Chapter 35

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A few days have passed and Noel decided to have her surgery at home in LA since it was easier for her to be at home. Once her surgery happened she had gotten sick from the side effects of the anesthesia and her medicine so she's been in bed for the past three days at the hospital. Today Mariah was going to go pick her up from the hospital since her and Madison haven't been talking that much. When Mariah arrived Noel just pretended to look happy and when she got home she immediately cried until she couldn't cry anymore. "Noel I made this for you in art class. Do you want to see it? Lily said as she knocked on the door. "Yea one minute." Noel hiccuped as she wiped her face. Lily asked to come in and then she did. "I made us matching tye dye shirts." Lily said. "Thank you Lil." Noel said. "You're welcome I asked mommy to get you a medium so you can keep it for a long time." Lily said. "A medium is fine thanks." Noel said. "Mommy asked me to tell you that she's going to the store and if you need anything to just text her." Lily said. "Alright I'll text her in a little bit." Noel said. Noel was trying to grab her crutches when Lily told her to stop. "Lily I need to go to the bathroom so you can help me or get out of the way." Noel yelled. "You aren't suppose to be on your ankle that's what the doctor said." Lily yelled. "I'm just going to the bathroom." Noel yelled. Noel pushed Lily out of the way and hopped to the bathroom. Lily had fell to the ground after Noel pushed her. "Mama Noel pushed me." Lily yelled. Mariah went to check on Lily while Madison went to go check on Noel. "Noel you ok?" Madison said. Noel didn't answer she was feeling very queazy. Madison opened the door and she saw Noel's head hovering over the toilet bowl. Madison went over and looked at Noel. "Get away from me." Noel said. Noel started hitting Madison which made her scream. "Noel stop." Mariah said as she came into the bathroom. "Let me go." Noel screamed. Mariah let Noel go and she just back away from Noel. Noel started crying when Mariah went by Madison. Madison was ok and Noel had threw up a lot and she started crying even more. "Mama" Lily yelled. "Crap Lily has gymnastics I'll be back when she's done." Mariah said. "Ok" Madison said as she gave Mariah a kiss. Mariah went downstairs and dealt with Lily while Madison stayed with Noel. Madison had pulled Noel's hair back into a bun. Noel had rested in Madison's arms when she felt a pain shoot through her back. Noel had gripped Madison's hand really tight when the pain happened. "I'm right here." Madison whispered. "I'm so sorry." Noel said. "Noel I'm not mad." Madison said. "You should be I mean I just hit you really hard and it sounded like it hurt." Noel cried. "It did but you thought we were that doctor didn't you." Madison said. "I keep having nightmares about him and my dad again I just want them to stop." Noel cried. "It's ok" Madison said as Noel fell into her arms. Madison just rubbed her back to try and help her calm down. "Come on let's go back to your room." Madison said. Madison got up and helped Noel up.

"I'm gonna go downstairs." Noel said. "How are you getting down there?" Madison said. "Just grab my crutches." Noel said. Madison went to grab Noel's crutches while Noel was slowly scooting herself down the stairs. Madison had started videoing her going down the stairs. "You do this everyday?" Madison said. "Yes mom I do this everyday Lily just helps me up." Noel said. "You look ridiculous." Madison said. "Once I get my boot I won't look as ridiculous." Noel said. Once Noel got up she sat on the couch realizing she forgot her phone. "I forgot my phone can you grab it for me without being nosy." Noel said. "Yea." Madison said. Madison went to grab Noel's phone and she wanted to look at her notes again but she didn't. "Here" Madison said as she gave Noel her phone. "Thank you" Noel said. Noel went on her phone and posted a video on TikTok. Madison went over by Noel and she just gave her a hug. "Mom I love you too. "Is something wrong?" Noel said. "No I just wanted to give you a hug." Madison said. "Ok mom you can let go now." Noel said. Madison let go and then sat down next to Noel. "Do you want to talk about the letters you wrote in your notes?" Madison said. "Why do we have to talk about them." Noel said. "Because I want to help you. And I don't want you to be thinking about" Madison said as she was cutoff by Noel. "Killing myself I know mom said the same thing and I've been trying to get better but I don't think you making me talk about it is going to help." Noel said. "Noel you wrote letters to everyone including me and Mariah you've been thinking about it for weeks." Madison said. "I know and I hate that you saw the letters because you weren't suppose to see them they were just in case." Noel said. "Just in case. You're struggling and you need help." Madison said. "I know but I'm trying to try get better and you can't see that." Noel yelled. Noel started crying and she cried into Madison's arms. "It's ok. I'm here." Madison whispered. "Im sorry Mommy." Noel cried. "You don't have to apologize for needing help." Madison said. Madison and Noel just hugged while Noel wiped her nose and her face with her arm. "El how's your ankle?" Madison said. "It's fine I mean I'm sick of using my crutches and getting carried around everywhere but I'm good." Noel said. "Well you have a doctor's appointment to get your cast off in two weeks so you'll only have to use your crutches until then hopefully." Madison said. "Oh great." Noel said. Madison just laughed while Noel went on her phone and looked at herself. "When's Lily and Mom coming home?" Noel said. "In an hour I think I don't know but Lily's been staying at the gym later since she's level 7 now." Madison said. "Well I was there for like two hours but when I'm healed it's gonna take me forever to get back to where I was." Noel said. "That's ok you'll get there." Madison said. "Sure I will." Noel said. "We're home" Mariah said as she walked inside. Lily went upstairs and into the bathroom. Noel hopped over to the stairs and crawled up them. "Do you want help?" Mariah said. "No I'm good." Noel said. Noel was holding her stomach when she gagged. "El are you going to throw up?" Madison said. Noel was holding her puke until she swallowed it. Madison went up to Noel with a trash can when she threw up into the trash can. "Eww" Lily said. "Lily not now." Madison said. Lily started to walk downstairs when she saw Madison struggling. "Mommy I can hold her hair back." Lily said. "Thank you." Madison said. Lily was holding Noel's hair back when she let go so she could go grab a hair tie. "It's in my hair." Noel cried. "Lily I thought you were holding her hair." Madison said. "I'm sorry mommy I went to go get Noel a hair tie." Lily said. "Maddie don't yell at her." Mariah said. "I wasn't yelling at her." Madison said as she let go of the trash can. "You were yelling at her." Mariah said. Madison and Mariah were going back and forth while Lily and Noel just scooted to the bathroom. "Noel do you think Mommy's made because I got you a hair tie?" Lily said. "No I think she's just a little stressed out." Noel said. Lily grabbed Noel a paper towel so she could wipe the puke out. "Girls you ok in there?" Mariah said. Noel pretended to puke again so Madison and Mariah would leave them alone. "We're fine" Noel said. "Can we come in?" Mariah asked. Lily and Noel didn't answer since Lily was splashing water on Noel's face to make it look like she was crying. Madison opened the door and Lily immediately backed away from Noel. "Noel are you ok?" Madison said. "I'm fine just get out please." Noel said. Mariah and Madison got out of the bathroom while Lily stayed. "Can you watch me on the trampoline?" Lily said. "Yea bring my crutches downstairs for me." Noel said. "There has to be a faster way for you to go downstairs."
Lily said. "There probably is." Noel said.

"Mommy come watch me on the trampoline." Lily said. "Ok let me help your sister." Madison said. Madison helped Noel downstairs while Mariah and Lily waited at the bottom. Noel crutched outside while Mariah and Madison just walked. Lily got onto the trampoline and started flipping. "Mama can Jadyn come over?" Lily asked. "My sister?" Mariah said. "Yea she should fly down here so we can go shopping." Lily said. "I can ask her but she's probably busy." Mariah said. Lily went back to flipping while Noel just watched. "Mommy look." Lily said. "I'm looking" Madison said. Madison watched as Lily did a new trick. "Nice baby." Madison said. Lily just kept flipping until she stopped. "Lily are you ok?" Mariah said. Lily had walked over by Noel and she fell into her arms. "Mom" Noel said as she was holding up Lily. Mariah went over by Lily and she checked to see if Lily was breathing. "She's breathing but this isn't normal for her is it?" Mariah said. "She's passed out before. It's her." Noel said as she was cutoff by Madison. "She has a fainting disorder called vasovagal syncope but what made her faint?" Madison said. "She saw a bee she's really scared of bees." Noel said. Lily started to wake up and immediately started screaming. "Lily you're ok the bee is gone." Noel said. "Did I faint in front of them?" Lily said. "Yea but you're ok." Noel said. "How come you've never fainted in front of us before?" Madison said. "I fainted at gymnastics when you guys were filming but I was fine I just got scared because I heard someone talk about getting a shot." Lily said. Madison and Mariah went inside while Lily stayed with Noel. "Mommy and Mama are gonna give me back now. I can't faint again." Lily said. "Lily they're not going to give you back they just didn't know about your disorder because you never faint in front of them you always faint in front of me or Charlotte." Noel said. "But Mommy looked scared when she saw me wake up she's gonna give me back." Lily cried. "I'm not going to give you back honey we just went inside to get you some water and a snack." Madison said. "Here let's go inside before you see another bug." Mariah said. Lily walked inside with Madison while Noel got on Mariah's back. "Wait if she faints when she's sick is it because she's sick or her disorder?" Madison said. "A mixture of both." Noel said. "Mommy I don't want my snack anymore." Lily said. "But you love grapes." Madison said. "I know but I don't want them." Lily said. "You sure?" Madison said. "Three two one." Noel whispered. Lily ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Noel stay away from your sister." Mariah said. "I know but my medicine makes me throw up everyday so I should be fine." Noel said. Madison went to go check on Lily while Noel went up to her room with Mariah.

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