Chapter 33

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Lily was still sleeping when Mariah went to go wake her up. "Bean it's time to get up." Mariah said. "Do I have to Mama?" Lily groaned. "Yes me and Mommy have to go get married." Mariah said. "Five more minutes?" Lily said. "Lily get up and go shower." Mariah said. "Noel" Mariah said. Noel came into the room in an oversized shirt and her hair wet. "Lily get up now." Noel said. Lily didn't get up so Noel picked her up and took her to the bathroom. "Take a shower now or else I'm taking your blue dress back." Noel said. "Don't take my dress back." Lily whined. "Then shower." Noel said. "Fine" Lily said. Lily turned on the shower while Noel walked out. "She's taking shower if she doesn't I'm taking her blue dress back to the store." Noel said. "Ok I'm gonna go get ready and you're riding with me right." Mariah said. "Yea" Noel said as she went back to her room. "Are the girls up?" Madison said. "Yea Lily's in the shower." Mariah said. Lily came out of the bathroom wrapped in her towel. Lily went to her room while Mariah left. Noel was doing her hair and she couldn't get it to a style she liked. "I'm actually gonna cut all of my hair off." Noel said. "El you ok?" Madison asked as she knocked on the door. "No my hair is not doing what I want it too." Noel said. "Let me help" Madison said. Noel let Madison in so she could help. "I've been trying to style the curls and they're not working. I'm actually gonna cut all my hair off." Noel said. "Let me help you I've had curls my whole life and you do not need to cut all of your hair off." Madison said. Madison helped Noel with her curls and they looked good. "What are you wearing?" Madison asked. "The blue dress." Noel said. "How does this look?" Madison said. "Great now get out and go change." Noel said. Madison went to go get ready while Noel did her makeup. Lily had finished getting ready when she asked Mariah to help her with her hair. "Lily your hair looks fine." Mariah said. "I know but I'm hungry." Lily said. "You can get something to eat after ok." Mariah said. "Can I have a snack at least." Lily said. "Sure" Mariah said. Lily went to go get a snack while Mariah was finishing her hair. "Lil you wanna ride with me?" Mariah said. "Yea" Lily said. "Mom come on." Noel said. "I'm coming hold on." Madison said. "Wait can't Noel just drive all of us?" Lily said. "She can" Madison said. "Come on." Noel said as she grabbed her keys. Lily walked out while Noel went upstairs. "El hurry up." Madison said. "I know I just need a bandaid." Noel said. Noel went to grab a bandaid to cover up the scars she had from gymnastics. Noel came back downstairs and got in her car. Noel waited for everyone to buckle up and then she drove down to the courthouse. "Ok you three go inside while I park." Noel said. "Ok" Madison said. Mariah,Madison,and Lily all got out of Noel's car and went inside. Noel went to go park her car and when she came inside she saw Lily waiting for her. "Come on Mommy and Mama are waiting." Lily said as she grabbed Noel's hand. "I'm coming" Noel said. Lily walked with Noel to the place Madison and Mariah were and right as they walked in they both had said I do. "You may now kiss the bride." The judge said. Mariah and Madison kissed while Noel and Lily cheered. "Now we can go get food." Lily said. Noel and Lily had started walking back to Noel's car when they saw someone who looked familiar to them. "Hi No No." The person said. "Noel who is this?" Madison said. "No no don't you remember me." The person said. "I was you favorite mom ever don't you remember you wrote me notes and colored me pictures. How could you forget." The person said. Noel was just stuck until Lily dragged her away. "El is that Mrs Sandy the lady who took you away from me." Lily said. "Yea" Noel said. "Oh come on Noel come and give me a hug." Mrs Sandy said as she opened her arms. Noel ran to her car while Mrs Sandy followed. "Leave my sister alone" Lily said. "Look little girl she was the reason I made money and now that she's gone I'm broke and I need her back." Mrs Sandy said. Madison and Mairah came over and told her to leave. "I'll be back No No just you wait." Mrs Sandy said. Noel was in her car panicking when she let Madison, Mariah,and Lily in. "El breathe" Madison said. "Mom it's not working." Noel said. Noel and Mariah switched spots so she could drive home.

Once they got home Noel went straight to her room and cried. "Mommy can I go play outside?" Lily said. "Yea I'll come with you." Madison said. Lily and Madison went to the backyard while Mariah went upstairs to go check on Noel. "Noel" Mariah said as she knocked on the door. "Yea I was in the bathroom." Noel said as she opened the bathroom door. "I just wanted to see if you were ok." Mariah said. "I'm fine I just needed to wipe my makeup off." Noel said. "But that lady who kept calling you" Mariah said as she waited for Noel to finish. "No no she was an old foster parent she just used me for money and didn't really know how to take care of kids." Noel said. "But you looked scared when you saw her." Mariah said. "It was nothing I just got scared because she called me No No that's all." Noel said. Noel just went in her room but Mariah followed. "Why don't you go spend some time with your wife." Noel said. "I want to spend time with you before you leave." Mariah said. "I know and I'm scared out of my mind that I'm gonna get mom fired and then she can never find an acting job again." Noel said. "El calm down. You're gonna do just fine." Mariah said. Noel just put her face into her pillow when Lily came in and jumped on her bed. "Can we go to the gym?" Lily said. "We can if you get off of my bed and go change." Noel said. "Yea Mommy and Mama can come right?" Lily said. "Yes now go change." Noel said. Lily went to go change while Noel also changed. "El I'm ready." Lily said. "Fill up your water and bring your gym bag." Noel said. Noel went downstairs and filled up her water. "You two want us to come?" Mariah said. "Yea you guys could probably jump on the trampoline or something." Noel said. "Mommy why are you wearing a that?" Lily said. "She's just wearing a shirt and shorts so she if she wants to jump on the trampoline she'll be comfortable." Noel said. "Ok" Lily said. Madison was ready to go and so was Mariah. "Hey you two almost ready." Mariah said. "Yea hold on." Noel said. Noel was in her room making a TikTok while Lily was putting on her shoes. "Noel come on." Mariah said. "I'm coming." Noel said as she came downstairs. Noel walked out and got into her car. Lily had gotten into the backseat with Mariah. Madison got into the passenger seat and turned on the radio. Noel started driving and when she was going to turn someone cut her off. "Asshole" Noel said. "Noel Simone." Madison said. "What they cut me off." Noel said. Noel parked her car and everyone got out of the car. Noel and Lily went inside and talk to Shelly who worked at the front desk. "Hey you two are the only people here today so your moms can go in there with you both." Shelly said. "Ok" Noel said. Noel and Lily went into the gym to go warm up while Shelly talked with Mariah and Madison. "I saw the insta post congrats newly weds." Shelly said. "Thank you" Mariah said. "Being married is amazing except when you have to share the bathroom." Shelly said. Madison and Mariah just laughed when Lily came back out and told them to come watch her. "We're coming hold on." Mariah said. Madison and Mariah said bye to Shelly and went inside the gym. Noel was just practicing her bar routine when Madison started cheering her on. Noel had almost stuck the landing but she landed on her butt. "That last looked good." Madison said. "No it wasn't I landed on my butt again." Noel said. Lily was with Mariah and she was on the beam. "Mama watch me." Lily said. Mariah watched Lily do her new skill on the beam and so did Noel and Madison. "Good job bean." Madison said. Noel went over to practice her tumbling passes while she was tumbling she had just stopped. "El what's wrong?" Mariah said. Noel was just stuck when Mariah came over by her. "El" Mariah said. Noel had just collapsed into Mariah's arms. Madison went over by Noel while Lily just grabbed Noel's water. "I just got a little dizzy." Noel said as she tried to get up. "You passed out you're more than dizzy." Mariah said. "Have you eaten anything today?" Madison said. "Yea I had some fruit." Noel said. "You need to eat something." Mariah said. "I will later." Noel said as she got up. "Here El I got you a snack." Lily said. Noel took the snack and started eating it. "Wanna go home now?" Madison said. "No I can just stop for the day you guys can keep going." Noel said. Madison,Mariah,and Lily kept doing what they were doing while Noel just went on her phone. Noel got a phone call so she stepped out of the room for a minute. "Hello" Noel said. "Hey baby it's your mom I was wondering if I could visit you and your sister soon." Noel's mom said. "Look Kate you're not aloud to talk to me." Noel said. "Your social worker said I could talk to you before I talk to Lil" Kate said. Noel was still on the phone when Madison,Mariah and Lily came out. "Please just don't call me again." Noel said. "Why not?" Kate said. "Because you left me when I was 8 and Lily when she was just born you don't deserve to try to become our mother again. And you left us for drugs and alcohol why would I want to stay with you? How do I know you're actually sober?" Noel said. "I've been sober for the past five years now." Kate said. "Well we can talk another time and not now." Noel said. "Noel wait." Kate said as Noel hung up on her. Noel grabbed her keys and then got into her car. Everyone followed her and they didn't talk the whole way home. "Mommy I'm hungry." Lily said as she got out of the car. "I'll make you something to eat." Madison said. Lily and Madison went inside while Noel just sat in her car and cried. "El who were you on the phone with?" Mariah asked. "My mom." Noel hiccuped. "I thought she wasn't aloud to contact you." Mariah said. "My social worker said she could. I don't want to talk to her." Noel hiccuped. "Then don't answer her calls." Mariah said. "I know. I just didn't know she would call me like that." Noel hiccuped. "Maybe she's changed." Mariah said. "I don't care if she's changed she just left us without saying a word. And I'm scared I'm gonna end up like her. I practically did I got pregnant at 15 I didn't have the baby but I almost ended up like her." Noel said. "She had you at 15?" Mariah said. "Yea my dad's only like 31 he was just abusive." Noel said. "El you're not going to end up like your mom. You're nothing like her." Mariah said. Noel got out of her car and went inside. Mariah followed her. "El do you want something" Madison said as she was cutoff by Noel saying no. "What's wrong with her?" Madison said. "I'll tell you later." Mariah said. Madison went to go check on Noel while Lily and Mariah ate dinner. "Noel can I come in?" Madison asked as she knocked on the door. Noel didn't answer so Madison opened the door. Noel's room was a mess and Madison noticed her mirror was broken. "Mom" Noel said. "El are you ok?" Madison said as she stepped over the broken glass. "I broke my mirror I'm so sorry I can buy a new one." Noel said. Madison had noticed Noel had scars on her lower thighs and wrists. "Noel are you cutting yourself?" Madison said. "What no I fell at gymnastics." Noel said quickly. "Noel" Madison said. "Look I have a video." Noel said. Noel showed Madison the video of her tripping over the concrete stairs at the gym. "Oh El that looked painful. Now your room what's going on?" Madison said. "I was trying to pack for when we leave and I don't know what to pack and we leave in two days." Noel said. "I'll help you pack. Go get your suitcase the big ones." Madison said. "Wait ask Mariah to bring the broom and vacuum so we can get the glass off of the floor." Madison said. Noel didn't hear Madison and she stepped on a huge piece of glass. "Shit" Noel yelled.

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