Chapter 24

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Mariah brought Madison inside and they took her to a room. Noel followed but stayed to the side the entire time the doctor was checking Madison out. "Noel can you stay with her Lily's not feeling good and I have to help my mom." Mariah said. "Yea." Noel said. Mariah walked out of the room and left the hospital. "Mom I'm so sorry." Noel cried. "It was an accident I know you didn't mean it." Madison said. "But I gave you a concussion." Noel cried. "Noel honey I'm not mad at you." Madison said. "But I hurt you. And I promised I wouldn't." Noel cried. Noel just sat next to Madison crying. "Hi I'm Doctor Lisa I'm the neuro specialist here and I did look over your x-rays and they seem to be perfectly clear but you do have a grade 2 concussion." Doctor Lisa said. "It's the same concussion I had when I got into my accident." Noel said. "So I'm just gonna be dizzy for a few days." Madison said. "That is one of the symptoms along with headaches, nausea,vomiting,a little confusion,and—." Doctor Lisa said right as Madison passed out. "Mom." Noel said. "She'll be fine this happens with grade 2 concussions." Doctor Lisa said as she helped Madison lay down on the bed. Madison woke up with a little confusion but went back to remembering where she was. "Tell your mom that we're going to have her stay overnight just in case she passes out again." Doctor Lisa said. "Ok." Noel said. Doctor Lisa walked out of the room and gave Madison and Noel some privacy. "I'm gonna call Mom." Noel said. "Wait" Madison said. "What" Noel groaned. "We'll tell her later." Madison said. "Ok whatever well I'm asking her if she can pick me up so I can go back to Jadyn's house." Noel said. "You're not going back there." Madison said. "Too late Jadyn's almost here I'll see you later." Noel said as she grabbed her stuff. "Bubs don't go." Madison said. "Don't call me bubs anymore and too late for that." Noel said. Noel grabbed her stuff and walked out of the room. As she was walking out she saw Mariah walk in. "We're not done with our conversation." Mariah said. Noel just ignored her and walked out. "Lily is gonna stay with my mom we're going back to my house." Jadyn said as Noel got into the car. "Good I can't deal with my mom's right now." Noel said.

Once Jadyn arrived at her house they both went inside. "What did mom say to you about flying us out here?" Noel asked. "She said that I should've asked her first before buying your guys tickets." Jadyn said. "I bought the tickets so I don't know why she's tripping." Noel said. "I can't deal with them anymore." Noel said. Jadyn ended up getting a call from her mom so she answered it. "Noel Lily's calling." Jadyn said. Noel grabbed Jadyn's phone and talked to Lily. "I'll see you tomorrow ok." Noel said. Noel hung up the phone and gave it back to Jadyn. "She misses mom so I told her I would come over tomorrow." Noel said. "Wanna watch a movie after we shower and stuff?" Jadyn said. "Sure" Noel said. Noel and Jadyn went to go take showers and get ready for the night. Once Noel got out of the shower she just went back into the room she was staying in and just cried. "El" Jadyn said as she walked in. "I'm a horrible daughter I have my mom a concussion,bought plane tickets for me and my little sister,and now they're probably gonna give me back." Noel cried. "Noel they are not going to give you back. And you're not a horrible daughter." Jadyn said. Noel just cried into Jadyn's arms. "Do you want me to call my." Jadyn said but was paused by a knock on the door. Jadyn and Noel went to go open the door. At the door was Mariah and Madison. "I thought you guys were staying overnight." Jadyn said. "They decided that she was good enough to come home since she didn't pass out again." Mariah said. "So why are you here?" Jadyn asked. Mariah and Madison stepped inside and shut the door behind them. "I didn't say yall could come in but whatever." Jadyn said. Noel was still crying so she was hiding her face from Mariah and Madison. Noel went back to the room she was staying in and shut the door. "I'm gonna go talk to her Maddie sit down and don't move." Mariah said. "I'm coming too I just have a concussion." Madison said. Mariah and Madison went over by the room Noel was staying in and they heard her sobbing from outside. "Noel" Mariah said as she knocked.

"Come in." Noel whispered. Mariah and Madison walked in and saw that Noel's' face was all puffy and red. "El" Mariah said. Mariah sat next to Noel and waited for to sit up. Madison sat next to Mariah and tried to get comfortable. Noel just hugged Mariah and cried into her chest. "Noel why did you fly out here without telling us?" Mariah asked. "I just wanted to see Jadyn and hang out with her." Noel hiccuped. "So you decided to fly yourself and your seven year old sister alone." Mariah said. "I was with her the entire time and I updated Jadyn every hour." Noel said. "How did you pay for the tickets?" Madison asked. "None of your business." Noel said. "You used your TikTok money didn't you." Madison said. "Yea so." Noel said. "How much were the tickets?" Madison said. "Why do you care so much about the stupid tickets." Mariah said. "Because I need to know how much she spent." Madison said. "Look you can ground me if you want too but I'm staying here for two weeks." Noel said. "Two weeks" Mariah said. "Stop yelling." Madison said "Sorry." Noel and Mariah said. "Look we're not grounding you but we need to have a talk about the way you've been acting lately." Mariah said. "I'm just acting like how most teens act now if you'll excuse me I'm going to hang out with Jadyn and her friends." Noel said. "You're not hanging out with them." Mariah said. "Why not." Noel said. "Because they just left." Madison said as she pointed at the window. "Well you two can leave while I sit here and watch movies." Noel said. "I'm staying she's leaving." Madison said. "Whatever." Noel said. Mariah ended up leaving while Madison stayed. "Noel I don't get why you've been acting like this. I know that you're a teenager but why are you always yelling and fighting with us?" Madison asked. "I don't know I mean I don't like acting like this." Noel said. "Then why do you act like this? Is it something with your mental health?" Madison asked. "Yea" Noel whispered. "Do you think it's your anger issues?" Madison asked. "Probably but I don't want to let it out on you guys it's just I don't want to let it out on you guys." Noel said. Noel started to cry once again which made Madison feel horrible. "I'm sorry that I hurt you." Noel hiccuped. "Noel for the last time I forgive you bubs." Madison said. "So you're not mad at me for pushing you?" Noel hiccuped. "No I'm still upset that you didn't tell us you were flying down here." Madison said. "So I'm not grounded." Noel said. "No but tomorrow your hanging out with Mariah and putting and end to this tension you two have." Madison said. "Why she doesn't like me as much as you do." Noel said. "Noel she likes you a lot but you don't show it back." Madison said. "Yes I do." Noel said. "Yelling and ignoring her don't count." Madison said. "Oh I'm a horrible person. I'm gonna call her." Noel said. Noel grabbed her phone and facetimed Mariah. "Noel what's wrong. Is something wrong with Maddie?" Mariah said. "No I just wanted to FaceTime you and fall asleep on the phone you know." Noel said. "You're lucky I love you." Mariah said. Noel set up her phone and so did Mariah. "Mama can I sleep with you." Lily asked. "Come on." Mariah said. Lily got into Mariah's bed and laid next to her. Madison ended up lying next to Noel after she took a shower and changed into some of Noel's clothes. "Night." Mariah said. "Night" Noel said.

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