Chapter 12

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Noel and Mia had a cheer competition this past weekend and there team got second place. Even though there team got second place Noel and Mia got first place in the duo category. Madison and Mariah decided to surprise the girls with a trip to Outer Banks, North Carolina and today was the day their road trip started. Madison knocked on Noel's and Mia's door and told them to wake up. "Five more minutes" Mia groaned. "You guys can sleep in the car we need to beat traffic." Madison said. Noel and Mia rolled out bed and started to get ready. Mariah went into Lily and Gracie's room and she was having the time of her life. "If you both get up I'll give you both $20." Mariah said. Gracie and Lily finally got up and went into the bathroom to get ready. "Mariah are Lily and Gracie up?" Madison asked. "Yes they're getting ready." Mariah said. "Ok good are all of bags are in the car" Madison said. "Yea" Mariah said. Madison and Mariah were downstairs packing up their last minute things like phone chargers and other electronics. "Girls let's go" Madison yelled. "Mommy stop yelling" Lily said as her and Gracie were walking downstairs. Madison just laughed as she saw the older girls coming downstairs holding all their backpacks. "Lily Gracie come grab your backpacks." Mia said. Lily and Gracie grabbed their backpacks and grabbed a snack. "Does everyone have everything they need?" Mariah said. "Yes" Everyone said. All the girls walked out and got into the car. "I forgot my blanket" Lily said. "Me too" Gracie said. "Can you guys grab our blankets too please." Noel and Mia said. "Yea" Lily and Gracie went back inside with Mariah to grab the blankets while Madison got into the drivers seat. "Mom why couldn't we fly?" Noel groaned. "Because I wanted us all the experience a road trip together." Madison said. Lily,Gracie,and Mariah got back into the car and gave everyone their blankets. "Everyone has everything." Madison said. The girls gave a thumbs up while Mariah checked to make sure all the doors were locked. "I'm hungry" Gracie said. "Didn't you guys grab some snacks" Madison said. "Those are for later." Gracie said. "Well we have to wait till places open up since it's 2am." Madison said. "Why did we have to wake up so early?" Mia said. "So we can miss traffic" Madison said. "All the doors are locked so we are ready to go." Mariah said.

Madison backed out of the driveway and started their journey. The girls were all sleeping including Mariah. Madison then stopped at the gas station so she could get gas. Noel and Mia felt the car stop so they both woke up and looked really confused. "Mom why did we stop?" Noel asked. "To get gas and do bathroom breaks." Madison said. "Wake your sisters up please." Madison asked as she got out of the car. Noel and Mia shook Lily and Gracie awake so they could all go inside and use the bathroom. "Come on so we can all go to the bathroom." Noel said. Lily and Gracie got out first and then Noel and Mia. "We'll be right back." Mia said. All the girls walked into the gas station and went to the bathroom. Mariah ended up getting up so she could switch spots with Madison. Mariah got out of the car and got into the driver seat. "Mommy we're back" Lily said. "And we got snacks" Gracie said. ""Ok get in the car please." Madison said. "Mommy can you sit with us please?" Lily asked. "Sure" Madison said. Noel and Mia got in the car first then Lily and Gracie did. "Mommy sit in the middle." Gracie said. "Ok" Madison said. Madison sat in between Gracie and Lily then they all watched a movie. "Is everyone ready to go?" Mariah said as she got into the drivers seat. "Yes" The girls said. Mariah pulled away from the gas station and continued to finish the seven hour drive. "I'm hungry" Noel said. "Me too" Gracie said. "What do guys want?" Mariah asked. "I want chick fill a" Madison said. "Me too!"Lily and Gracie said. "I don't care I just want food." Noel said. "Same" Mia said. "Chick fill a it is." Mariah said. "Yea" The girls said. Mariah drove to Chick fill an and got everyone there food. Mariah parked the car and gave everyone their food. "Are we almost there?" Noel asked. "We are now." Mariah said.

The car was parked in front of a huge house that had a gate in the front yard. "Woah this house is huge." Lily said. All the girls mouths were hanging open. "Why are there cars here?" Noel said. "Because we invited some of our friends." Madison said. "Oh" Gracie said. "They all wanted to meet you guys so we decided to get an airbnb so we could all hangout." Madison said. "That's cool can we go inside now I have to pee." Mia said. "Yea let me just type the code in." Mariah said. Mariah typed the code to the gate in and then pulled into the driveway. All the girls got out of the car and ran inside. "Girls come you get your things." Madison said. "Gotta pee" All the girls said as they shut the front door. Once the girls were inside they all found bathrooms to use. Madison and Mariah were bringing in their stuff when Noel and Mia came downstairs and took a peek at who was sitting in the kitchen. It was Chase, JD, Drew, Austin, Carlacia/Laci,Madelyn,and Kelsea (Chases girlfriend). "Omg El" Mia said as she started whisper yelling. Lily and Gracie were grabbing there things while Noel and Mia were still freaking out. "Are you two gonna help or not." Madison said. "You didn't tell us they were here." Noel said. "I must have forgot." Madison said. "Grab your stuff your guys room should be upstairs." Mariah said. Noel and Mia grabbed there things and went upstairs. "Which room is it?" Mia said. "It's the door at the end of the hall." Laci said."Thanks" Mia said as her and Noel quickly went into the room. "This bag is too heavy." Lily said as she was dragging her suitcase out of the car. "Mommy help" Lily said. "I'm busy at the moment Lil ask your sister." Madison said as she went inside. "Noel" Lily yelled. "Yes" Noel yelled. "Can you help me" Lily yelled. "Sure" Noel said. Noel went downstairs and saw Lily struggling. "Lily it's not that hard to carry your suitcase inside." Noel said as she laughed. "It's not funny" Lily said as she smacked Noel's arm. "Ow you little shit" Noel said. Noel quickly covered her mouth when she realized what she said. "Don't even" Noel said as she was cut off by Lily and Gracie yelling for Madison and Mariah. "Will you two stop yelling and come inside." Mia said as she walked outside. "Noel said a bad word" Lily said. "Yea she called Lily a little s word." Gracie said. "Well you guys can be little shits sometimes." Mia said. Lily and Gracie started arguing with Noel and Mia which caused everyone to overhear them.

"Stop hitting me" Noel said as she pushed Lily on the ground. "Noel Simone Bailey what the hell  is your problem." Madison said as she went outside. "She started it" Noel said. "You made me bleed" Lily said as she held her arm. "Fuck you". Mia said. "Mia Nicole Bailey" Mariah said. "Oooo" The guys said. "Both of you upstairs." Madison said. Noel and Mia didn't move until Madison yelled Now. Noel and Mia went inside while Lily and Gracie were still outside. "Maddie I found the first aid kit." Madelyn said. "Thanks" Madison said. "Are they mad at us?" Gracie said. "I don't think so." Mariah said. Mariah took Gracie inside the guys followed while Madelyn and Laci stayed outside with Lily. "I'll take your bag inside Maddie can you her bandaid on." Madison said. "Yea" Madelyn said. Madelyn opened up the alcohol wipe to clean Lily's cut. "You're pretty" Lily said. "Me" Laci said as she pointed at herself. "Both of you guys." Lily said. "Thank you Lily." Madelyn and Laci said. Lily went inside holding Madelyn's and Laci's hand. "Lily look theres candy." Gracie said. "ooo" Lily said as she ran over to where Gracie was. "Where's Maddie and Mariah?" Laci asked. "Upstairs talking to Noel and Mia." JD said. "Oh well what are watching?" Madelyn said. "Basketball." JD said. "Boring" Lily said. "Hey basketball is not boring." Drew said. "Yes it is." Gracie said. Lily and Gracie were eating there chick fill a that they got earlier while everyone kept asking them questions. "Where's Rudy?" Lily asked. "He couldn't make it since he already had family plans." Drew said. "Oh ok" Lily said. Lily and Gracie finished their food and threw away their garbage. "You guys are the worst moms ever!" Noel and Mia yelled as they walked downstairs. Noel and Mia walked out of the house and slammed the door. Madison and Mariah came downstairs with their faces covered in tears. "Did you guys see where they went?" Madison hiccuped.

"They went outside" JD said. "We can go get them if you want." Chase said. "They're fighting" Gracie said as she had her face pressed up against the window by the door. "What?" Mariah said as she quickly wiped her face. Everyone went over to windows and saw Noel and Mia arguing with one another. "Should we go out there." Austin said. "Nah they should be fine." JD said. "I'm going out there" Kelsea said. "Me too" Madelyn said. "Wait I think they're coming inside everyone after natural." Drew said. Everyone moved away from the window and waited for the girls to come inside. Noel and Mia opened the front door and just saw everyone looking at them. "Ooo you two are in trouble." Lily and Gracie teased. "Shut up you stupid b-" Noel and Mia said but got cutoff at the end. "Say it and you're grounded" Madison said. Noel and Mia just flipped off Madison and walked upstairs. "Grounded" Madison said. "Screw you" Noel said "Bitch" Mia whispered as her and Noel continued to walk upstairs. "I thought you said your kids were good?" JD said. "Don't talk about my kids Jonathan." Madison said. JD just backed up and slowly left the room.

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