Chapter 10

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Once Noel and Mia arrived at the hospital they were rushed into surgery. Madison stayed overnight with Noel and Mia while Mariah took the younger girls home. Mariah kept texting Madison for any updates on the girls but Madison never texted back. "Mama we're hungry." Lily said as her and Gracie walked downstairs. "What do you guys want to eat?" Mariah asked. "Pancakes" Gracie said. "Alright I'll make you guys pancakes. While I make them can you both go get ready so we can go see Noel and Mia." Mariah said. Gracie and Lily went back upstairs and headed to the bathroom so they could both shower. Mariah grabbed everything she needed to make pancakes. As she started making them Madison facetimed her. "Hey how are the girls doing?" Mariah asked. "They're doing better. They both had to get their appendix and gallbladder removed." Madison said. "Are they gonna be ok?" Mariah asked. "Yes they just need to rest for a week or two." Madison said. "What are you making?" Madison asked. "Pancakes Gracie and Lily wanted them."'Mariah said. "Well I'm on my way home." Madison said. "What about the girls?" Mariah said. "Visiting hours are over so the nurses said I could go home and freshen up. I'm also gonna bring Noel and Mia some clothes." Madison said. "Oh ok do you want me to make you any pancakes?" Mariah said. "Sure" Madison said. "Alright I'm gonna go I'll see you in a bit." Madison said. "Alright bye" Mariah said. "Bye I love you" Madison said. "I love you too" Mariah said as she hung up the phone. "Mama when's mommy coming home?" Lily said as she was walking downstairs. "She'll be home in a few minutes." Mariah said. "Ok" Lily said as she sat in the living room. "Gracie everything ok?" Mariah yelled. "Yea I was just brushing my hair." Gracie said as she walked downstairs. "Ok well your guys pancakes are almost ready." Mariah said. "Yea" Gracie and Lily said. Right as Mariah started plating the pancakes Madison walked in. "Mommy" Lily said as her and Gracie ran over to her. "Hi girls" Madison said. "Gracie Lily come and eat please." Mariah said. Gracie and Lily ran into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Lily tell your moms to sit with us." Gracie whispered. "You do it" Lily whispered. Gracie and Lily kept whispering to each other over and over until Madison and Mariah sat at the table with them. "You guys do you know we could hear you right." Madison said. "You could?" Gracie said with her mouth full. "Yes we could" Mariah said. "When can we go see Noel and Mia?" Gracie asked. "In a few hours." Madison said.

"A few hours that takes way too long." Gracie said. "Well maybe we can go shopping while we wait." Mariah said. "I don't want to go to shopping." Lily said. "Why not?" Madison said. "Because I don't want to." Lily said. "I don't want to go either." Gracie said. "Fine we can just stay home." Mariah said. Gracie and Lily finished their food so they put their plates in the sink and sat on the couch to watch tv. Madison got up and went upstairs to go freshen up while Mariah cleaned up the kitchen. "Girls why don't you guys want to go shopping?" Mariah said. "Because we don't want to"'Gracie said. "Thats a lie." Mariah said. "No it's not". Lily said. "Yes it is." Mariah said. Lily and Gracie couldn't stand listening to Mariah so they got up and walked upstairs to Lily's room. Lily slammed the door shut which made Mariah yell at her. "Quit slamming your damn door". Mariah yelled. "You quit yelling at us" Lily yelled back. Madison came out of their room and saw that Mariah was upset so she went to check on her. "What happened?" Madison asked. "I yelled at Lily and Gracie." Mariah cried. Madison gave Mariah a hug and rubbed her back while she cried. "Lily and Gracie are gonna hate me." Mariah said. "No they're not they just need a little time to themselves." Madison said. "Besides this is the first time these two have been separated from their sisters this long. I know they miss them." Madison said. "Well I miss them too." Mariah said. Madison and Mariah just stayed in their hug until they felt Lily and Gracie hug them from behind.

"Sorry Mama" Lily and Gracie said as they hugged Mariah. "I'm sorry that I yelled you guys." Mariah said. "It's ok" Lily said. As they were hugging Gracie went into the bathroom. "Gracie are you ok?" Madison asked as she went into the bathroom. Gracie was hovering over the toilet and she looked like she was going to puke. "Gracie does your stomach hurt?" Madison asked. "Yea" Gracie said. Gracie ended up puking but Madison just stayed by her side the entire time. "Maddie do we have any tylenol?" Mariah asked. "I think so. Why?" Madison said. "Lily has a fever and she just threw up in our bathroom." Mariah said. "Oh great now we've got two sick kids and two kids in the hospital being a mom isn't easy." Madison said. "You're telling me now where's the tylenol?" Mariah said. "In the cabinet where the advil is." Madison said. Mariah went into the kitchen to grab the tylenol while Madison carried Gracie over to the couch. "Do you feel better?" Madison asked. "A little" Gracie said as she snuggled into Madison's chest. "Mommy" Lily whined. "Come here" Madison said as she motioned for Lily to lay next to her. "You two didn't want to go shopping because you guys were sick." Mariah said. "Yea" Gracie groaned. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Madison asked. Gracie and Lily just shrugged their shoulders and laid down on the couch. "Is it because you two wanted to see your sisters?" Mariah asked. "Yea" Lily said. "Well Maddie can stay with you both while I go pick them up." Mariah said. "They aren't suppose to come home until the end of the week." Madison said. "I know but Noel asked me to bring her something so I'll be right back." Mariah said. Mariah grabbed her keys and walked out the door. "Your mommy gives the best cuddles." Gracie said. "I know that's why I always take naps with her." Lily said. Madison just let the girls cuddle with her since she didn't really have a choice.

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