Chapter 26

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"El does this look good?" Lily asked as she placed some grapes onto a plate. "Yes Lily it looks fine." Noel said. "Ok we have to hurry Mommy almost down here." Lily said. Noel placed the pink drink she bought for Madison. Noel and Lily hid behind the counter when they heard Madison walking downstairs. "Girls this is so cute." Madison said. "How did you know we did it?" Lily said. "Noel got me a pink drink." Madison said. "You eat your food while we go get ready." Noel said. "Ok" Madison said. Noel and Lily went upstairs to go get ready. Lily took a shower first and then Noel took one. "Noel can I be in your video?" Lily asked. "Yea" Noel said. Noel started filming her video when Madison came upstairs. "Hey girls" Madison said. "Hi mom" Noel said. "You guys almost ready?" Madison said. "Almost" Noel said. "Anyways guys we'll see you later Noel and Lily out." Noel said as they waved bye at the camera. Noel turned off the camera and let Lily out of the room. "El come on Mariah's almost here." Madison said. "She can wait." Noel said as she was putting on her blush. "Noel your makeup looks fine come on." Madison said. "My makeup looks decent just let me do my mascara." Noel said. "Fine just hurry up she said she's like two minutes away." Madison said as she walked out of the room. Noel just finished putting on her mascara when Madison called her. "I'm coming calm down." Noel said as she walked downstairs. Jadyn,Mariah's mom,and Mariah were all standing downstairs. "Jadyn aren't you sick?" Noel said. "I'm a little bit better." Jadyn said. "Come on we need to try to beat traffic." Mariah said. "Can I drive?" Noel asked. "Sure" Mariah said. "Yes" Noel said. Mariah handed Noel the keys so she could go start the car. "Mariah come here" Mariah's mom said. Mariah walked over by her mom and waited for her mom to tell her whatever she needed to. "Make sure you tell Noel what you told me last night." Mariah's mom said. "Ok I will can I leave now" Mariah groaned. "Yes but be home at a reasonable time please." Mariah's mom said. "Ok bye" Mariah said as she shut the door. "She's not gonna talk to her." Jadyn said. "She's definitely not." Lily chimed in. "Don't jinx it." Madison said. Mariah got into the car and saw Noel fixing her makeup again. "El don't you think that's enough lip gloss?" Mariah said. "It wiped off when I drank my water so I'm just adding more." Noel said. Noel started the car and turned on the radio. Mariah turned the radio off as she was driving. "Hey I was listening to that." Noel said. "Well we need to talk." Mariah said. "We can't talk another time." Noel said. "Look Noel I-" Mariah said as she was cutoff by Noel parking in an empty parking lot. "Why did you stop?" Mariah said. "So we can talk." Noel said. "Noel why don't we have the same relationship we did when you first started living with us?" Mariah asked. "Because you favorite Lily and it makes me feel like I'm not good enough to be liked by you." Noel said. "So you act the way you act because of how I view your sister." Mariah said.

"Yes. You and Mom are the first people who've ever cared about me,not use me for money,or just to say you fostered kids,and I guess I don't know what it's like to fully have the support of two parents." Noel said. "You do I read your file." Mariah said. "Those were temporary homes you and Mom have been long term for the past year and I know you're not getting rid of me because you both adopted us." Noel said. "I'm still confused." Mariah said. "I'm scared that if I start to show my love for the both of your both gonna disappear forever." Noel said. Noel started to fan her face so she wouldn't start to cry. "It's ok to cry you know." Mariah said. "I know but my foundation was $40 even though it was sent to me I don't want to ruin it." Noel said. "I can just buy you the foundation." Mariah said. "It's fine I'll just wipe everything off." Noel said. "Here" Mariah said as she gave Noel makeup remover wipes. "Why do you have these?" Noel asked. "Because my girlfriend wears makeup and so does my kid." Mariah said. "And I was having a great lash day." Noel said as she wiped off her makeup. "It's ok I can go buy some new makeup." Mariah said. "I don't need you to buy anything I just need you to hold my phone while I redo my mascara." Noel said. "Noel you look beautiful without makeup and where we're going you won't really need to wear makeup anyways." Mariah said. "We aren't going to the mall are we because there's a few stores I want to go to." Noel said. "No we can later this week or when we get back home." Mariah said. "What if I don't want to go back home yet." Noel said. "Is it because of me?" Mariah asked. Noel didn't answer instead she just started crying. "Noel if it's because of me you have every right to be upset especially after what I said to you and Lily yesterday." Mariah said but was cutoff by Noel getting out of the car walking over to Mariah's side of the car and hugging her. "You aren't mad at me anymore for saying what I said?" Mariah asked. "No. After me and Lily calmed down Mom told us about how you weren't a hundred percent ready to adopt kids so that's why you were faking it so she wouldn't be upset. I get that I wouldn't want to upset the love of my life." Noel said. "She is not the love of my life." Mariah said. "Yea she is I've seen how you look at her when she makes us dinner,plays with Lily,when she was helping me recover from my accident. Just admit you want to marry her." Noel said. "I do but I don't want to have some big wedding." Mariah said. "Tell her that not me." Noel said as she walked back over to the drivers side. "I don't think I should drive anymore." Noel said. "Why you're doing fine." Mariah said. "I just need a minute I'm gonna go into that store real quick and get some water I'll be right back." Noel said as she grabbed her wallet. "Do you want me to go with you?" Mariah asked. "No I'm fine" Noel said. Noel walked over to the random dollar tree that was there and went inside. "Hi how are you?" The cashier said. "I'm good do you know where your advil is?" Noel asked. "Just in the back and straight to your left." The cashier said. "Oh thank you so much." Noel said. "You're welcome." The cashier said. Noel walked to the back of the store and saw the advil. "This better help with my back pain." Noel said. She then grabbed a water bottle,some candy,and then checked out. "One of those days." The cashier said. "Yea it's pretty annoying." Noel said. "I feel you. Your total comes out to $5.75" The cashier said. Noel gave the cashier a $20 bill and told her to keep the change for herself. "Thank you have a good day." Noel said. "You too" The cashier said.

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