Chapter 39

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"I can't believe she yelled at your mom like that." Noel said. "I know maybe we should call Maddie just to see how Lily's doing." Jadyn said. "Yea we should." Noel said. Noel called Maddie and she texted her that she couldn't talk right now. "She can't talk right now Lily's getting tests done and she's talking with the doctor." Noel said. "Oh I hope Lily's ok." Jadyn said. "Yea me too" Noel said. Jadyn and Noel were just talking when they heard the door slam. Jadyn and Noel went downstairs and saw Mariah's mom sitting at the dinning table just wiping her face. "Where's Mariah?" Jadyn said. "She left I don't know where she went." Mariah's mom said. "Mom you don't know where she went at all?" Jadyn said. "No she just said she needed to cool off." Mariah's mom said. Noel grabbed her keys and went straight to her car. "Noel where are you going?" Jadyn said. "To find my mom stay here and if mom calls answer it please." Noel said as she shut the door. Noel got in her car and drove to where Mariah's location was on her phone. When she pulled up she saw a whole bunch of police officers and ambulances. "No god no." Noel whispered. Noel had parked her car and ran out. "Mom" Noel said. "You're gonna have to back up from the accident please." A police officer said. "That's my mom's car please tell me she's ok." Noel said. "Which car is hers?" The police officer said. Noel pointed at Mariah's car and she saw Mariah standing outside of her car. "Please can I see her?" Noel said. "Yea but when she goes to the hospital meet her there." The police officer said as he lifted up the tape so Noel could cross. Noel went by Mariah and saw her sitting on the curb. "Mom are you ok?" Noel said. "Yea that guy blinded me with his headlights that officer over there saw the whole thing." Mariah said. "Well are you hurt?" Noel said. "My head hurts a little bit but other than that I'm ok." Mariah said. "Did you call Mom?" Noel said. "I just got off the phone with her she's worrying even more now because of Lily and me." Mariah said. "It's ok I'll meet you at the hospital it gives me a chance to see Lily and make sure she's ok." Noel said. "Wait I can't ride with you?" Mariah said. "No but I'll meet you there." Noel said. The paramedics came over and checked Mariah out. Mariah rode in an ambulance and Noel drove down to the hospital. Noel parked her car and then went inside. "Noel your back already you just left yesterday." The front desk lady said. "Yea my mom got into a car accident and Lily's been having problems with her fainting." Noel said. "Oh hopefully she's ok but Lily is in room 626 let me know if your mom is ok." The front desk lady said. "I will." Noel said. Noel went to Lily's room and saw her lying in bed looking really pale. "Noel is Mariah ok?" Madison said. "She said her head was hurting a little bit but why is Lily so pale?" Noel said. "She just fainted again she should be going back to normal in a minute the doctors gave her some medicine." Madison said. "She's ok right?" Noel asked. "She should be but the doctors think her condition is more serious than we thought." Madison said. Noel went up to Lily and she gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Mommy can I have some water." Lily said. "Here baby" Madison said as she handed her the water. Lily drank the water and then went back to laying down. "Where's mama?" Lily said. "She's here." Noel said. "Why did she get hurt?" Lily asked. "She got into a car accident but she's ok." Madison said. "I want to see her. Noel help me into my wheelchair." Lily said. Lily started to get up but failed when she got really dizzy. Madison and Noel had caught her and they placed her back on the bed. "Wanna try again?" Noel said. "Yea" Lily said. Noel lifted Lily up and put her in the wheelchair. "Take your water bottle please." Madison said. Lily grabbed the water bottle and then Noel started pushing her around. "Noel over here" A voice called out. "I'll be back mom you keep pushing her." Noel said. "Hey is that your mom let me introduce myself I have to give her your file." The lady said. "I can give it to her." Noel said. "Noel come on we found Mama." Lily called out. Noel took the file and then walked over to where Mariah's room was. Madison was hugging and kissing Mariah while Noel was looking at the file the lady had given her.

"El what's Intermittent explosive disorder?" Lily said as she was looking at the paper Noel was reading. "It's nothing you should be worrying about." Noel said. "Noel I finally caught up with you I just wanted to tell your moms about your time in the hospital." The lady said. "Mrs Michaels now is not a good time. Come back in a year or two." Noel said. "Noel let her speak". Madison said. Mrs Michaels introduced herself and then showed Madison and Mariah Noel's file. "You have IED? Is that another name for her anger issues?" Mariah said. "That's what her anger issues are categorized as." Mrs Michaels said. "How can we help her?" Madison asked. "These are the things that trigger and these things help her calm down. She was a great kid to work with and I hope everything goes well for her." Mrs Michaels said. Mrs Michaels said bye and then Noel just closed her file really quickly. "Noel you were diagnosed with this disorder while you were in the mental hospital?" Madison said. "Yea but it's fine. Other than the fact that my outbreaks were recorded." Noel said. "Recorded? Are they bad?" Mariah said. "Yea" Noel whispered. "You know what I'm gonna go home because I told Jadyn I was going to watch a movie with her." Noel said. Noel started to slowly walk out of the room when a doctor stopped her. "Noel the nurse puncher your back did you get those anger issues checked out yet?" The doctor said. "I did now please move." Noel said. "What were you diagnosed with again?" The doctor said. "IED now excuse me." Noel said. "I think I'm good right here." The doctor said. "Dr Carl please move." Noel said. "Why should I? You didn't like it when I told you off in the mental hospital and when I do it here in front of your moms your trying to keep that anger in why don't you just let it out." Dr Carl said. "I'm not going to I need to keep my cool now please move." Noel said. "Why should I move?" Dr Carl said. "Dr Carl please move away from Noel we don't need her to have another outburst." Mrs Michaels said as she walked over by Noel. "She needs to let her anger out in front of her moms so they can see what happens." Dr Carl said. Dr Carl just kept bothering Noel and bothering her then she just snapped. "Leave me the fuck alone you stupid asshole." Noel yelled. "Noel remember your breathing." Mrs Michaels said. Noel just started hitting Dr Carl and she wouldn't stop no matter what. "Noel stop." Madison said. Noel had stopped hitting Dr Carl and he immediately backed away from Noel. Noel had gotten dizzy from all the moving she was doing so she had passed out in Madison's arms. "Can we get a gurney please." A nurse called out. A nurse brought a gurney over and Noel had woken up so she tried to get up and walk away. "Noel let them check you out" Madison said. Noel just let the nurses check her out and she was just crying. "El you ok?" Madison said. "I hurt him mom I couldn't stop because he said something about you and I just lost it." Noel said. "What did he say?" Madison said. "You're the worst mom I've ever had." Noel said. "Am I?" Madison said. "No you're the best everything you've done for me and Lily in the past year and a half no other foster parent has done that for us ever." Noel said. "I'm glad you like me and Mariah because I don't know what would've happened if you didn't." Madison said. "I would've eventually trust me." Noel said. "Good can you take your mom home I have to stay with your sister." Madison said. "Yea don't worry I won't have another outburst like that or I'll try not to." Noel said. "Text me when you guys get home and make sure she ices her ankle." Madison said. "I will see you later." Noel said. Mariah had a small fracture in her ankle so she had to use crutches for at least a week. "Come on I want to go home before anyone else tries to piss me off." Noel said. "I'm coming hold on." Mariah said. Mariah crutched out of the hospital while Noel just walked. "I'll pull my car around stay over here." Noel said. Noel walked to her car and then pulled it around. Noel helped Mariah into the car and then drove home.

The car ride was silent until Mariah said Lily might be worse than she thought. "Wait she's worse than we thought. Like how worse?" Noel said. "Whenever she stands up there's a chance she might faint if she stands up too fast." Mariah said. "Oh great what about gymnastics?" Noel said. "She can take medicine that will help but it won't cure it." Mariah said. Noel had pulled into the garage and she opened the door for Mariah. "Grandma is still here by the way." Noel said. Mariah just sighed and then crutched inside. When she got inside her mom and Jadyn immediately crowded her. "Back up" Noel yelled. Mariah's mom and Jadyn backed up and then Mariah went to her room. "Do you want to shower and then I'll bring you some ice for your ankle." Noel said as she walked in. "Yea" Mariah said. Mariah hopped to the bathroom and then went to shower while Noel just waited for her to come out. Mariah had hopped out and Noel helped her into her bed. "Do you want me to rewrap your ankle?" Noel said. "I can do it." Mariah said. "Mom just let me do it. It will be easier for your back and you need rest." Noel said. "El I'll be ok." Mariah said. Noel had started wrapping Mariah's ankle that's when her mom came in. "I brought you some ice. What happened?" Mariah's mom said. "I got into a car accident I'm fine." Mariah said. "Are you sure you're ok you have a bump on your head." Mariah's mom said. "Mom I'm fine." Mariah said. "Here I made you a sandwich." Noel said. "Thank you but I'm not hungry." Mariah said. Noel put the sandwich down and then sat next to Mariah. Mariah and Noel ended up falling asleep so Mariah's mom and Jadyn just went to there hotel for the night.

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