Chapter 13

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Noel and Mia were sitting upstairs lying in bed complaining about Madison and Mariah. "I can't believe we're grounded for the rest of the trip." Noel said. "I know it sucks." Mia said. "Well maybe we can sneak out." Noel said. "Why would we do that when no one is here?" Mia said. "Well why not" Noel said. Mia and Noel got up and slowly sneaked downstairs. "Where are you two going?" Mariah said as she was standing at the end of the staircase. "Non of your business." Noel said. Noel and Mia walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. "Everyone is still here." Mia said. "Yea we just came back." Madison said. "That's great." Noel said. Noel and Mia went back upstairs while everyone just watched. "Let's go play" Gracie said as she was trying to pull Drew off of the couch. "Ok I'm coming." Drew said. "I wanna come too" Lily said. Lily,Gracie,and Drew went outside in the backyard. While Madelyn,Austin,Chase,and Kelsea watch tv. Madison and Mariah went upstairs to talk to Noel and Mia. "Noel open the door"Madison said as she knocked on the door. "No thanks" Noel said. "Now" Mariah said. Noel opened the door so Madison and Mariah could walk in. "So do you guys want to talk about what happened yesterday?" Mariah said. "What is there to talk about?" Noel said. "What's with the attitude you two have been having?" Mariah said. "What attitude" Mia sassed. "That attitude" Madison said. "That's not really an attitude" Noel said. "Yes it is" Madison said. "You know what let's talk separately so you two can actually tell us the truth." Madison said. Mariah got up and walked out with Mia. "Talk" Madison said. "No" Noel said. "Noel Simone" Madison said. "Madison Lily" Noel said. "Just tell me what's going on with you." Madison said. "Nothing" Noel cried. Mia walked into the bedroom that Madison and Mariah were staying in. "What is going on with you?" Mariah asked. "Nothing" Mia said. "You are literally on the verge of tears right now. Just tell me what's wrong." Mariah said. "You won't understand" Mia said. "Well I won't be able to if you don't tell me." Mariah said. "If you're not going to tell me then I'll just ask Madison." Mariah said. "Ask her I couldn't care less." Mia said. Mariah got up and walked out of the room while Mia just cried into her knees. "Mia" Mariah said as she stoped herself. "Go ahead and leave just like you always do." Mia cried. "What" Mariah said. "Hey is everything ok in here?" Madison said as she knocked on the door. Mariah didn't answer since she went to go comfort Mia.

Madison opened the door and saw Mia crying into Mariah's arms. "Noel go sit by Mia." Madison said. Noel walked over to where Mia was sitting and sat by her. Noel was crying too so Mariah tried her best to comfort her. "Mia you know I'm not going to leave you right." Mariah said. "Your not?" Mia hiccuped. "No why would I leave you." Mariah said. "Because that's what my mom did." Mia cried. "Noel why are you crying?" Mariah asked. "You wouldn't understand." Noel hiccuped. "She misses her mom." Madison said. "She's never coming back because of me." Noel said. "Hey— ooo this looks like a bad time we can come back." Madelyn said as she opened the door. Everyone including Lily and Gracie were standing in the doorway. Lily and Gracie went up to Noel and Mia and gave them a hug. "You look ugly when you cry." Lily said. "Thanks that makes me feel better." Noel said as she stopped hugging Lily. "Your welcome." Lily said. Noel and Gracie got up and went back to their room while everyone else just stayed in Madison's and Mariah's. "So did you guys figure out why they've been so rude?" JD asked. "I think they both miss their moms a lot." Madison said. "Aren't you guys their moms?" Chase asked. ""Kind of" Madison said. "We aren't the same as their biological mothers but we figured they would act out sooner or later." Madison said. "Mommy can we go swimming?" Lily asked. "Yes but you guys need someone to watch you guys." Mariah said. "We can watch them while you guys deal with Noel and Mia." Madelyn said. "Come on" Lily said as she started dragging Kelsea out of the room. "I'm coming" Kelsea said. Everyone went to go get changed into their swimsuits while Madison and Mariah went to talk with Noel and Mia again.

"We're gonna be out by the pool you guys can go swimming if you want to." Madison said as she was standing outside the door. "Also you guys are un"Mariah said as she was cut off by Mia hugging her and Noel gave Madison a hug. "We're so sorry we called you the worst moms ever." Noel and Mia said. "We forgive you both please let us go so we can go swimming." Mariah said. Noel and Mia let them go so they all could go swimming. Noel and Mia changed into there matching bikinis they had and then ran outside. "Get up so I can tan." Noel told Lily who was lying on one of the chairs. "No" Lily said.  Noel picked Lily up and threw her in the pool. "Noel" Madison said. "She knows how to swim." Noel said. Lily got out of the pool and pushed Noel into the water. "Lily" Noel screamed. Mia and Gracie were laughing while this was all happening so Madison and Mariah pushed them into the water. Noel and Lily pushed Madison and Mariah into the water which made everyone get into the pool and started splashing each other. Noel and Mia started doing flips off of the diving board which scared Madison a little bit by she didn't say anything. "Our turn" Lily said. Lily and Gracie did a backflip off of the deep end wall but as they were flipping Noel and Mia were swimming across and they didn't see them so when Lily and Gracie landed they landed on top
of their sisters. The guys noticed and immediately swam over and helped them out. "Are you guys ok?" Drew asked. "Yea I'm fine" Lily said. "Me too" Gracie said. Noel and Mia got out of the pool and kept walking away from everyone. "Let me see" Mariah said. "I'm fine" Noel said. Noel and Mia were going to show Madison and Mariah their faces but they both got dizzy. "Mom" Noel and Mia said. "Look at me." Madison said. Noel and Mia looked at Madison and she saw huge bumps on their foreheads. "We're going to the hospital come on" Madison said. Noel and Mia were carried inside by Drew and Chase while Madison and Mariah went inside. "Can you guys take them to the car." Mariah asked. "Yea" Drew said. "Mommy can we come?" Lily asked. "Are you both hurt?" Madison asked. "No" Gracie said. "Then you both can't go. Now please be good." Madison said. "They're in the backseat." Chase said. "Ok we'll update you guys once we get there." Madison said. "Ok let us know if you need anything." Madelyn said. "I will. Mariah let's go." Madison said. "I'm coming" Mariah said as she was holding everyone's phones. Madison and Mariah took the Noel and Mia to the hospital while Lily and Gracie just hung out with the rest of the cast.

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