Chapter 8

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Today was Lily's first day of her new school and being completely honest she was terrified. Noel wasn't she had already gone to school two weeks before Lily since she had caught the flu and got a bad ear infection. Since Noel is in high school she has to be at school at 7:45 while Lily has to be there at 8:30 since Madison and Mariah chose the times for Lily. "Lily it's time to get up." Madison said as she shook her awake. "Five more minutes" Lily groaned. "You are just like your sister." Madison said. "Alright let's go" Madison said as she picked Lily up. Madison brought Lily into the bathroom and placed her down on top of the toilet seat. "Lil take a shower and then put on the outfit I picked out for you." Madison said. "Fine" Lily said. Madison walked out and shut the door. "Good morning" Mariah said as she gave Madison a kiss. "Good morning my love." Madison replied. "I got you some starbucks" Mariah said. "thank you" Madison said as she grabbed her pink drink. "Mama" Lily yelled. "Yes" Mariah yelled back. "I forgot my towel." Lily yelled. "I'm coming" Mariah said as she grabbed Lily a towel. "What do you want for breakfast?" Mariah asked as she gave Lily her towel. "Avocado toast" Lily said as she took the towel out of Mariah's hands. Mariah shut the door and walked into the kitchen. "Lily wants Avocado toast and since she doesn't like it when I make it..." Mariah said "you want me to make it" Madison said. "Yes while I make her lunch." Mariah said. "Noel made her lunch already." Madison said. "When?" Mariah said. "Last night when she was making hers." Madison said as she grabbed the Avocados out of the fridge. "Did I put my shirt on backwards." Lily said as she walking into the kitchen. "Let me see" Mariah said. Lily walked over to Mariah and had her check her shirt. "Your shirt is fine Lily." Mariah said. "Ok" Lily said. "Here you go." Madison said as she gave Lily her toast. "Do you want water or apple juice?" Mariah asked. "Apple juice." Lily said. Mariah gave Lily a cup of apple juice and sat next to her. "When you finish eating I'm gonna do your hair and then we're gonna take pictures." Madison said.

"Can you do my hair like Noel's?" Lily asked. "All she did was take her braids out and wear it curly." Madison said. "I know that's why I had her braid my hair last night." Lily said as she got up. "Lily. Why didn't eat your grapes?" Mariah asked. "Because I didn't want them." Lily said as she sat in front of Madison. "Do you want me to put them in your lunch?" Mariah asked. "I guess." Lily said. Mariah grabbed a sandwich bag and put the grapes inside it. While Madison was taking Lily's dutch braids out. "Ok I'm done." Madison said. Lily got up and went into the bathroom to see how hair looked. "Do you like it?" Madison asked. "I love it!" Lily yelled. "Ok grab your backpack and your sign so we can go take pictures." Mariah said. Lily grabbed her backpack and the sign Madison and Noel made for her last night. The sign said Lily's first day of 1st grade 8/15/23. "Ok go stand by the front door." Madison said. Lily stood by the front door and started to doing poses. "Lily stand still" Mariah said. Lily stood still and then Madison started taking pictures with her. "Ok let's go." Mariah said. "All the cheerleaders including Noel are gonna walk you and another little girl to class today." Madison said. "Why?" Lily asked. "Because they did that for everyone on the first day of school and since you two weren't there they wanted you guys to get the same experience." Madison said as she buckled her seatbelt and started pulling out of the driveway. "Mommy what if Noel's cheer friends don't like me?" Lily asked. "I'm pretty sure they'll like you." Madison said. "Ok are we almost there?" Lily asked. "We are now" Mariah said as the car stopped. Noel and the other cheerleaders were waiting outside when Lily had arrived. "Bye Mommy bye mama." Lily said as she got out of the car. "Bye Lily have a good day." Mariah said. Lily waved bye and shut the door. Madison waved bye and pulled away.

"Hi Lily. Your hair looks so cute." Noel said as she gave Lily a hug. "Thank you Mommy helped." Lily said. "Gracie go introduce yourself." A girl from the cheer team said. "Hi I'm Gracie." Gracie said. "I'm Lily." Lily said. "You two are in the same class." Noel said. "Yea we're gonna be best friends." Gracie said. "Alright let's go inside." Another girl from the team said. Everyone went inside and as they got inside Lily and Gracie were just telling each other about their favorite disney princesses. "Alright girls this is our stop." Noel said. "Lily I'll see you at the end of the day." Noel said as she gave her a hug. "Gracie I'll see you at the end of the day too." A girl from the team said. "Ok bye Mia." Gracie said. "Bye Noel." Lily said. Lily and Gracie walked into class together and surprisingly they both sit by each other too. "Hey do you think your mom's would be ok if me and Gracie come over after school our mom is working late again." Mia said. "Yea do you guys need to sleepover again?" Noel asked. "I think so our mom hasn't answered me in a while and I'm getting worried." Mia said. "I'm sure my mom's will fine it they literally let you guys have the guest room." Noel said. "Can you text them to make sure it's ok." Mia asked. "Yea I'll text you if they say anything." Noel said. "Thanks" Mia said.

Fast forward to the end of the day. Lily and Gracie were running too there sisters. "Is Gracie spending the night at our house?" Lily said. "Yea her and Mia might be staying for awhile." Noel said. "Yea that means we can have sleepovers all the time." Gracie said. "Alright moms here so lets go." Noel said. Everyone walked to Madison's car and got in. "Hey guys how was school." Madison asked. "It was good." Mia and Noel said. "Mommy it was amazing I saw someone fall at lunch and then my teacher wanted me to give you this letter." Lily said. "Ok you can give me the letter when we get home." Madison said. "Maddie can we stop by my house please. I have to grab some clothes for me and Gracie." Mia said. "Yea. Is your mom ok?" Madison asked. " I don't know she hasn't responded to any of my messages and I checked her location it says she at home. But I don't know if she's you know her normal self." Mia said. "Oh ok if anything is wrong we can just get you girls some new clothes." Madison said. "Are you sure?" Mia said. "Yes it's fine." Madison said. Madison pulled up to Mia's house and as she stopped the car there were many police officers there as well. "What's going on?" Gracie asked. "I don't know but maybe we should see." Mia said. Everyone got out of the car and walked over to a police officer. "Ma'am you can't be here right now." The police officer said. "Oh I was just dropping her kids off so they could go inside and grab more of their things." Madison said. "Well they can't go in there at this moment." The police officer said. "Why" Mia asked. "Because your mother is being arrested." The police officer said.

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