Chapter 31

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"Mommy come on we're gonna be late." Lily said. "Lily we aren't going to be late we have twenty minutes before we need to leave." Madison said as she was coming downstairs. "But Mama,Noel,and Charlotte already left." Lily said. "They left because Noel's meet is earlier than yours." Madison said. "I don't want to be late like last time." Lily said. "We won't be late just eat your breakfast." Madison said. Madison did Lily's hair and ate some of the bagel she made for herself. "Go put your shoes on and fill up your water." Madison said. "Do you want me to fill up your water too?" Lily said. "You can fill it up while I make your snacks." Madison said. "Can you put a cookie in my snack box?" Lily said. "I always put a cookie in there." Madison said. "I filled up the waters." Lily said. "Ok come on." Madison said. Lily walked out holding Madison's hand and her water bottle. Lily got into the car and buckled her seatbelt. "Mommy is Mama gonna watch me?" Lily said. "She'll try her best to watch you but she does have to watch Noel today." Madison said. "Ok" Lily said. Once they arrived at the gym Lily saw her friend Emma. "Emma" Lily yelled. "Lilly" Emma yelled. Emma and Lily ran to each other and hugged one another. "Come on Mommy we're gonna be late." Lily said. "I'm coming hold on." Madison said. Lily and Emma walked in together while Madison and Emma's mom followed them. "There's Coach Lizzie." Lily said. "Go we'll see you guys later." Madison said. Lily and Emma went with Coach Lizzie to go get ready while Madison and Emma's mom went to find a place to sit. "This meet should be pretty quick there's only five other teams here." Emma's mom said. "Hopefully" Madison said. "Noel's competing today right?" Emma's mom asked. "Yea Mariah and Charlotte are with her." Madison said. "Skylar's competing to so Mark's with her." Emma's mom said. Lily and Emma came out with their team and then the competition started. Lily was first for bars and she got a 9.5 while Emma also got a 9.5." Half way through the meet Lily went up to Madison. "Mommy can I have some of your water?" Lily said. "Here" Madison said. "Thank you is Mama coming?" Lily said. "They're still at Noel's meet it's going longer than expected." Madison said. "Oh" Lily said. "Hi Maddie." Emma said. "Hi Emma" Madison said. "Mommy can I have a snack?" Emma said. "Here go back by your coach." Emma's mom said as she gave Emma the snack. "Thanks Mommy." Emma said. Emma and Lily went back by there team and the continued on. When the meet ended Lily and Emma tied for first place overall and there team did the best in the meet. "Mommy look we have matching medals." Lily said. "Let me get a picture." Madison said. Madison and Emma's mom took a picture of Emma and Lily with their medals. "Those two always win it's not fair." A girl from Lily's team said. "They were just better than you today that's all." The girls mom said. "It's not fair I want the medals." The girl said. The girl went up to Lily and Emma and just started trying to take their medals. "Stop it Carly." Lily said. Carly's mom was just watching as Carly was hitting Lily and Emma. Coach Lizzie went over and pulled Carly off of Lily and Emma. "Rosie this is the third time this has happened Carly's off the team." Coach Lizzie said. "Off the team it's not my fault those two always win." Rosie said. "Well maybe if Carly put in the work she would be winning." Coach Lizzie said. Carly had only attacked Lily but Lily didn't have a scratch on her. Lily had Carly pinned to the ground and she was seconds away from punching her. "Don't you ever hit me or Emma again you got that." Lily said. "You're lucky your mom is watching or else" Carly said but was cutoff by Lily punching her. Carly punched her back as Rosie pulled her off of Lily. "Carly why did you hit her?" Rosie said. "Because she hit me first." Carly said. "You hit Emma and pushed me." Lily said. "I did not you liar." Carly said. Carly ran out of her mom's arms and went over to Lily and kicked her. Rosie picked Carly up and left. "Lily you're bleeding." Emma said as she went over by Lily. Emma's mom gave Lily a tissue for her nose. "Thanks Mrs Allison." Lily said as she took the tissue. "Lily
are you ok?" Madison asked. "My Leo got blood on it I'm sorry." Lily said. "It's ok I can wash it I'm just glad you're ok." Madison said. Lily and Madison walked out and got in the car. "Mommy are you mad that I punched Carly?" Lily said. "No she hit you first and you were sticking up for Emma." Madison said. "Mom guess who what happened to you?" Noel said as she looked through the window. "I got into a fight with Carly." Lily said. "Let me see." Noel said. Lily showed Noel her nose and she opened the door and gave her a hug. "You sure you're ok?" Noel said. "Yea. Me and Emma won 1st place overall." Lily said. "That's amazing I'm gonna ride back with Mom I'll see you when I get home ok." Noel said. "Ok" Lily said. Noel shut the door and went back to Mariah's car. Madison drove back home and when she got there a car that wasn't Noel's or Mariah's was parked in front of the house.

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