Chapter 4

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Madison and Mariah were making soup for Lily and Noel since they're both sick. "Maddie" Mariah called out. Madison walked into the kitchen with a sleeping Lily in her arms. "Is the soup done?" Madison asked. "Yea" Mariah said. "I'll give some to Noel while you give some to Lily." Mariah said. Mariah poured some soup in a  bowl and brought it to Noel. While Madison poured some in a bowl for Lily. "Lily" Madison said as she placed Lily down on the couch. Lily woke up but then she laid on Madison's arm."You gotta eat some of this soup." Madison said softly. "Ok" Lily groaned. Lily ate three spoonfuls of soup and then laid back down. "Are you done?" Madison asked. "Yea my tummy hurts." Lily said. "Do you want me to save it for later?" Madison said. "Yea" Lily said and continued to lay down on Madison's arm. Meanwhile Mariah and Noel were in the bathroom. Noel had been vomiting for the past ten minutes. Mariah just rubbed Noel's back while she waited for her to stop vomiting. "I think I'm done now." Noel said. Mariah helped Noel up off the floor and then walked with her to her room. "I made you some soup. I don't know if you want it but it's here." Mariah said as she gave Noel some water. "Thanks I'll try to eat some of it." Noel said. "Ok but if you have to you can throw up in this trash can." Mariah said. Noel started to eat a little bit of the soup while Mariah walked out. Mariah sat next to Madison and just watched tv. "Did Lily eat anything?" Mariah asked. "She had two spoonfuls of soup and then went back to sleep. How's Noel?" Madison said. "She was throwing up for fifteen minutes at the most but she started to eat the soup as I walked out." Mariah said. "Well that's better then nothing." Madison said as she repositioned herself onto her couch. Lily then woke up out of nowhere and threw up on the floor.

Mariah and Madison quickly moved out of the way and just Lily throw up. "Mama my tummy hurts". Lily said. "Mom" Noel called out. Madison and Mariah looked at each other and then went there separate ways. Madison got up and checked on Noel. Mariah stayed with Lily and brought her over to the sink. "Mama" Lily cried. "One second Lil." Mariah said. Lily ended up throwing up in the sink. Luckily Mariah had moved out of the way. Mariah just rubbed Lily's back and held her hair. Lily finished throwing up right as Madison and Noel walked out. "Lily" Noel said as she ran over to her. Lily just looked at Noel and Madison. "Are you sick too?" Lily asked. "Yea" Noel said. Mariah helped Lily off of the counter and then she walked over to Noel. Noel gave Lily a hug while Mariah and Madison cleaned the puke off the floor. Lily then stopped hugging Noel and walked to her room. Noel just stayed where she was,then all of sudden she felt dizzy. "Noel you ok?" Madison asked as she saw Noel stumble. "I'm just a little dizzy" Noel said while looking down. Madison walked over to her and felt her forehead. "Noel you don't have a fever. Did you drink any water today?" Madison asked. Noel whispered a small no and continued to look down. Madison then grabbed Noel a bottle of water out of the fridge and gave it to her. Noel drank some of the water but the dizziness didn't go away. Madison just stayed by Noel until she felt a little better. Noel started to feel a little better but her stomach had other plans. Noel moved over to the trash can and threw up."Mariah can you get Noel some medicine please." Madison asked as she put Noel's hair into a ponytail. Mariah grabbed the medicine out of the cabinet and gave it to Maddie. Maddie waited for Noel to stop throwing up so she could give her the medicine. "Here this should help with the vomiting." Madison said. "Thanks mom" Noel whispered as she took the medicine.

Madison and Noel then walked over to the couch and sat down. "I'm gonna check on Lily I'll be back." Mariah said as she got up off the couch. Mariah walked over to Lily's room and knocked on the door. "Lily can I come in?" Mariah asked. "yea" Lily whispered. Mariah walked in and tried to sit next to Lily but she kept scooting away from her. "Lily what's wrong?" Mariah asked. "Your mad at me." Lily said. "What in the world made you think that?" Mariah said. "You and Mommy had to clean up my puke while I just did nothing." Lily said. "Lily it wasn't your fault. Your sick and so is Noel I don't think you two could've helped us very much." Mariah said. "So your not mad at me." Lily said. "No I'm not mad at you." Mariah said. "But what about mommy? Isn't she mad at me?" Lily asked. "Mommy isn't mad at you either." Mariah said. "Are you sure?" Lily said. "I'm sure" Mariah said.  Lily just gave Mariah a hug and wiped her face on her shirt. "ooo you got snot on my shirt." Mariah said as she moved Lily's head off of her shirt. "What are you two doing?" Noel said as she opened the door. "She got snot on my shirt." Mariah whined. Noel and Lily just laughed while Mariah got up and changed. "El do you like living with Mommy and Mama?" Lily asked. "Yea there the best foster parents we've had." Noel said. "Does mama know about the baby?" Lily asked. "yes but how do you know?" Noel asked. "Because I heard you crying about it." Lily said. "Man you are a real ease dropper." Noel said. "Noel do you think Mommy and Mama will adopt us?" Lily asked. "I think they would but it takes a long time to adopt kids." Noel said. "How long?" Lilly asked. "At least six months." Noel said. "That's a long time". Lily said. "Yea it is. Well I'm gonna watch a movie wanna come?" Noel said. "Yea" Lily said. Noel got up and walked out Lily's room while Lily followed. As the girls were walking out Madison and Mariah were standing right by the door. Noel and Lily jumped and screamed, "were you two spying on us?" Noel asked. "No we were just listening to you talk about how great we are." Madison said. Noel and Lily just walked away and into the living room. "Are you two hungry?" Madison asked as her and Mariah walked into the kitchen/living room. "Noel? Lily?" Madison said as she walked over to the couch. Madison saw that Noel and Lily feel asleep on the couch. "Well I think there both gonna be asleep for awhile." Madison said. "Yea but that doesn't mean we can't watch tv." Mariah said as she she sat on the other side of the couch. "You can watch tv I'm taking a nap." Madison said as she laid down. Mariah just watched some old basketball highlights while Noel,Lily,and Madison were asleep on the couch.

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