Chapter 15

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It's been a little over a week since the Bailey family arrived back home from their road trip to Outer Banks North Carolina. Noel and Mia concussions healed after they went back to school a few things happened. Madison and Mariah were granted full custody of Mia and Gracie which was exciting. Lily and Gracie were having a good time but Noel and Mia were stressed with a lot of things. They both had just been kicked off of the cheer team for no reason which made them both upset. Other than that Madison and Mariah have been pretty distant with them since that happened. Madison and Mariah decided to make an instagram post about Noel and Mia to hopefully brighten their day. "Noel Mia come downstairs please." Madison said. Noel and Mia slowly walked downstairs with their faces red and puffy from all the crying they've been doing. "What do you want mom." Noel hiccuped. Madison was standing behind the kitchen island as she saw Noel and Mia. "Check your phones." Madison said. "Why" Mia hiccuped. "Just look." Madison said. Noel and Mia checked their phones and saw hundreds of notifications pop up. "Did you guys post about us on instagram again?" Noel said. "Yea. Read the comments." Madison said. "We would love to have Noel and Mia on our cheer team." Noel said. "Mom we can't join our rivals cheer team." Mia said. "Why not?" Madison said. "Because we don't go to their school." Noel said. "Well you guys do online school so it doesn't matter." Madison said. "Didn't only Noel get kicked off the team." Mia said. "Yea" Madison whispered. "Wait they kicked me off and not Mia." Noel said. "This is such bullshit." Noel yelled. "Language" Madison yelled. Noel grabbed her things and walked out of the house. "Noel where are you going?" Madison said. "Somewhere" Noel said. "Noel wait." Mia said. "Mia what do you want?" Noel yelled. "You can't leave whenever something doesn't go your way." Mia said. "Ok well I'm sorry that I don't have that certain someone I can talk to." Noel yelled. "What about mom?" Mia said. "I can't tell them everything. If they want to know more about me they can look in my real file." Noel yelled. "What do you mean real file." Madison said as she walked over to Noel and Mia. "Nothing just forget about it." Noel said. "Noel Simone" Madison said. "It's in my room. I'll go get it and show you." Noel said. Noel,Madison,and Mia went back inside and Noel went to go get her file. "Here you both can read it or you can read with Mariah I don't care." Noel said as she was walking downstairs. "We can read it in your room." Madison said. Noel walked back upstairs and just waited for Madison.

"Here" Noel said. Noel placed the file on Madison's lap and just started fidgeting with her hands. Madison opened the file and saw all the papers that were the complaints from her old foster parents. "I don't want to be in here when you read this." Noel said. Noel started to get up but Madison stopped her. "Mom let me go" Noel said. "Please I don't want to hurt you. Not like how I hurt them." Noel cried. Madison let her go and Noel immediately started crying. "Mom I'm leaving with Mariah. We'll see you guys in a few days." Mia yelled. "Ok be safe and text me when you guys land." Madison yelled back. "I will." Mia said. The door shut and the house was silent except for the sobs coming from Noel. "Noel is all of this true. The hitting,yelling,scratching,and giving someone a black eye." Madison said. "Yea." Noel whispered. "Why did you hide this from us?" Madison asked. "Because I didn't want to be the reason Lily couldn't find a new home. I wanted her to find someone who would care for her so my social worker made me two files. The one that you guys saw first and this one." Noel said. "Why?" Madison said. "Do you see everything that's in there. No one is going to adopt a teenager who gave someone a black eye and scared their own children." Noel said. "Compared to all the other kids in the system I was listed as the one sibling or kid who would never get adopted. And I mean never." Noel said. "I still don't get why you hid this from us." Madison said. "It's the same reason why I never told the cheer coach I had a miscarriage." Noel said. "Hey your miscarriage happened due to"Madison said but what cut off by Noel. "Due to what?" Noel said. "Due to the fact your body couldn't handle growing a baby." Madison said. "What" Noel said. "Even if the baby would've survived and you successfully gave birth. You would've had a lot more medical complications than your own child." Madison said. "So I should be glad my child died." Noel said "No but you should be glad you didn't die." Madison said. "It's not like you would've cared." Noel whispered. "I would've been heartbroken." Madison said. "Really?" Noel said. "Yes I wouldn't want Lily to lose the only biological family she has." Madison said. Noel gave Madison a hug which she really needed. "If Mariah,Mia,Lily,and Gracie all went on their trip doesn't that mean we're here alone for the rest of the week." Noel said. "Well we are since I wanted to spend some time with you." Madison said. "Ok can we go practice driving." Noel asked. "Sure" Madison said. "I still can't believe I'll get my license before Mia." Noel said. "You guys are a year apart so it makes sense." Madison said. "If I get my license would you get me a car?" Noel said. "Maybe" Madison said.

Madison and Noel went outside to the car and Noel got into the driver seat. Noel started pulling out of the driveway and she had pulled over next to the curb since she forgot something inside. Noel had left her phone in the car which Madison noticed so she decided to look at her notifications. "Sorry I forgot my wallet and I had to go to the bathroom." Noel said as she was buckling her seatbelt. "Who's Kenzie?" Madison asked. "A girl from school. Why are you looking through my phone?" Noel said. "I was going to take a picture." Madison said. "What does that have to do with Kenzie?" Noel said. "She just texted you and it didn't sound right." Madison said. Noel grabbed her phone out of Madison's hand and she saw the messages Kenzie had sent. "You have go to be kidding me." Noel said. "What did she say?" Madison said. "The whole school found out I was pregnant. And that you and Mariah are my mom's." Noel said. Madison's phone started ringing so she answered it. "Who is it?" Noel whispered. "The principal" Madison said. "I can bring her in right now if you want." Madison said. "Ok we're on our way." Madison said. "We should switch spots for this." Madison said. Noel and Madison got out of the car and switched spots. "Why does the principal want to talk to me?" Noel said. "Because of the rumors going around." Madison said. "You knew didn't you." Noel yelled. "I did but didn't need everyone else to know." Madison said. "The whole damn school knows why not tell the whole world while we're at it." Noel yelled. "Noel I'm sorry" Madison said. "It's not your fault." Noel said. "It's mine because the coach saw it in my health records and she told the team which was uncalled for but who cares now." Noel said. "Noel you didn't mean to get pregnant it happened. It was unfortunate that your baby didn't survive but I'm glad you did and that's all that matters." Madison said.

Madison had pulled up to the school and both her and Noel went inside. "Mrs Bailey I see you brought your sister her with you." The principal said. "That's her mom" The secretary whispered. "Oh she looks awfully young to be having kids." The principal said. "She's adopted sir." The cheer coach said. "She also adopted Mia Bailey and their little sisters." The secretary said. "Wow I wouldn't want to be your age with four kids and you're single I'm assuming." The principal said. "I have a girlfriend." Madison said. "Follow me into my office." The principal said since he was trying to change the subject. "Please have a seat." The principal said. Madison and Noel sat down in the two chairs that were in front of the principals desk. The principal gave Madison a piece of paper that had all the exact things that the everyone had seen. "As you can see here our cheer coach Amy told the girls the reason Noel should be kicked off and her reasoning was that she was going to be a bad influence on the other girls." The principal said. "A bad influence" Madison said. "Yes you know with her being pregnant and all." Amy said. "She's not even pregnant anymore and she wasn't pregnant when she joined the team." Madison said. "I swear she was. I mean her stomach was huge compared to Mia and all the other girls." Amy said. "Amy" The principal said. "What it's true look at her. She looks fat just like a pregnant woman." Amy said. Noel was appalled by the words Amy had just said to her she immediately got up and walked out of the office. "Noel" Madison said. "Don't go after her she needs to walk all that weight off before she gets any bigger." Amy said. "I'm sorry but l have to go make sure my daughter is ok." Madison said as she was getting up. Madison grabbed her and Noel's things and walked out. Noel was sitting in the secretary's chair crying while the secretary was comforting her. "Noel" Madison said. "Can we go." Noel hiccuped. Madison just shook her head and waited for Noel to get up. "Keep the tissues I think you need them more than I do." The secretary said. "Thanks" Noel whispered. Noel got up and walked out with Madison. "I'm not fat am I?" Noel said. "No not all." Madison said. "Are you sure I mean I could probably lose like 5 pounds or more." Noel said frantically. Madison and Noel got into the car and as Madison was starting it Noel started crying again. "Noel look at me" Madison said. "You aren't fat so don't listen to what Amy has to say. She's just jealous of you because she's not as skinny as you." Madison said. "How do you know that." Noel asked. "Lisa told me." Madison said. "Oh so she only kicked me off because I was making her upset that she didn't look like me." Noel said. "Probably" Madison said. "That makes sense." Noel said. "When does everyone come back?" Noel asked. "They're not coming back until next month". Madison said. "What" Noel said. "I know it's just Mariah's family wanted to meet them and then Mariah has a lot of photography things to do." Madison said. "Why couldn't we go too." Noel said. "We're going tomorrow I was going to surprise you but-"Madison said. "I ruined it" Noel said. "No you didn't ruin it but when I wake you up tomorrow with the surprise act surprised." Madison said. "Got it" Noel said. Madison and Noel ended up finishing packing their bags and watched movies until they went to bed.

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