel not being on her phone for that amount of time will make her less bitchy and give her sometime to think about the things she's said to you in these last two months." Mariah said. "Are you sure I'm gonna go try and call her one more time." Madison said as she walked out of the room. "El your Maddie's calling again." Jadyn said. "Just let it ring." Noel said. "You should at least answer her once to just to let her know you're alive." Jadyn said. "I will tomorrow." Noel said. "Yea right." Lily said. "Shut up" Noel mocked. Jadyn looked at her phone and saw that she had accidentally posted the picture of her,Noel,and Lily at the airport on her main instagram story. "Noel what if I told you I posted the picture we took on my story and my sister and her girlfriend saw it." Jadyn said. "We're so dead." Noel and Jadyn said in unison. "We gotta go." Jadyn said. "Lily come on." Noel said. Lily ran out of the door with Noel and Jadyn. The three of them got in Jadyn's car and went to this abandoned parking lot. Out of nowhere Jadyn and Noel's phones start to ring. "They're calling what do we do." Noel said. "Don't answer it." Lily said. "We know." Jadyn said. They both just let their phones ring until they stopped. "I'm just gonna look at the texts from my sister." Jadyn said. Jadyn picked up her phone and saw that her mom,Mariah,and Madison have been texting her. "Umm my mom texted me so I'm gonna text her back before I actually die." Jadyn said. "What did the text say?" Lily asked. "To drop Lily off with her so she doesn't hear any of the arguing we're all about to do." Jadyn said. "I want to stay with you guys." Lily said. "Not when we're arguing you don't." Noel said. Jadyn drove over to her mom's house and dropped Lily off. "So do you want to meet up Mariah and Madison or just go back home?" Jadyn said. "Maybe we should— for the love of if she doesn't stop texting me I'm actually gonna punch something or someone." Noel said. "Well maybe you should just answer her." Jadyn whispered.

"Ok you know what. This was your idea in the first place and now you're all mad about it." Noel yelled. "What's going on outside?" Jadyn's mom said. "It sounds like Jadyn and Noel are arguing." Lily said. "Well I already texted your moms so they're on their way." Jadyn's mom said. Mariah and Madison had just pulled up while Noel and Jadyn were arguing. "Hey Noel how's the cabin trip going?" Madison asked. Noel had stopped arguing with Jadyn and looked away from Madison. Jadyn started to walk away right as Lily came outside to give Madison a hug. "Mommy." Lily said. "You brought Lily too you are so grounded." Mariah said. Noel and Jadyn just went inside while Lily stayed out there with Madison and Mariah. "You do know Lily is gone tell them everything right." Jadyn said. "I know that's why I'm staying up here." Noel said. "Me too maybe my sister won't be super mad at me." Jadyn said. "She will be." Noel said. Mariah knocked on the door and waited for them to answer. "Come in." Noel whispered. Mariah walked in and told Noel to leave first. "Downstairs." Mariah said. Noel walked out of the room and went downstairs. As she was walking downstairs she saw Madison sitting with Lily on the couch. "Before you get mad I was going to tell you but then I forgot." Noel stuttered. "No you didn't Lily told me everything now sit down." Madison said. Noel walked outside and slammed the door behind her. "Noel" Madison said. "Noel I know you can hear me. Madison said as she chased Noel. Madison grabbed Noel's shoulder and right as she grabbed Noel turned around then pushed her to the ground. Madison fell and hit her head "Maddie" Mariah yelled. Mariah had been standing in the doorway so she saw the whole thing happen. Noel saw Madison sit up and placed her hand on the back of her head. "Mom let me help" Noel said as she was cutoff by Madison's sobs. "Noel what the hell did you do?" Mariah said. "It was an accident I swear." Noel cried. Mariah tried to help Madison up but she refused. "Let me help you." Mariah said. "No let Noel do it." Madison said. Noel helped Madison up and immediately went back inside. "You're ok right." Mariah asked. "I'm fine my head isn't bleeding,I'm not dizzy,I just want to talk to my kid." Madison said. "Well at least let me carry you inside." Mariah said. Mariah picked Madison up and took her inside. "Where's Noel?" Madison asked as Mariah put her down. "Upstairs Moms talking to her." Jadyn said. "Well I'm going up there." Madison said. Madison went upstairs and saw Mariah's mom walk out. "She's a wreck in there but she's all yours." Mariah's mom said as she walked out. "El" Madison quietly said. Noel was hysterically sobbing with her knees to her chest. "I know you didn't mean to push me that hard." Madison said. "Just leave me alone." Noel said. "No I'm sitting in here until you actually talk to m-Madison said but paused the end. "Mom what's wrong?" Noel asked. Noel looked at Madison's eyes and saw her pupils were two different sizes. "Shit." Noel said. "We gotta get you to the emergency room." Noel said as she helped Madison up. "I'm fine" Madison said. "Mom you're not fine." Noel said. Noel and Madison were walking downstairs when Madison started to really grip Noel's hand. "Mom I need help." Noel yelled. "Let's sit down." Noel said. Noel helped Madison sit down while she held her hand. "Hospital?" Mariah asked. "Yea she's getting dizzy." Noel said. "I'll carry her downstairs you're coming with us." Mariah said. Mariah picked Madison up and took her to the car. Noel followed and took Madison's phone with her. "I'm the worst daughter ever." Noel said to herself. Mariah started to car and drove to the emergency room.

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