Chapter 14

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Madison and Mariah had just arrived at the emergency room with Noel and Mia. Noel and Mia were feeling nauseous since they've hit their heads so they had to be rushed into a head ct scan. "I'm gonna call Madelyn just to see how Lily and Gracie are doing." Mariah said. "Ok" Madison said. Mariah went out into the hallway to call Madelyn while Madison just stayed in the room. The doctor came back in with Noel and Mia being wheeled in. Mariah came back in and she saw Noel and Mia going into the bathroom to put their clothes back on since they were wearing hospital gowns. "They both have a grade 2 concussion which is not that bad. But if they both start vomiting a lot,or having really bad headaches please bring them to a doctor even it's one by where you guys live." The doctor said. Noel and Mia came out of the bathroom with there clothes on and sat down. "When can we leave?" Noel asked. "After I fill out the paperwork we can go." Madison said. "Can we get chipotle." Mia asked. "Sure" Mariah said. Noel and Mia were on their phones while they were waiting. "Ok I finished let's go." Madison said. "Feel better you two." The doctor said. Noel and Mia just whispered thank you and walked out to the car. "It's so bright outside" Mia said. "It's 8pm" Mariah said. "These lights are super bright." Noel said. Noel,Mia,Madison,and Mariah all got into the car. "Do you guys still want chipotle?" Mariah asked. "Yea but I don't want to go inside." Noel said. "Me either" Mia said. "I'll go in I know your guys orders." Mariah said. Mariah drove to chipotle and got everyone food. "Tomorrow we're leaving since you both have concussions." Madison said. "Why?" Noel said. "Because you two are just going to be stuck inside while we go out". Madison said. "I don't care I would rather stay here." Noel said. "I mean we could they're old enough to stay home alone." Mariah said. "We can talk about it later." Madison said. Mariah pulled into the driveway and parked the car. Noel and Mia got out of the car and went inside. Noel and Mia went upstairs to go take a shower. "Mommy" Lily said as she ran up to Madison. "Hi baby" Madison said. Gracie was asleep on the couch so Mariah went over to check on her. "How's Noel and Mia?" Madelyn asked. "They both have grade 2 concussions the doctor said they aren't bad." Mariah said. "Is grade 2 bad?" Madelyn asked. "I think it's in the middle between Grade 1 and 3 I don't really know the rest." Mariah said. "Can we watch a movie?" Lilly asked as she was holding Madison's hand. "Can we do it after I take a shower?" Madison said. "I guess" Lily said. Madison went upstairs to go to take a shower while Noel and Mia came downstairs to eat their food. Lily went over by Noel and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry I hurt you." Lily said. "It's ok Lil I'm just glad you didn't get hurt." Noel said. "Can I please have some of your burrito?" Lily said. "No you cannot." Noel said.

"Why" Lilly asked. "Because I said so" Noel said. "Mama Noel won't let me have some of her burrito." Lilly yelled. "Stop yelling" Mia said. "Let them eat their food Lily." Mariah said. "Fine" Lily said as she stomped into another room. Gracie woke up and went into the kitchen and sat next to Mia. "Hey sleepyhead." Mia said. "Hey." Gracie said as she was rubbing her eyes. "How was your nap?" Mia asked. "It was ok I cried myself to sleep." Gracie said. "That's not good G" Noel said. "Why were you crying?" Mia asked. "Because I hurt you." Gracie said. "It was an accident a painful one but I know you didn't mean it." Mia said. "So you aren't mad at me?" Gracie said. "No G I'm not mad at you." Mia said. "Lily do you want the rest of my burrito?" Noel said. Lily ran into the kitchen and sat next to Noel. "I don't want it." Lily said. "Do you want me to save it for you?" Noel asked. "Yea" Lily said. Madison had finished taking a shower and she came downstairs. "Mommy" Lily and Gracie said. "Hmm" Madison hummed. "Hi" Lily and Gracie said. "Hi" Madison said. "What movie do you two want to watch?" Madison asked. "I don't know." Gracie said. "How about tangled." Madison said. "Seen it." Gracie said. "Watch Spider-Man into the spider verse." Noel said. "Ok can we watch upstairs with Madelyn." Lily asked. "We can watch it upstairs but I don't it Maddie wants to come with us." Mariah said. "I'll watch it with you guys." Madelyn said. "Yea" Gracie said. Noel and Mia ended up going upstairs and into their rooms while everyone else went into Gracie's and Lily's room to watch the movie.

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