Chapter 37

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Madison and Mariah had told Lily what happened to Noel and she thought it was her fault so she wrote Noel and huge letter saying she was sorry for every little thing she's done. "Mommy when's Noel coming home?" Lily asked. "I'm not sure baby." Madison said. Mariah was in her own world trying to use basketball as her way out of the fact her daughter almost killed herself and she had to be covered in her blood. "Where's Mama?" Lily asked. "She's out in the back you can go out there if you want." Madison said. "Ok but can you help me with gymnastics?" Lily asked. "Yea go get your mats." Madison said. "Ok" Lily said as she went into the backyard. Lily was grabbing her mats when she saw Mariah come up to her and pick her up. "Mama put me down." Lily said. "Gotta wait for Mommy to come out." Mariah said. "Mommy" Lily said. "What are you holding her like that?" Madison said as she came outside. "I don't know but she's getting heavy." Mariah said as she put Lily down. Lily grabbed her mats and started tumbling. "Mommy when did we get bars?" Lily said. "Your grandma sent them and Chase put the bars together." Mariah said. "Is that why he's sitting on the couch out of breath?" Lily asked. "Yea" Madison said as she laughed. Lily went inside to grab her grips while Kelsea came outside. Lily came back and then tired out her new bars. Lily was doing her routine and when she finished everyone clapped. "Maddie someone's calling you." Chase said as he stuck his head out of the back door. Madison went inside to answer the phone while Lily just kept practicing her gymnastics. "Hello?" Madison said. "Mom you have to get me out of here this place is horrible." Noel said. "Noel I can't. You have to stay there for the rest of this month." Madison said. "But I want to go home. Mom please." Noel cried. "I can't Noel I already tired." Madison said. "Try harder." Noel said. "I can't. How have you been." Madison said. "I've been ok. I'm the talk of the whole mental hospital but it's fine." Noel said. "Well everyone misses you but I'm glad you're ok." Madison said. "Other than the fact I have a scar on my wrist and my ankle is still healing I'm fine. Now please get me out of here." Noel said. "I can't your therapist says you need to stay there for the rest of the month which you're going to do. I'll try to come and visit but I don't know if I'll be able to because of Lily's gym schedule." Madison said. "Bailey hurry up I have phone privileges next." A girl yelled. "One second ugly bitch." Noel said. "What the fuck did you just say?" The girl said as she went up to Noel. "One second." Noel said. "Alright it better be you got five more minutes to talk to your mommy then it's my turn even if I have to beat your ass." The girl said. "I got to go mom bye." Noel said. "Bye" Madison said. "I'll call Mariah later this week if they let me." Noel whispered. "Ok bye I love you so much." Madison said. "Bye mom." Noel said. Madison hung up the phone and went back outside to see Chase doing pushups with Kelsea on his back and Lily on Mariah's back. "Mama you're not winning." Lily said. "I know" Mariah said. Chase stopped doing pushups and Mariah was still going. "Yea mama won that mean Chase has to take me shopping." Lily said. "We never agreed to that." Chase said. "Yea we did." Lily said. Lily went up to Madison and looked at her hair. "Mommy did your hair grow magically because it wasn't this long yesterday?" Lily said. "I got extensions Lily I showed you yesterday." Madison said. "Oh well I like your short hair better but it's still cute." Lily said. "Why do you like my short hair better?" Madison said. "Because I want short hair like you." Lily said. "So you want a haircut?" Madison said. "And blonde hair." Lily said. "Lily you don't need to dye your hair blonde." Mariah said. "Why Mommy and Noel do it." Lily said. "Your hair is brown which is super cute so you don't need to dye it." Madison said. "And it's wavy which your sister's isn't but it's ok." Mariah said. "But I want blonde hair." Lily said. "When you're eight you can get temporary dye in your hair." Madison said. "Eight thats too far away." Lily said. "You'll be eight in a month that's not that far away." Madison said.

"Yes it is Mommy that's far." Lily said. Lily went inside and grabbed a snack. Kelsea also went inside and saw Lily struggling to grab the cookies off of the shelf. "Do you want help?" Kelsea asked. "No I can grab them myself." Lily said. Lily had grabbed the cookies and sat down on the couch. Lily had started eating the cookies when Madison's phone rang. Lily decided to answer the phone. When she answered the phone she heard Noel saying hello. "Hi El I miss you." Lily said. "Hey where's mom?" Noel said. "She's outside with mama." Lily said. "Well can you tell her to pick me up please." Noel said. "Yea but when you come home you aren't going to do it again right?" Lily asked. "Yea just ask mom if I can come home please. I don't want to be here anymore these people here are so mean." Noel cried. "It's ok Noel when you come home I'll be super nice to you and save you cookies." Lily said. "Lily who are you talking to?" Madison said. "Grandma" Lily said. "Give me my phone." Madison said. "No" Lily said. "Liliana give me my phone." Madison said. "No" Lily said. Madison took her phone out of Lily's hands and she started screaming. "Liliana Michelle stop acting like this." Mariah said. "No I have to talk to Grandma." Lily said. "Grandma isn't on the phone it's Noel." Madison said. "I have to talk to her." Lily said as she started hitting Madison so she could get her phone. Noel had said to Madison she had to go since one of the girls in the mental hospital escaped but Lily didn't hear it. "Hey knock it off." Mariah said as she lifted Lily up. "Let me go" Lily cried. Lily elbowed Mariah in her stomach which made Mariah put her down and then she ran upstairs. "Lily." Kelsea said. Chase had went over by Mariah and made sure she was ok. "She has really sharp elbows." Mariah groaned. Kelsea went to go check on Lily and she wouldn't let her in. "Lily come on just let me in." Kelsea said. Lily's door was unlocked so Kelsea let herself in. "Go away" Lily said. "Lil why are you crying?" Kelsea said. "I hurt mama and mommy." Lily cried. "But you didn't mean it right." Kelsea said. "No but I don't want to see them again until Noel comes back." Lily hiccuped. Lily went back to crying while Kelsea left the room. "Is she ok?" Madison asked. "She's crying and she isn't going to be coming out of her room for a while." Kelsea said. "She's just kidding she'll come out of her room." Madison said. "Lily come here please." Mariah called out. "If you guys think I'm joking I'm not." Kelsea said. "Lily" Mariah said. "Told you." Kelsea said. "She's really gonna stay in there forever?" Chase said. "No dumbass she's only staying in there until Noel comes home." Kelsea said. "Well you guys can go I guess thanks for putting her bars together. I'll see you later." Madison said. "Lily Kelsea and Chase are leaving." Mariah said. "We can go up there and say bye to her." Chase said. Lily had opened her door and waved bye then shut it again. Kelsea and Chase left while Madison and Mariah watched tv. "We can't let her starve in there I'll go get her something to eat." Mariah said. "Ok I'll stay here." Madison said. Mariah went to go get Lily something to eat so Madison went upstairs and slide her phone under the door. "Open the door so we can talk." Lily read. Lily responded and slide the phone back under the door. "Lil come on I'm not gonna yell at you." Madison said. "Mom go away." Lily said. Madison got up and went back downstairs. "I'm back did she come out at all?" Mariah said as she shut the door. "No but she called me mom. She hates me." Madison said. "She doesn't hate you let me give her the food." Mariah said. Mariah put the food outside of the door and told Lily it was there. Mariah was going downstairs when she heard a thud. "Lily?" Mariah said. Mariah went back upstairs and opened her door. "Maddie" Mariah yelled. Lily was on the floor passed out Mariah was shaking her over and over. "Don't do that we have to wait until she wakes up." Madison said. "Why?" Mariah asked. "Because just go get her some water." Madison said. Mariah went to go get Lily some water while Madison stayed with her. Lily had started to wake up and she was super confused. "Mama" Lily said. "Hey baby." Madison said. Mariah had came back in with water for Lily and saw that she was awake. "You feel ok?" Mariah said. "I'm ok I just felt dizzy." Lily said. "Do you want something to eat?" Madison said. "I'll eat what Mama brought me but I want to do it alone." Lily said. "Lil you just fainted we're gonna sit with you until you feel better." Madison said. Lily started eating what Mariah had brought her and when she only ate half of it worried Madison and Mariah. "Are you sure you're feeling sick?" Madison asked. "I'm just not that hungry." Lily said. Lily just got back on her bed and turned away from Mariah and Madison. Madison and Mariah picked up the rest of her food and then left. But before they left Madison left Lily a note. "Love you Lily." Mariah said. "Love you too." Lily whispered. Madison and Mariah left while Lily started doing some of her homework.

"She's still not talking to us I don't know what to do." Mariah said. "Well we're just gonna have to wait until she decides she wants to talk to us." Madison said. Lily had walked out of her room and into the bathroom. Lily was taking a shower when she heard Madison walk by the door crying. Lily had gotten changed and she went downstairs. Lily had went outside to the backyard and sat in one of the chairs. "Where's Lily? I was gonna ask her if she wanted me to braid her hair." Madison said. "I don't know I haven't seen her." Mariah said. "Lily" Madison called out. Mariah had started to call out for her when they heard bouncing from the trampoline. Madison and Mariah walked over by the back door and saw Lily flipping on the trampoline. Lily saw them and immediately stopped. Madison and Mariah went outside and saw Lily getting off. Lily had stepped down from the ladder and Mariah had scooped her up like she did earlier today. Lily didn't say anything and she just waited till Mariah put her down. "Mom put me down." Lily said. Mariah put Lily down and as she was going inside she just stopped walking. "Lily are you" Madison said as she was cutoff by Lily crying. "Lil honey don't cry it's ok we're not mad about earlier." Mariah said. Lily was just crying her eyes out until Madison gave her a hug. "Why are you upset?" Madison said. "I hurt you and Mama,then I didn't even come down and say bye to Kelsea and Chase,then I lied to you about who was on the phone. I'm a horrible daughter." Lily cried. "No you aren't don't ever say that. You and Noel are the best things that's happened to me and Mariah I'm serious so don't say that baby." Madison said. "But I lied and liars aren't good people that's what daddy said." Lily hiccuped. "Liars aren't good people but you lied so Noel wouldn't get in trouble I would've done the same." Mariah chimed in. Lily was wiping her face when she felt Madison wrap her arms around her. Lily slowly wrapped her arms around her and laid her head on Madison's shoulder. Madison picked Lily up and brought her inside. Madison sat on the couch while Mariah sat next to her. "We need to go shower then we can cuddle more." Madison said. "Promise" Lily said. "Promise" Mariah said. Lily let go of Madison and went upstairs to her room. After Madison and Mariah had showered they saw Lily wasn't in her bed anymore. "Lily" Madison said. "Mommy" Lily cried from the bathroom. Madison and Mariah went into the bathroom and saw Lily holding her stomach. Lily had thrown up into the toilet but when she stopped she was super pale and in a lot of pain. "Lily we're gonna go to the hospital ok." Mariah said. "It hurts really bad." Lily cried. Madison picked Lily up and took her down to the car while Mariah grabbed the keys and a bag. Lily had buckled her seatbelt while Madison sat in the passenger seat. "Here use this if you puke again." Mariah said as she handed Lily the trash bag. Lily took the trash bag and threw up into it. "Mommy" Lily cried. Madison got out of the car and went to go sit in the backseat. "Honey can you breathe?" Madison asked. "My chest hurts now." Lily said. "Do you have her inhaler?" Madison asked. Mariah gave Madison the inhaler and then started driving to the hospital. "Does that feel better?" Madison asked. "A little bit." Lily said as she cuddled into Madison's chest. Lily was starting to breathe normally but her stomach was still hurting. "Mommy will you hold my hand when we get there?" Lily asked. "Of course baby." Madison said. "Promise" Lily said. "Promise" Madison said.

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