Chapter 34

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It's been a week since Noel and Madison left to go film OuterBanks and Noel has been having fun you could say. She's just been exhausted a lot since they don't get done until 2:00am. So she's been sleeping a lot on set and Jonas has been noticing so he's been letting her come to set a little later then Madison. "El your gonna ride with Lilah ok so you can get some extra sleep." Madison said. "Ok but can't I drive myself." Noel said. "Yea but I don't want you to." Madison said. "Oh well what time is she coming?" Noel said. "Around eight." Madison said. "I'll see you in a little bit I guess." Noel said. Madison walked out while Noel just laid in bed. Noel went on her phone and she saw Mariah posting a picture with Lily at gymnastics practice since she leveled up to level 6. Noel liked it and then reposted it. She then got up and went to go shower. Noel got out of the shower and changed into a shirt and shorts. Lilah hadn't arrived yet so Noel just drove herself in Madison's rental car. Lilah texted her to come and pick her up. Once Noel picked her up her and Lilah went to the beach for a little bit. "Does your mom even know we're here." Lilah said. "Does your dad know we're here?" Noel said. "As long as we get there by 12:00 we'll be fine." Noel said. Lilah and Noel were making a sandcastle when Madison called Noel. Noel didn't answer it since her and Lilah were on their way back. "Your mom isn't going to be mad if we get something to eat right?" Lilah said. "I don't think so but I'll just tell her I slept in. Once Noel and Lilah got to set they just acted like nothing had happened. "You two finally showed up." Madison said. "Hey mom." Noel said. Noel and Lilah just went into their trailers and got ready to film. When Noel came out Jonas asked if she was ready to film the gymnastics scene she had. Noel went to go film it and everyone was watching her. When Jonas told her she was finished she just kept tumbling. "She's really good." JD said. Noel had stopped and everyone started clapping for her. Noel ran to her trailer and then locked the door. "Noel can I come in?" Madison asked. "One minute." Noel said as she got up to unlock the door. Madison came in and Noel quickly hid something that looked like a wrap for her ankle which Madison saw. "Your ankle is hurting isn't it." Madison said. "No" Noel said very highly. "Noel show me your ankle." Madison said. Noel showed Madison her ankle and it was swollen. "Noel your ankle is swollen why didn't you tell me?" Madison said. "I've just been resting it." Noel said as she got up and limped off. "Hey Noel why are you limping?" Madelyn asked. Noel didn't answer since her ankle was hurting and she had sat on the ground. "Noel we're going to urgent care." Madison said. "I'm fine." Noel said. "No your not come on." Madison said. "Ok but I'll drive." Noel said. "You drove here?" Madison said. Noel didn't say anything since she was in pain. Madison took the keys from Noel's hand and Madelyn helped her up and then Noel limped off. "Noel where are you going?" Madison said. Noel went back over by the grass and she started doing flips again. "Noel Simone Bailey stop tumbling." Madison said as she went over by Noel. Noel stopped tumbling and she fell into Madison's arms. "Your ankle is killing you. We're going to the doctor." Madison said. Noel got into Madison's back and they went to the car. "Mom what if I can't film?" Noel said. "We can film the other scenes you aren't in until you're healed." Madison said. Noel buckled herself in and then she started crying. "El you're gonna be ok" Madison said. "You're mad at me." Noel hiccuped. "I'm not mad at you." Madison said. "Yes you are." Noel hiccuped. Madison parked the car and Noel hopped inside. "Honey do you have a concussion your pupils are kinda big." The front desk lady said. "What?" Noel said. A doctor came up to Noel and he started touching her without her consent. "Get your hands off of me." Noel said. "Woah you can't just touch anyone without their consent especially when she's conscious." The front desk lady said. "I'm the doctor here I know what I'm doing." The doctor said. The doctor kept touching Noel felt him touch her in her privates. "Stop I want a different doctor please." Noel yelled. The doctor was offended and he started calling for security. "Mom" Noel said. A few nurses and Madison came over and saw Noel looking scared. "Doctor Mason you're coming with us." The security officers said. The security officers took Doctor Mason out of the hospital and Noel was taken into a room so she could get checked out. "You said something about her eyes?" Madison said. "Yea our receptionist noticed her pupils looked a little big. But I can check them for you and then your ankle." The nurse said. The nurse shined a flashlight in Noel's eyes and she immediately squinted and looked away. "Did you hit your head recently?" The nurse asked. "I fell when I went to the beach earlier today. My head hasn't been hurting until now." Noel said. "I can tell I'm going to have a doctor come in and look at your ankle and get you checked for a concussion." The nurse said. The nurse left the room and Noel just went on her phone. "You went to the beach?" Madison said. "Yea with Lilah she didn't get hurt at all just me."Noel said. "And you didn't take me with you?" Madison said. "No mom we just went as friends that's why we were late to set." Noel said. "Hello I'm Doctor Jamie." Doctor Jamie said as she walked into the room. "Hi I'm Madison." Madison said. "Hi love the show by the way." Doctor Jamie said. Doctor Jamie took a look at Noel's ankle and took her to get an X-ray. Once they came back Noel was crying. "El what's wrong?" Madison said. "Her ankle is broken and she needs surgery. She also has a very minor concussion." Doctor Jamie said. "For right now we can give her cast and then in few days we can have her admitted for her surgery." Doctor Jamie said. "Ok" Madison said. Doctor Jamie went to go get the stuff for Noel's cast while Noel just sat there. "I've ruined everything." Noel cried. "No you didn't honey. You already have been having ankle problems so this was bound to happen eventually." Madison said. "But I can't film anymore I'm gonna hold production back even more." Noel cried. "Alright we're gonna put the cast on your foot. You can't get a color until after your surgery." Doctor Jamie said as she brought the stuff to put the cast on Noel's ankle. Doctor Jamie put the cast on Noel's foot and gave her crutches. "Alright we'll see you in a few days to do the surgery unless you do it back where you live." Doctor Jamie said. Noel just said bye and crutched out. Noel hopped into the car and just went on her phone.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Madison said. "No I don't." Noel said. "Ok whenever you're ready I'm here." Madison said. When Madison pulled up to the place they were staying at everyone was outside sitting on the porch. Noel got out of the car and crutched inside. "Maddie what happened I thought she sprained her ankle." Jonas said. "Well she broke it and she needs surgery." Madison said. "You're kidding." Jonas said. "I'm not. I don't know what you want to do about filming but." Madison said as she was cutoff by Jonas. "I can write something saying her character broke her ankle." Jonas said. "You could but we just started filming maybe we could wait until she's healed." Madison said. "We could but how long will it take?" Jonas said. "We'll find out in a few days but I'm guessing a few months." Madison said. "Oh that's not good. Just update me when her surgery is done." Jonas said. "I will." Madison said. Madison went inside and saw Noel laying on the couch next to Rudy and Madelyn. Noel was just resting her ankle on a pillow when she saw Madison go upstairs. "Noel tell your mom we're leaving for the day." Chase said. "I will" Noel whispered. Chase,Rudy,JD,Austin,Laci,and Madelyn left. "Mom" Noel called out. Madison didn't answer so Noel hopped upstairs with her crutches in hands. Noel made it upstairs and she went by Madison's room door. Noel heard Madison sobs from the outside of the door and she just slowly knocked on the door. Madison whispered a small come in and Noel hopped inside. "Noel I could've help you." Madison said as she wiped her face. "It's fine why are you crying?" Noel said. "It's nothing." Madison said. "Mom you're not fine. You're literally crying right now I just want to know what's wrong." Noel said. "It's just your ankle and I'm not sure if you can film anymore." Madison hiccuped. "Mom if I can't film I won't be upset." Noel said. "But you wanted to do this." Madison said. "Not really I only did the audition because you wouldn't stop pressuring me into doing it." Noel said. "What?" Madison said. "Yea I only did this for you. It's fun and all but I think I should heal before I go back to filming." Noel said. "Wait you only did the audition because of me." Madison said. "Yea I mean I wanted to see what it was like and it's great don't get me wrong but I'm not trying to film with a broken ankle." Noel said. "But" Madison said. "But nothing Mom I'm not gonna film Jonas already texted me saying it's my choice and even if you try to say I can he is not going to let me." Noel said. Madison was just hyperventilating and Noel just hugged her. "Mom breathe." Noel said. Madison and Noel were sitting by each other taking breaths when Noel got a headache. "Is the light too bright?" Madison said. "No" Noel said. "Your sister would be laughing at me right now." Madison said. "She would." Noel said. "We can call them if you want Lily's been asking to call all day." Madison said. Noel grabbed her phone and she facetimed Lily. "Hi Mommy Hi El." Lily said. "Hey how's everything going?" Madison said. "Good I got to skip level 6 in gymnastics and my coach thinks Noel could skip level 8." Lily said. "That might not be happening." Noel said. "Why not? You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Lily said. Right before Noel could say anything Lily called for Mariah. "I thought you told them." Noel whispered loudly. "I thought you did." Madison whispered loudly. "Told us what?" Mariah said. "I broke my ankle and I need surgery." Noel said. "You can't skip levels with me now." Lily said. "No I can't." Noel said. "Are you having the surgery there or are you coming back here to have it?" Mariah asked. "We don't know yet she'll probably have the surgery here and then we'll see what happens after that." Madison said. "Well can you let me know when she's having it so we can fly down there." Mariah said. "Yea." Madison said. Noel and Lily just kept talking until Lily had to go get ready for bed. "Bye Lily." Noel said. "Bye tell Mommy I said bye to." Lily said. "Lily I'm right here." Madison said. "Oh bye Mommy." Lily said. "Bye baby." Madison said. Lily hung up the phone and Noel just crutched back to her room. "Go get ready for the night and then we can talk about what you want to do about surgery." Madison said. Noel went to go get ready for the night while Madison did the same. Noel was doing her hair when Madison came in. "Hey so surgery what do you want to do?" Madison said. "I don't know whatever is easier." Noel said. "Maybe you should do it at home it might be easier that way." Madison said. "I don't care anymore I just want to have this surgery so my ankle can stop being in pain." Noel said. Noel ended up falling asleep on Madison's lap with her phone in her hand. Madison decided to scroll through Noel's phone was a little shocking. "Mom why are you going through my phone?" Noel said as she "woke up". "Why do you have a note called letters?" Madison said. "Because I write letters about my days." Noel said quickly. "Noel this isn't a letter talking about your day this is a goodbye letter. Noel let me see your wrists." Madison said. "I'm not showing you." Noel said. "Noel I'm not gonna overreact just show me your wrists." Madison said. "Mom has a picture ask her to send it to you." Noel said. "Noel just show me your damn wrists." Madison said. "Get out." Noel said. "Noel just show me." Madison said. "Mom get the hell out." Noel said. "El" Madison said. "I said get out." Noel yelled. Madison just left the room while Noel went and locked her notes.

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