Chapter 17

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"Noel Mia hurry up we have twenty minutes." Mariah yelled. "We're coming hold on." Noel yelled. "I told you she's been up our ass." Mia said. "I know and it's getting on my nerves." Noel said. Noel and Mia came downstairs in sports bras and short shorts. "What the hell are you two wearing." Mariah said. "Clothes." Noel said. "Change right now." Mariah said. "Why" Mia said. "You two look like you're going to a strip club. Change what you're wearing." Mariah said. Noel and Mia walked back upstairs laughing and went to go change. "Maybe we should wear our matching baby tees." Mia said. "We should and then we can wear our blue dunks." Noel said. Mia and Noel changed into their outfits and went back downstairs. "You two look a lot better now." Mariah said. "I see you two with the matching fits." Jadyn said (Mariah's sister). Noel and Mia just laughed and walked into the kitchen. "You two ready to go." Madison said. "Yea we're just grabbing a snack." Noel said. "I want a snack too." Lily said as she went over by Noel and Mia. "We made you guys lunches for later. But pick out the snacks you want." Noel said. "Gracie come pick out your snacks." Mia said. Gracie came over and picked out her snacks she wanted. "Do you two want us to add anything else in your lunches?" Mia asked. "Cookies" Lily said. "Mom said we can get ice cream after our photoshoot." Noel said. "Oh ok." Lily said. "Come on let's go we're going to be late." Mariah said. "Mama we're taking pictures in a park how are we going to be late?" Gracie asked. "You need to calm down." Jadyn said. "Everyone get in the car." Mariah said. "We're riding with Jadyn." Noel said. "You three better be on time." Mariah said. "We know." Mia said. Lily,Gracie,Madison,and Mariah got into their car while Jadyn,Noel,and Mia got into Jadyn's car. "Do you two even want to do this photo shoot?" Jadyn asked. "Not really." Mia said. "We're only doing this so mom can have some pictures of us on the wall." Noel said. "Why don't we take our own pictures." Jadyn said. "We should mom bought us our own digital cameras and we have a lot of extra film." Noel said. "Where are we even going to take the pictures at?" Mia asked. "I have the perfect place." Jadyn said. Jadyn drove to the location which was a public flower garden that not that many people knew about. "This is so pretty" Noel and Mia said. Noel and Mia got out of the car and immediately took pictures of the flowers with their phones. "Your mom's calling me." Jadyn said. "Just let it ring." Noel said. Jadyn let her phone ring and continued to take pictures of Noel and Mia. Noel and Mia then took a picture with Jadyn and they all posted it on their instagram stories. "You guys do you know your moms can see our stories right." Jadyn said. "Yea but the picture is so cute." Mia said. "That is true." Noel said as she was about to make a TikTok.

"Mommy where's Noel and Mia?" Gracie asked. "They're at some flower garden according to this picture." Madison said. Mariah was still taking pictures of Lily while Madison was with Gracie. "Mariah let's go." Madison yelled. Mariah was carrying Lily back over to the car since Lily didn't want to get her shoes dirty. "Get in the car I think I know where your sister is." Madison said. Lily got in the backseat while Mariah got into the passenger seat. "Where are they?" Mariah said. "Their at the flower garden we drove by on our way here." Madison said. "I'm hungry." Gracie said. "Me too" Lily said. "Noel and Mia have your lunches once we find them you can eat." Mariah said. Madison pulled up to the flower garden and  saw Jadyn,Mia,and Noel all sitting by the flowers eating some of the fruit they packed. "Noel." Lily said. "Hi Lily" Noel said as she gave Lily a hug. Lily sat next to her and Gracie did the same with Mia. Gracie and Lily started eating there snacks Noel and Mia made for them. "Jadyn can I talk to you please." Mariah said. "Ooooo Jadyn's in trouble." Lily said. "Liliana." Madison said. "What" Lily said. "Why didn't you guys go to the place Mariah picked out?" Madison asked. "Because we didn't want to take pictures there." Mia said. "Why?" Madison said. "Well we wanted to take our own pictures." Noel said. "It was our idea Jadyn had nothing to do with this." Mia said. "That's not true." Mariah said. "Yes it is." Noel said. "Jadyn just told me you two didn't even want to take pictures." Mariah said. "We wanted to take pictures just not with you guys." Mia said. Mariah just walked away while Noel, Mia,and Jadyn sat in her car. "I think Mariah's mad at us." Jadyn said. "You think." Noel said. Jadyn started her car and started driving away. "Jay stop." Noel said. Jadyn stopped the car and watched Noel get out. "El what are you doing." Jadyn yelled. Noel went up to Mariah and gave her a hug. Mia and Jadyn ended up joining the hug which Madison took a picture of. "Mommy did you get the picture?" Lily said. "Yea" Madison said. "Mommy can we get ice cream." Gracie asked. "We can once there hug is finished." Madison said. "I don't want to leave." Lily said. "We aren't leaving yet." Madison said. Lily and Gracie decided to go run and pick some of the flowers. Noel and Mia went to go pick some of the flowers as well. "Noel come here." Lily said. Noel went over to Lily and saw her looking at flowers. "Which flower do you think Mommy and Mama will like." Lily said. "I think they'll both like the pink ones." Noel said. "Are you sure?" Lily said. "I'm sure" Noel said. Lily picked two pink flowers and walked over to Madison and Mariah. "Those flowers are really pretty." Jadyn said. "I forgot to get a flower for Jadyn." Lily said as she ran back to get flowers.

As Lily was running back Gracie was running towards Madison and Mariah. Gracie and Lily ended up running into each other which caused them to hit their heads. "Are you two ok?" Noel and Mia asked since they had witnessed the whole thing. "Jadyn can you hand me my backpack." Noel asked. Jadyn went to go get Noel's backpack out of her car while she was doing that Lily and Gracie were crying since they both had a small bump on their heads. "Here" Jadyn said. Mia grabbed the first aid kit out of Noel's backpack and gave it to her. Noel grabbed out a cleaning wipe and gave one to Mia. "No" Lily said. "We have to clean your cuts."Mia said. "But what if it hurts." Gracie said. "You can my hand if you want." Mariah said. "Are you sure?" Gracie asked. "Yes I'm sure" Mariah said. "Ok we're done." Noel and Mia said as they were throwing the scraps away. "I didn't even feel it." Lily said. "That's because mom was distracting you." Mia said. Madison walked over and helped Lily up. "What's wrong?" Madison asked. "I ruined my shoes and I fell on your guys flowers." Lily said. "It's ok Lil we can go pick some new ones." Madison said. "But those ones were perfect." Lily cried. Madison picked Lily up and took her to the car. "Let's head back." Madison said. "Mommy can we have a sleepover when we get back." Lily asked. "Is everyone invited?" Madison asked. "Yea" Lily said. Gracie and Lily got into the car with Madison and Mariah while Noel and Mia got into Jadyn's car. Jadyn and Mariah started pulling off as they were pulling off Lily and Gracie threw up in the backseat. "Mommy" Lily and Gracie cried. "Shit" Madison said. "Did you both throw up in the bags or." Mariah asked. "On your camera bag." Madison whispered. Mariah quickly drove home while Madison just texted Noel and Mia. Mariah pulled into the driveway and saw how much Lily and Gracie threw up. "Why didn't you guys tell us how you were feeling?" Madison said. Lily and Gracie didn't answer since they were still crying. Noel and Mia had arrived and took them inside. "Is mama mad?" Lily hiccuped. "I don't think so." Noel said as she gave Lily her change of clothes. "You promise she's not mad." Lily cried. "I promise." Noel said as she gave her a hug.

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