Chapter 38

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When Lily had arrived at the hospital she was admitted to the pediatric unit. Lily had caught pneumonia and a bad case of the stomach flu. "Alright Lily I have a surprise for you." The nurse said. "What is it?" Lily asked. "It's a surprise I can't tell you." The nurse said. "Aww but I want to know." Lily said. The nurse had walked out and went to go get Lily's surprise. "Close your eyes." The nurse said. Lily closed her eyes and waited for the nurse to tell her to open her eyes. "You can open them now." The nurse said. Lily opened her eyes and she saw Noel holding flowers in her hand. "Noel" Lily said. "Hey Lily" Noel said. "Best surprise ever." Lily said. "And I brought french fries." Noel said. "Yea" Lily said. The nurse had left the room and Noel sat in the chair next Lily's bed. "Has Mom been visiting you?" Noel asked. "Yea but Mommy had to go film a comercial so Grandma and Jadyn came down and they've been watching me." Lily said. "Did mom go to?" Noel asked. "Yea she's filming it or taking pictures of Mommy I can't remember." Lily said. "The nurse said you can go home later today or tomorrow." Noel said. "That's good does Mommy and Mama know your back home?" Lily asked. "Not yet I'll text them later." Noel said. "Was the hospital scary?" Lily asked. "A little bit but I'm glad I was only staying for a month." Noel said. "Me too I missed you." Lily said. "I missed you too." Noel said. Lily had started eating the french fries Noel brought her and she was just enjoying the fact her big sister was back. "Guess who?" Mariah's Mom said as she knocked on Lily's room door. "Come in Grandma." Lily said. "Hey you ready to go home the nurses say you're able to." Mariah's mom said. "Yea I have to get dressed first." Lily said. "Go get dressed while I pack your things." Mariah's mom said. Noel had watched Mariah's mom packing Lily's things she was going to try to help but she didn't want to be a burden. "Noel you can help if you want." Mariah's mom said. "Are you sure I don't want to be a burden or anything." Noel said. "You're not a burden you can grab her pillow and blanket." Mariah's mom said. Noel folded Lily's blanket and then grabbed her pillow. "I'm ready to go." Lily said. "Ok get in the wheelchair so Noel can wheel you out." Mariah's mom said. Lily got into the wheelchair and held onto her teddy bear that Mariah gave her when she first started staying with them. "Man your mom's brought a lot of stuff." Mariah said. "Yea they over packed like all ways." Lily said. Noel wheeled Lily out while Mariah's mom followed. When they got to the car Lily got in and then Noel brought the wheelchair back inside. "I'll meet you guys back at the house." Noel said. "Ok" Mariah's mom said. Noel had drove herself there so she decided to go see Charlotte before she went back home. When Noel got to Charlottes house she texted Charlottes mom that she should record her coming outside. Charlottes mom had opened the garage and Charlotte saw Noel's car and immediately ran to it. Noel had gotten out and Charlotte engulfed her with a huge hug. "Your back I missed you so much." Charlotte said after she kissed Noel. "I missed you too." Noel said. "Mom can I go to Noel's house?" Charlotte asked. "Maybe not today Lily just got back home from the hospital she had pneumonia and the stomach flu." Noel said. "What is she ok? And why are you acting weird?" Charlotte said. "I'm fine she's fine I'm gonna go." Noel said. "Well I'm coming over in a little bit whether you like or not." Charlotte said. Noel just got back in her car and drove home. When she got inside she ran to her room. "Noel your mom's just landed do you want to go with us to pick them up?" Jadyn said. "No" Noel said. Noel shut the door and laid on her bed. "Noel we're leaving." Mariah's mom shouted. "Ok bye." Noel yelled. Noel had gotten a text from Charlotte saying she was coming over.

Noel was waiting for Charlotte to come over when she saw her car pull up she went downstairs. "Are you home alone?" Charlotte asked. "No my grandma went to go pick up my moms from the airport but I didn't want to go." Noel said. "You have seen your moms in a little over a month why didn't you go with them?" Charlotte said: "I don't know I just wanted them to be surprised when they walked in the house." Noel said. "Well I got you your favorite chips." Charlotte said. "Give them to me." Noel said. "Here don't eat them all." Charlotte said. "I won't calm down." Noel said. Noel started eating the chips and when she put them away she went downstairs to grab something to drink. "Charlotte do you want something to drink?" Noel yelled. "Yea do you guys have any apple juice?" Charlotte said as she came out of Noel's room. "Here" Noel said as she poured Charlotte apple juice. Charlotte started drinking the apple juice while Noel just sat next to her. "You are the prettiest girl in the world." Noel said. "You're prettier." Charlotte said. Noel was going to give Charlotte a kiss when she heard the front door open. "Your home" Madison said as she opened the door. "Hi mom." Noel said as she waved to Madison. "You look like you've gotten taller did you?" Mariah said. "I just got my boot off calm down." Noel said. "Do you want to." Madison said but she was cutoff by Noel. "No I don't want to do anything except spend time with my girlfriend if that's not too much for you miss pain in my ass." Noel said. "You won't be able to hangout or spend time with your girlfriend if you have an attitude like that." Madison said. "Noel I'm gonna go you should hang out with your moms I'll see you later." Charlotte said as she went upstairs to grab her keys. Charlotte grabbed her keys and then left. "I hate this house." Noel said. Noel went upstairs and slammed the door behind her. "Maybe she wasn't there long enough her attitude isn't getting better and she's still getting mad over little things." Mariah said. "I don't know but we have to go film in a few weeks and I don't want her acting like this." Madison said. "Well maybe we should to her and see if we can help her." Mariah said. Lily had went upstairs to go take a nap while Mariah's Mom and Jadyn just went out for a night in the town. "Noel can you come down here." Madison said. Noel came out of her room and went downstairs. "What do you want?"Noel said. "Why are you acting like this?" Madison said. "Acting like what?" Noel sassed. "Noel you know how you're acting and I'm sick of it." Madison said. "Well if you're sick of it then give me back." Noel said. "You know what you deal with her I can't." Madison said as she went upstairs. Mariah went up to Noel and saw how she was hesitant about touching her. "Noel you can give me a hug you know." Mariah said. "I can't." Noel said. "Why not you barely hug me." Mariah said. "I don't want to hug you because you practically watched me die I can't do it." Noel said. Noel started to go upstairs when Madison stopped her. "Move out of the way." Noel said. "Go hug her" Madison said. "I can't." Noel cried. "Why not?" Mariah said. "Because I couldn't live with the fact that my own daughter almost died in my arms. I can't let her hug me after the fact I almost died." Noel said. "You won't hug me because you almost died. Noel why wouldn't I want to hug you?" Mariah said. "Because if I were you I couldn't live with the fact my own daughter tried to kill herself all because her biological mom was coming back and she didn't want her to find me or Lily but then when she did it she realized that she didn't want to die she just wanted her mom to not come back and then." Noel rambled before Mariah just hugged her. Noel hugged her back and she felt a lot better. "Mommy I feel dizzy." Lily said as she started walking downstairs. Madison caught Lily before she fainted and laid her down on the couch. "Mom I think Lily has a different fainting condition than what she has now because she's been fainting a lot today." Noel said. "Should we take her back to the hospital?" Mariah said. "We can take her back tomorrow unless she gets worse tonight." Madison said. "Mommy I don't feel good." Lily said as she woke up. "I'm taking her to the hospital you stay here with Noel." Madison said. "Love you Lily." Mariah said. "Love you too Mama." Lily groaned. "Love you lil bean." Noel said. "Love you big bean" Lily groaned. Madison carried Lily to the car and drove to the hospital. "Where's Maddie and Lily I thought we were doing family movie night?" Mariah's mom said as she walked into the living room with bags. "She took Lily to the hospital she's been fainting all day we think it's her condition but it's getting worse." Mariah said. "Is she ok?" Jadyn said as she sat next to Noel. "I don't know" Mariah said. "What do you mean you don't know?" Mariah's mom said. "Mom I said I don't know get off my fucking ass." Mariah yelled. Noel and Jadyn slowly backed away from the living room and went upstairs before they heard Mariah's mom go off.

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