Chapter 21

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"Sophie I'm gonna pee myself."  Noel said laughing at the TikTok playing from Sophie's phone. "You can't tell me that's not your moms tho." Sophie while laughing. "You aren't wrong I mean Mariah can't cook and Madison can so." Noel said. "Shouldn't you be heading home since it's almost 12:00." Sophie said. "It's almost midnight I can't be driving after midnight I've got to go." Noel said. Sophie gave Noel a kiss and said bye to her. Noel drove home and when she snuck inside Mariah and Madison were waiting for her on the couch. "Why are you so late?" Mariah asked. "I didn't check the time and we were watching obx." Noel said. "Outerbanks can get you out of everything" Madison said. "I'm sorry ok I just wanted to hangout with my girlfriend since our accident." Noel said as she started to walk away. "Noel Simone Jones." Madison said. "Don't call me that." Noel said. Noel then walked upstairs and slammed her door. "Slamming your door doesn't mean shit to me." Mariah said. Madison was sitting on the couch with her hands in her hair. "I said Jones I promised her I wouldn't say that to her and" Madison said as she started to cry. "You didn't mean to say that I know you didn't." Mariah said as she tried to comfort her. "I broke my promise. A mother or any mother figure shouldn't break a promise." Madison said. Madison just cried into Mariah's arms for the rest of the night until she fell asleep.

"Good morning mommy I'm ready for practice." Lily said as she came downstairs with a leotard on. "Let me do your hair first and you need to eat your breakfast." Madison said. "I want mama to do my hair today." Lily said. "Really?" Mariah asked. "Yea I like how you do my high pony." Lily said. "Alright do it while you eat your toast and fruit." Mariah said. "Morning Lily morning mom Madison." Noel said. "Noel it's mommy." Lily said. "My mistake morning mom." Noel said. "Good morning." Madison said. "I made you some breakfast so you could eat something before practice." Madison said. "Thanks." Noel said. Noel ate her breakfast and put her dishes away. "Lil if you're riding with me then we need to leave in five minutes." Noel said. "Can Mommy go?" Lily said. "You guys have private lessons today so I can't go watch." Madison said. "Oh well Mama can come and watch right?" Lily asked. "I can't go either bean." Mariah said. "Aww well I'll see you guys after my lesson then."Lily said. Lily started to put her shoes on while Noel was waiting for her by the door. "Bye Mommy bye Mama." Lily said. "Bye mom." Noel said. Noel and Lily walked out and shut the door behind them. "Noel hates me doesn't she." Madison said. "What are you talking about?" Mariah said. "She called me Madison when she said good morning. She hasn't called me Madison since we had that fight when we were in North Carolina." Madison said. "She'll come around we just have to wait." Mariah said. "I hope so."Madison said. Madison and Mariah just ate their food and talked for the rest of the morning.

Lily was working on a new skill so she could move up to level 5. "I'm gonna bring in your sister so she can watch you." Lily's coach said. Lilys coach went to go get a Noel out of her lesson so she could watch Lily. Noel came into the gym and Lily got really excited. Lily did her round off backtuck and as she landed she twisted her ankle. Noel and Lily's coach saw her land and they ran over to her. "Oww my ankle." Lily cried. "Lily are you ok?" Noel asked. "My ankle hurts." Lily said as she started to cry. "Ok let me grab our things so we can go home." Noel said. Noel grabbed their stuff while Lily's coach carried her to Noel's car. "I'm gonna grab her an ice pack so don't leave yet." Lily's coach said. Lily's coach ran back inside and grabbed an ice pack. "I want Mommy." Lily cried. "I'll call her in a second." Noel said. Lily's coach gave Noel an ice pack for Lily and then she went back inside. "I'm gonna call Mom now ok." Noel said as she buckled her seatbelt. "Ok" Lily said as she buckled her seatbelt. Noel called Madison and waited for her to answer. "Hello" Madison said. "Hey mom Lily twisted her ankle at practice today and it's starting to swell." Noel said. "Ok are you on the way home?" Madison asked. "Yea" Noel said. "I'll see you guys when you get home." Madison said. "Ok bye." Noel said. "Bye" Madison said. Madison hung up the phone and waited for Noel to get home. Noel pulled into the driveway and put Lily on her back. "My ankle hurts." Lily cried. "On scale of 1-10." Noel said. "9" Lily hiccuped. Noel went Inside and she placed Lily down on the couch. "Hi Lily" Mariah said. "Let me see your ankle." Mariah asked. Lily showed Mariah her ankle and it was swollen and starting to bruise. "We're going to urgent care." Mariah said. "I'll take her you stay with Noel." Mariah said. Mariah picked Lily up and took her to her car. "Bye mommy." Lily said. "Bye Lil." Madison said. Mariah walked out with Lily in her arms while Noel just went to her room. "El how was practice." Madison said. "It was fine." Noel said as she shut her door. Madison went upstairs and knocked on Noel's room door. "El I just want to talk." Madison said. "What is there to talk about." Noel said. "What I said last night." Madison said. "Oh you mean when you broke your promise." Noel said. "Noel just let me in so we can talk about this face to face please." Madison said. Noel opened her door and let Madison in. Noel sat on her bed away from Madison and just went on her phone.

"How's Sophie?" Madison asked. "She's good." Noel said. "So her physical therapy is going good and everything." Madison said. "Everything with Sophie is fine if it wasn't I would've told you." Noel said. Madison just stopped talking and just waited for Noel to say something. "Noel I'm sorry about what I said." Madison said. "Are you." Noel whispered. "Why didn't you tell us you were going to be late." Madison said. "Because I was watching a movie with my girlfriend." Noel said. "That's all you guys did and you couldn't text me back." Madison said. "I'm sorry that you weren't my first priority at that moment but I was making sure my girlfriend wasn't going insane after getting into a car accident." Noel said. "El I didn't know—" Madison said as she was cutoff by Noel. "That Sophie's scared to get back into a car and her sister doesn't understand that and now she might get kicked out because she's starting to become too expensive." Noel quickly said. "She might be getting kicked out? Does she need a place to stay?" Madison said. "I don't know I was going to pick her up so she could see Lily." Noel said. "Well Lily is still getting checked out but she can come over." Madison said. Noel started crying since she was starting to get frustrated. "El Sophie is gonna be ok." Madison said. "That's not why I'm crying." Noel said. "Are you crying because of me." Madison said. "If you are I won't be mad." Madison said. "You broke your promise that meant the world to me. How am I suppose to forgive you or even trust you again." Noel cried. "Noel I didn't mean to it just slipped out." Madison said. "What do you mean it slipped out." Noel yelled. "I just got mad and that's what I said. You called me Madison Lily in North Carolina." Madison said. "I was upset" Noel hiccuped. "You're not the only person in the world who gets upset." Madison said. "You don't think I know that." Noel cried. Noel just sat on her bed with her knees to her chest. "El" Madison said as she tried to comfort her. "I'm a horrible person." Noel whispered. "What" Madison said. "I yelled at you for yelling at me all because you care about me and—" Noel said before she broke down. Madison sat next to Noel and moved her hair from out of her face. "Noel you are not a horrible person just because your past foster parents told you that. It doesn't mean it's true." Madison said. "I know but what if they were right about me being a violent,rude, and overall a horrible person." Noel hiccuped. "They are wrong. You've been living with us for over a year and if I thought you were to violent I would've tried my best to help you." Madison said. "Really?" Noel hiccuped. Madison opened her arms up for Noel and she engulfed her in a hug. "Did Mom text about Lily. I mean what if she's really scared and she's not a big fans of doctors." Noel said as she started getting up. "El Mariah told me she just bulked fractured her ankle and she's on her way to get a cast." Madison said as she tried to calm Noel down. "Bulked fractured that's bad isn't it." Noel said. "That's pretty much a really bad sprain." Madison said. "So she's ok." Noel said. "Yes Noel she's ok." Madison said. "Come on I want to ride in your car." Madison said. "Really mom?" Noel said. "Come on I'll pay for starbucks and food." Madison said. "And you'll come with me to the mall to pick out clothes." Noel said. "As long as I get something and we vlog it." Madison said. "Fine but I thought you didn't like whenever I vlog." Noel said. "I keep seeing the fan edits people are making of me whenever I'm in your videos and.." Madison said. "You want to see more of them." Noel said. "It's like you read my mind." Madison said as she grabbed Noel's hand. "Let me grab my bag." Noel said. Noel went to go grab her bag and her car keys. "Hurry up I wanna take pictures for insta." Madison yelled. "Ok I'm coming." Noel said. Noel went downstairs and saw Madison waiting by the door. "Take my pictures and then you take mine." Noel said. "Yes we gotta hurry the lighting is really good ok right now." Madison said. "Alright I'm coming." Noel said. Noel and Madison went outside to Noel's car and got in. After they took the pictures Noel and Madison posted them on instagram. "I don't even feel like going to the mall." Noel said. "Me either wanna just get food and starbucks." Madison said. "I'm fine with that." Noel said. Noel pulled out of the driveway and drove to starbucks. Madison turned on the radio and played some music. "This was so worth the fifteen dollars." Madison said. "Agreed" Noel said.

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