Chapter 25

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Noel had gotten up before Madison and noticed Jadyn was asleep on the couch. Noel also noticed how Mariah had hung up earlier. So Noel just went outside and sat in the shade. "Hey what are you doing up so early." Madison asked as she came outside. "Oh nothing really I just needed some fresh air." Noel said. "So is Mariah coming to pick you up?" Madison asked. "I don't know." Noel said. "How are you feeling?" Noel asked. "A lot better but my head just kind of hurts." Madison said. "I can stay here and." Noel said as Madison cut her off. "You're going with Mariah after she picks us up." Madison said. "Ugh I'm going to shower." Noel said. Noel and Madison went back inside. Noel went to go shower while Madison sat next to Jadyn who was still sleeping. Jadyn ended up waking up because she had to throw up. She ran over to the sink and puked. "You must've had too much to drink last night." Madison said as she held Jadyn's hair back. "I did and it was not worth it." Jadyn said. "Well you are twenty but I won't tell Mariah." Madison said. "Thanks" Jadyn said right before she went back to puking. Next thing you know Mariah came inside using the key Jadyn had given her. "Hey you look rough." Mariah said. "I think I got food poisoning from last night." Jadyn said. "That's not good." Mariah said. "Mommy" Lily said as she ran up to Madison. "Hey" Madison said. "I made you a card." Lily said as she handed Madison the card. "Thank you." Madison said. Jadyn was still throwing up so Madison and Mariah switched spots. "Where's Noel we might have to cancel our plans since Jadyn's sick." Mariah said. "No me and Lily will stay here and take care of Jadyn while you two hangout for the day." Madison said. "See Mama I told you packing a sleepover bag wasn't a dumb idea." Lily said. "I didn't nevermind." Mariah said. "Noel come on what's taking so long." Mariah said. "Hold on I'm filming." Noel yelled. "She's always filming." Mariah groaned. "Her filming is how she afforded to fly her and Lily down here in front row seats." Madison said. "Front row" Mariah said. "I'm ready now." Noel said. "Loving the fit." Jadyn said. "Thank you." Noel said as she showed off her light blue crop top,black jeans,and light blue converses. "Are you bringing a jacket?" Mariah asked. "No I'll be fine." Noel said. "Bring one just in case." Madison said. "But it'll mess up the vibe." Noel said. "El just go get a jacket and stop being a drama queen." Lily said. "You're the drama queen but whatever." Noel said as she went to go get her jacket. "You're sure you're ok with taking care of Jadyn." Mariah said. "Yes now and even if I wasn't I would call your mom." Madison said. "But what if" Mariah said as she was cutoff by Madison. "What if nothing. You're just trying to get out of hanging out with your teenage daughter all because she's been acting a certain way that you can't handle." Madison yelled. "I don't care how's she been acting it's the fact that I wasn't ready to become a mother. I'm only doing this for you Madison." Mariah yelled. "You mean you didn't want to adopt me or Lily." Noel said as she came around the corner. "Noel I" Mariah said but was interrupted by Noel.

"No you don't get to say I'm sorry I didn't mean it when you did. You've never wanted kids in the first place. Well actually you never wanted me in the first place you love Lily. You would take a bullet for her in a heartbeat,me on the other hand you wouldn't give a damn about what happens to me and I know it." Noel yelled. "Noel please I" Mariah said but stopped. "I what. I wish I wouldn't have said I wish things were different well so do I Mariah so do I but they aren't. You want to know the real reason I flew down here. It was to get away from you. I was gonna fly down here by myself but I knew Lily would miss me so I brought her along. I flew all the way to Charleston to try my best to never see you again for at least two weeks just to try and find a bigger place in my heart for you and I did but now it shrunk a whole hell of a lot." Noel yelled. Noel grabbed Mariah's rental car keys and slammed the door on her way out. "Mama doesn't want me." Lily said. "No I do it's just" Mariah said. "I'm not a good daughter." Lily said as she walked out to go find Noel. "Lily wait." Mariah said. Madison and Jadyn were in shock. "Mariah do you know what you've done." Madison said. "I made our kids cry." Mariah said. "You made them feel like they're unwanted. No one should be feeling that way and I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't want to see you unless Noel and Lily are with you." Madison said as tears started to form in her eyes. "Maddie I'm sorry just let me explain" Mariah said but was cutoff by Jadyn. "Go find your damn kids." Jadyn said. "Can I borrow your car?" Mariah asked. "If it will help you find your kids then yes but fill up my tank." Jadyn said. Madison just sobbed on the couch while Jadyn comforted her. "She didn't want kids why didn't she tell me." Madison hiccuped. "I'm not sure but I know deep down she loves them." Jadyn said. "I know she does but she needs to tell them that." Madison hiccuped.

Mariah was riding around town looking for Noel when she got a call from Noel. "Hey" Mariah said. "Mom I need you." Noel sobbed. "Where are you?" Mariah asked. "I just sent you our location." Noel hiccuped. "Ok I'll be there in ten minutes." Mariah said. "But I'm only five minutes away." Noel said. "I'm almost there where are you parked." Mariah said. "I'm standing outside the car." Noel said. Mariah found where Noel was parked just to see Noel and Lily shaking. "What happened?" Mariah asked. "Nothing." Noel said. "Then why are you two shaking." Mariah said. "Because we were crying." Noel said. "You were crying about what I said." Mariah said. "What do you think." Lily said. "I'm sorry about what I said." Mariah said. "Are you?" Noel said. "Yes I am I know that what I said was rude but I really don't know what my life would be like without you guys. Can you guys forgive me?" Mariah said. "I don't know but I'm going back to Jadyn's house." Noel said. "Lily get in the car." Noel said. Lily got in the car and Noel drove off. Mariah drove back to Jadyn's house as well. Noel and Lily pulled up to Jadyn's house. "Hey girls." Madison said. "Mom" Noel said. "What's wrong." Madison said. Lily and Noel laid next to Madison. "Did you make up with Mariah?" Jadyn asked. "Kind of." Noel hiccuped. "Oh honey don't cry." Madison said. Mariah then walked in and saw Lily and Noel crying into Madison's lap. "Hey do you guys want something to eat?" Mariah asked. "I already ordered food for us." Madison said. Jadyn got up and took Mariah into another room. "Did you apologize to them." Jadyn asked. "I tried to but they said they don't know if they can. I'm a horrible mother." Mariah cried. "Well you did this to yourself. If I were you I would make it up to them." Jadyn said. "How?" Mariah said. "What did Noel give you guys when she wanted to apologize?" Jadyn asked. "She gave us gift baskets and matching outfits." Mariah said. "Maybe you should do that with them." Jadyn said. "I'll buy them the stuff tomorrow." Mariah said. "Or you could buy it right now it's only 6 o'clock." Jadyn said. "I'll be back." Mariah said. Mariah walked out of the house and went to the store. "Where is she going?" Noel asked. "I don't know but how about you two go shower." Madison said.

Noel and Lily went to go shower while Madison did the same. Jadyn had brought the food inside and placed it down. Jadyn started eating when her headache from last night started to get worse. "Are you ok?" Lily said as she sat next to Jadyn. "I just have a headache." Jadyn said. "Are you sure whenever Mommy gets a headache from going to a party she throws up." Lily said. "How did you know I went to a party." Jadyn said. "Your makeup was running down your face." Lily said. "Maybe you did get food poisoning from last night." Noel said. "I think so and being hungover isn't helping either." Jadyn said. "I can call Mariah and have her pick up some medicine." Noel said. "Don't I should have some medicine in the cabinet." Jadyn said. "Jadyn are you feeling ok? You look worse than before." Madison said. "Let's go sit on the couch." Madison said. Madison helped Jadyn over to the couch while Mariah walked in with three bags from target. "Jadyn what's wrong?" Mariah said. "Jadyn went to a party last night and now she's hungover and sick." Lily said. "Lily" Jadyn and Noel said. "How much did you have to drink?" Mariah asked. "I don't remember maybe like 10 drinks and then pizza." Jadyn said. "Jadyn you aren't even old enough to drink and how did you" Mariah said as she watched Jadyn run into the bathroom. "Mariah" Jadyn groaned. "You feeling ok?" Mariah said. "No" Jadyn said. "Mom I'm calling Grandma so she can help with Jadyn." Noel said. "Don't call her." Jadyn said. "I told her you have food poisoning which you do she's on her way." Noel said. "We're going to her house so you guys can spend some family time together." Noel said. Jadyn got up and hugged Noel. "I love you too now get off of me you smell like vomit." Noel said. "Noel come on" Madison said. "Bye we'll see you tomorrow." Noel said as she walked out of the bathroom. "Bye" Mariah said. "Jadyn" Mariah groaned as she threw up in the toilet once more. "Sorry" Jadyn hiccuped. Mariah's mom came in and set her things down. "Jadyn why didn't you call me earlier?" Mariah's mom said. "Maddie was here so she helped me a little bit but I'm feeling a little worse now." Jadyn said. "Mommy does Mama actually like being a mom?" Lily asked. "She does like being a mom I just think she needed to get some things off of her chest." Madison said. "She does like being a mom right." Noel said. "Yes ask her tomorrow." Madison said. Noel parked the car then went inside with Lily and Madison. "Mom make sure you take your medicine." Noel said. "I know." Madison said. "Mommy can I have your candy?" Lily said. "You can have some of it." Madison said as she swallowed her pill. "Ok" Lily said as she took Madison's candy and sat down at the island. "Give me some." Noel said. "Can I at least have one piece?" Madison said. "No" Lily said. Lily and Noel just laughed while Madison grabbed ice cream from the freezer. "Where did you get ice cream?" Noel said. "The freezer" Madison said with a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. "Let me just steal some of that." Noel said as she took a spoonful of Madison's ice cream. "Hey" Madison said. Noel and Lily just laughed while Madison made a face at Noel.

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