Chapter 30

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"Noel we need to call your moms I think these cups were laced." Charlotte said. "I think they were my stomach really hurts and I'm super dizzy." Noel said. Noel called Madison and she answered. "Mom we drank something that was laced and our designated driver left us. Can you come get us." Noel said. "I'm on my way send me the address." Madison said as she got into the car. "Hurry please." Noel said. "Did you call her?" Charlotte said. "Yes she's on her way. You feel ok?" Noel said. "I feel dizzy." Charlotte said. Charlotte was clutching her stomach when she got up and went outside to go throw up. Noel followed her and rubbed her back. "When is your mom coming?" Charlotte said. "She should be here soon." Noel said. "Ok" Charlotte said. Madison pulled up and saw Noel and Charlotte sitting on the porch. "Mom" Noel said. "You two look horrible come on." Madison said. "I called my parents they said they're picking me up from your house." Charlotte said. "Are they mad at you?" Noel asked. "No but they didn't except that family friend to give us drugs so they're going to talk to that guys parents." Charlotte said. "He didn't do anything to you guys right?" Madison asked. "Not anything sexual he just made us take drugs." Noel said. Madison arrived home and Charlottes parents were already waiting for her. "Bye Maddie bye Noel." Charlotte said as she got out of the car. Charlotte walked over to her mom's car and got in. Then she left which caused Noel to cry. "Hey don't cry you'll see her again soon." Madison said. "I know but my body hurts." Noel hiccuped. "Do you want me to carry you inside?" Madison said. "No I can walk inside." Noel said. Noel and Madison walked inside when Noel rushed to the bathroom. "Noel you ok." Madison asked. "My stomach hurts." Noel cried as she was hunched over the toilet. "I'm gonna grab you something else you can wear I'll be right back." Madison said. Madison walked out and went to go get Noel something to change into. "Here I got you this shirt and shorts." Madison said as she came back into the bathroom. Noel was throwing up so Madison had started to hold her hair back. "I'm never going to a party again." Noel said as she flushed the toilet. "You didn't know he drugged you that doesn't mean you can't go to another one." Madison said. "I'm not going to another one half of the guys there were rude." Noel said. "Well try to go to sleep and see if you feel any better." Madison said. "Ok can you lay with me just until I fall asleep." Noel said. "Come on. You are just like your sister." Madison said. "Well you make me feel safe." Noel said as she got into her bed. "Noel why are you here your suppose to be with Charlotte." Lily groaned as she was waking up. "Why are you in my bed?" Noel asked. "Because I wanted to sleep in your bed." Lily said. "Mom fell asleep in yours when you two were watching a movie." Noel said as she laid next to Lily. "Yea" Lily said. "Come on you two can sleep in our room for the night. Noel and Lily walked with Madison to her room and they laid with her. "Noel why are you so sweaty?" Lily asked. "I don't know I'm just gonna go take a cool shower." Noel said. Noel got up to go take a shower when she got dizzy. "Noel you ok?" Lily asked. "Yea just a little dizzy." Noel said as she tried to reassure herself. "Lily go wake up Mama so she can help me with Noel." Madison said.

"No let her sleep I'm fine." Noel said. "You're not fine and you're about to throw up." Madison said. Lily went to go wake up Mariah while Madison stayed with Noel who was puking into her trash can. "Why are you guys up it's four in the morning." Mariah said as she rubbed her eyes since the room was bright. "Noel went to a party and she had something she shouldn't have had now she's suffering the after effects." Madison said. "Where's Charlotte?" Mariah asked. "Really that's your big concern." Madison said. "Her parents took her home." Noel said. "You are really sweating want me to get you something to drink?" Mariah asked. "Please and an ice pack." Noel said. "Lily" Madison said. "She went back to her room I think." Noel said. Lily came back into the room with a cup full of ice cold water and dumped it on Noel's head which also landed on Madison. "Liliana Michelle Bailey." Madison yelled. "What happened?" Mariah said as she came back in the room. "She dumped ice cold water on me and mom." Noel said. "Sorry Mommy it was an accident I swear." Lily said. Madison went to go get a towel while Mariah gave Noel the ice pack. "You're still sweating go shower." Mariah said. Noel got up and went to go shower. Lily went back to her room and just laid in her bed. "Did Lily go back to her room?" Madison asked as she wiped her face with the towel. "Yea she's probably really tired." Mariah said. "I'm gonna see if she's ok?" Madison said. "Ok I'll wait here for Noel." Mariah said. Madison went to go check on Lily when she walked in she heard her crying. "Lily honey are you ok?" Madison asked as she crouched next to Lily's bed. "Lily" Madison said. Lily just crawled into Madison's arms and cried into her chest. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." Madison said as she rubbed Lily's back. Lily was dozing off in her arms so Madison got into Lily's bed and laid with her. While Noel was sitting in her room with an ice pack on her head. "I'm really tired can I go to sleep now?" Noel asked. "Yea do you want me to stay with you?" Mariah asked. "Please." Noel said. Mariah got into Noel's bed and laid next to her. "Love you." Mariah whispered. "Love you too." Noel whispered back.

The next morning Noel was feeling a little better but still dizzy so she just laid in bed until Lily came into the room. "Noel scoot over." Lily said. "Why go hangout with Mom or something." Noel said. "Fine I'll just tell Charlotte that she can't come in your room then." Lily said. "Tell her she can come in." Noel said. "Charlotte." Lily yelled. Charlotte came into Noel's room with a basket. "This is so cute." Noel said. "My mom and sister helped me make it." Charlotte said. "Are they still going on there trip?" Noel asked. "No they said they canceled it." Charlotte said as she sat down next to Noel. "Lily you can leave now." Noel said. "Ok but Mommy made pancakes." Lily said. Lily walked out of the room holding Charlotte's hand. "Give me back my girlfriend." Noel said as she followed. "They have chocolate chips inside can I have some please." Charlotte asked. "Of course I kind of made too much anyway." Madison said. "Thank you." Charlotte said. Noel,Lily,and Charlotte started eating while Madison and Mariah were talking with one another. "Mommy when are you and Mama gonna get married?" Lily said. "In two months." Madison said. "Two months that's too far away." Noel said. "I know but that was the only time we could do it." Madison said. "I can marry you guys in the backyard." Lily said. "Yea and we'll watch." Noel said. "Go get dressed." Lily said. "No they can get married in there pajamas." Noel said. Everyone went outside to the backyard so Lily could start the ceremony. "Today we are gathered here today to marry Madison and Mariah." Lily said. "I don't know what to say after that." Lily said. Noel wrote what Lily had to say on Mariah's phone and gave it to her. "If anyone wishes for them to not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace." Lily said. "Madison do you take Mariah to be your wife." Lily said. "I do." Madison said. "Mariah do you take Madison to be your wife." Lily said. "I do." Mariah said. "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Lily said. Madison and Mariah kissed while Lily, Charlotte, and Noel clapped. "Now we can go eat breakfast." Noel said. "Wait we gotta take a picture." Mariah said. "I'm ready." Lily said as she posed. Noel and Charlotte posed next to her then Madison and Mariah took a picture. Charlotte gave Noel a kiss for the next picture which made Madison and Mariah awe. "Noel and Charlotte sitting in a tree kissing." Lily sang. "Shut up." Noel said. Lily just kept singing louder and louder till Noel and Charlotte went inside. "Your sister is so cute." Charlotte said. "She is but annoying at the same time." Noel said. "We should go to target." Lily said. "Umm you guys can't go to target at the minute." Madison said. "Why not mom?" Noel said. "Because we're going to the beach." Madison said. "Finally I can get a good tan." Noel said. "Is that why Charlottes here?" Lily said. "She's here because her and Noel are gonna hangout at the beach." Mariah said. "We can make sandcastles right?" Lily said. "Yes Lil we can make sandcastles." Noel said. Everyone got changed and then they all went to the beach.

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