Chapter 22

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Madison and Mariah were getting their extra room they had ready for Sophie since her sister was sick of taking care of her. They were having a hard time getting it ready since it was Mia and Gracie's old room. "Mom you guys have been in here for a while. We made you both some lunch." Noel said as she walked into the room. "Lily you aren't suppose to be walking on your foot." Madison said as she wiped her tears. "The doctor said I could sometimes in my boot." Lily said. Madison grabbed Lily and took her downstairs. "Mommy put me down." Lily said. "You need to stay off your foot." Madison said. "But it doesn't hurt anymore." Lily said. "So you two have been siting in here for the past hour looking at the pictures of Mia and Gracie. "I miss them. I miss when we were a family of 6." Mariah said. "Mom maybe they're having fun with their new family." Noel said. "But I want them back and I can't take anything down without crying." Mariah cried. "Maybe they'll get placed back in with us." Noel said. "I hope so." Mariah hiccuped. "So when is Sophie coming?" Mariah asked. "She just texted me that she doesn't need a place to stay anymore since her sister got a raise and she started blowing up on TikTok so she's been making money from that." Noel said. "Oh so we don't have take any of Mia's and Gracie's stuff down." Mariah hiccuped. "No Mom we don't have to take any of their stuff down." Noel said. Noel opened her arms for Mariah to hug her so she could stop crying. "Noel" Lily yelled. "Yes" Noel yelled. "Noel" Lily yelled. Noel got up and went downstairs to see what Lily wanted. "What's wrong." Noel said. "My foot is itchy and Mommy won't let me scratch it." Lily said. "You to take your boot off to scratch your foot." Noel said. "I know that but Mommy won't let me." Lily said. "It's because you keep taking your boot off everyday which doesn't give your ankle time to heal." Noel said. "Well it's itchy." Lily whined. Lily was about to take her boot off when Madison put gloves on her hands. "Take these off." Lily whined. "You need to stop taking off your boot." Madison said. "Meanie" Lily said. "You have a doctor's appointment later today to get your ankle checked out." Madison said. "Mama Mommy's being mean." Lily said as she hopped over to Mariah. "She's not being mean she's just trying to help your ankle feel better." Mariah said. "It does feel better." Lily said.

"Well we won't know until the doctor checks it out." Mariah said. "Can we go now." Lily said. "Your appointment is at 12:00." Madison said. "I don't have to drive her right." Noel said. "You do now." Mariah said. "Come on I want to get Starbucks." Noel said. Lily hopped over to the door and then grabbed her crutches. "Are you guys coming or am I taking her by myself." Noel said. "I'll go." Madison said. Madison grabbed her things and walked out with Noel and Lily. Noel unlocked her car and helped Lily get in. "Can I get a drink?" Lily asked. "Ask mom." Noel said. "After your appointment." Madison said. "That's not fair Noel gets to get a drink." Lily said. "She can get Starbucks after your appointment too." Madison said. "I'm not buying you a drink." Noel said. Noel parked her car and since they got to the doctor's office a bit early. "Let's go get you checked in." Madison said. "Ok can I get a lollipop." Lily said. "If they have any." Madison said as she opened the door for Lily. "El" Lily said. "I'm coming." Noel said. Lily got onto Noel's back since it was easier for her to get inside. Madison opened the door for Noel and she placed Lily onto one of the chairs. "I'll check you in." Madison said. Madison went over to check Lily in at the front desk. "Do you think I'll get my boot off today." Lily asked. "Maybe." Noel said. "Lilliana Bailey." A nurse called out. Noel picked Lily up and followed the nurse. "Your mom will be coming in a minute I'm just gonna ask your sister to leave so I can ask you some questions." The nurse said. "Why does she have to leave?" Lily asked. "It's just a protocol we have." The nurse said. "She can come back when we're done right." Lily asked. "Yes she's gonna wait with your mom." The nurse said. Noel walked out of the room and went back to the waiting room. "Is Lily ok?" Madison said. "The nurse is just asking her some questions." Noel said. "Why aren't you in there?" Madison said. Because they don't want her to lie since I'm in the room." Noel said. "Oh that makes sense." Madison said. "You guys can come into the room now." The same nurse said. Madison and Noel went into the room where Lily was and she sitting on the chair with her boot off and her foot was way skinner than her other foot. "El" Lily said. Noel sat next to Lily and hugged her. "Hi Lily I see you've taken tour boot off." The doctor said. "Nurse Olivia told me I could take my boot off." Lily said. "I figured I'm gonna take you get a quick x-ray to see how your ankle has healed." The doctor said. Nurse Olivia brought a wheelchair for Lily to sit in so she wheeled her to the x-ray room. Madison started to get really nervous which Noel noticed and immediately grabbed her hands. "She's gonna be ok." Noel said. "What if her ankle is still hurt and she can't do gymnastics ever again." Madison said. "Mom she buckled fractured her ankle not broke it. And if she can't the doctors will tell us." Noel said. "But I didn't go with her the first time she was here what if she starts crying." Madison said. "Mom I'm pretty sure Mom had everything handled." Noel said. "But" Madison said. "But nothing you're just freaking out over nothing." Noel said. "Mommy I'm back." Lily said. "That's great." Madison said. "Yea she did really well and the doctor thinks she can start to wear a brace and walk around." Nurse Olivia said. "And I got a sticker." Lily said. "Let me see." Noel said. Lily hopped over to Noel and showed her sticker.

"It's pink you should put it in your car or on your laptop." Lily said. "It's your sticker you keep it." Noel said. Lily took her sticker back and hopped back over to the chair. "Hello I'm Doctor Clark" Doctor Clark said as she walked into the room. "Hi." Madison and Noel said. Lily just waved and smiled. "I've looked over Lily's x-rays and they came back clear. Her ankle is all healed but I want her to start doing physical therapy and then wearing this brace for as long as she does gymnastics." Doctor Clark said. "Do I have to wear the brace while I'm at home?" Lily asked. "No but I would take it easy and start slow with walking and running." Doctor Clark said. "Ok I want you try walking for me before you leave." Doctor Clark said. Lily got off of the chair and walked up and down the hallway. "Everything looks alright but just keep waking on it at home." Doctor Clark said. "Ok" Lily said. "You are free to go." Doctor Clark said. "Yea" Lily said. Madison helped Lily down and gave her a hug. "Mommy you're squeezing me too tight." Lily said. "I just love you so much." Madison said. "Come on let's go." Noel said. Madison carried Lily out while Noel just walked out. "Mommy put me down." Lily said. "Do you not like my hugs?" Madison said. "I do but I want you to put me down. Lily said. "Mom put her down so she can get in the car." Noel said. Lily got in the car and shut the door. "I'm tried." Lily said. "When we get home you can take a nap." Noel said. Lily just laid down in the backseat while Madison and Noel talked. "I'll ask Mariah to bring her in." Madison said. "No I got it." Noel said. Noel got out of her car and went towards the backseat to grab Lily. Noel grabbed Lily and took her inside. "How was the appointment?" Mariah asked. "It was good but someone here is a bit tired." Madison said as she shut the door. "I'm gonna put her down on the couch." Noel said. Noel put Lily down on the couch and sat next to her. "Maddie can I talk you." Mariah said. "What's wrong." Madison said.

"I got a call while you guys were at the doctors." Mariah said. "What was the call about?" Madison said. "Mia and Gracie are coming back to live with us." Mariah said. "Really." Madison said. "Yea there social worker said they both liked living with us a lot more then there new family so they're permanently getting placed back with us just like how Noel and Lily did." Mariah said. "Oh we need to tell the girls." Madison said. "Not yet I want them to be surprised." Mariah said. "I'm so excited we still have their presents from Christmas time and their birthdays." Madison said. Madison jumped up and down and then gave Mariah a kiss. "Do you know how much I love you." Madison said. "A lot." Mariah said. "We should get married." Madison whispered. "You would look beautiful in a wedding dress but I don't want a big wedding." Mariah said. "That's fine we can just go down to the court house with the girls and then take them somewhere." Madison said. "We could but I want to wait for Mia and Gracie." Mariah said. "I do too." Madison said as she gave Mariah a kiss. "Mom I'm hungry." Noel yelled. "Can we get chick fill a." Lily said. "I thought she was asleep." Mariah whispered yelled. "We have food here." Madison said. "I don't want that weird pasta you made." Lily said. "Me either." Noel said. "Lily you want chick fill an and Starbucks?" Noel asked. "Yea" Lily said. "Come on I'll take us as long as you agree to go to target with me." Noel said. "We should go to the mall instead." Lily said. "We should I'll call Sophie and see if she wants to go to." Noel said. "We'll be back later." Noel said. "Alright." Madison said. "Be home by 11:00 call us if anything happens." Mariah said. "I will." Noel said. Noel and Lily ran up to Madison and Mariah and gave them hugs. "Bring back a pink drink." Madison whispered. "I will." Noel said as she let go from the hug. Lily slowly walked out which was annoying Noel so she picked her up and took her to her car. "Can we still go to target after we bring Mommy her drink and pick up Sophie." Lily asked. "We're gonna go to the mall since a whole bunch of stores are having sales." Noel said. "Can you get me stuff." Lily said. "I always do so that way we can make video about it." Noel said. Noel pulled out of the driveway and called Sophie to tell her she was on her way.

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