Chapter 2

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Aquamarine looked at her suitcase wearily. "Today's the day..." She said with a sigh, going into her bathroom. She brushed her hair out, made sure her outfit was right, and sprayed on some phytoplankton perfume. She was a worried mess. New school, new people, and a whole new world, even. She'd seen the surface, of course, and she'd walked around before. But she'd be living there for four years, with the occasional breaks.

"Atlantic, are you sure you don't want us to visit you? We could probably set up a platform where we can visit you weekly..." Mrs. Mlyn asked cautiously through the wall. Curiosity won over Aquamarine, and she listened to the conversation.

"Mom, I'll be fine! I promise!" Atlantic reassured. "I'll have Aquamarine there with me!"

"But she's only fourteen, just like you! How can we be so certain she'll have everything under control?"

Aquamarine frowned at that.

"I doubt it! Plus, aren't there going to be those people who know everything about special needs, or whatever they're called?"

"Specialists. And they are going to help, but-"

"Mom! Stop overthinking!" Atlantic whined. "You're killing the joy out of this! Do you know how excited I am to go there?"

Mrs. Mlyn sighed heavily. "I... Suppose... Fine. But I'm going to want you to call me at least every week, alright?"


"And I want you to call me immediately if you need any help with something that neither the specialists or Aquamarine can help you with."

"Got it!"

"Are you sure?"

"Mom! I know how to understand things! Just because I do it a little differently doesn't mean I'm incapable of thinking. Got it?"

Mrs. Mlyn let out another sigh. "I know... I'm just worried, alright? You'll be away on like the other side of the world. It'll be hard to reach you."

"But they have portals!" Atlantic hummed.

"Yes. Portals that can only be used when given permission by the government. I don't think being worried about my son will count."

"Okay, well, I love how protective you are, but I gotta skedaddle. The portal passes expire in five hours!"

"Well, then I'll leave you to it... Your dad will take you there. And Atlantic," Mrs. Mlyn said in a rushed manner. "I love you..."

"Aww, I love you too, Mom! I'm going to go call Aquamarine."

Aquamarine heard footsteps, and the loud shout of her cousin. "Aquamarine! We're leaving! Do you want Dad to abandon you?"

Aquamarine grabbed her suitcase, internally saying 'yes' to what Atlantic had said. She really didn't want to go, and the only reason she'd even go was because of Atlantic. "Coming..." She said with a heavy grumble.

She followed Atlantic into the crab-shelled car, as Mr. Mlyn stuffed the car full of seafoam. They were then off, and Aquamarine leaned against the window, looking as all of her favorite places flew past. The Fish N' Chips. The surfing center that Atlantic loved to go and surf at. Sea Green Middle School, the school her and her cousin had graduated from that summer. Many other places whirled by, until eventually they came to a halt in front of the Portal Room.

The Portal Room was a building that was one of the only places that existed in every town, every species' home, no matter the circumstances. It was a quick way to travel around the world, with the help of pixie dust. Although because of how the sirens had used it to conquer the mermaids not too long ago, all Portal Rooms had been closed, and only if someone had a pass may they enter, to stop any other wars from happening. But of course, with how prestigious this 'Mystic High' seemed to be, they had given any registrations free portal passes to go to Mystic High and back for breaks.

Aquamarine and Atlantic stepped outside of the carb-shelled car, and Mr. Mlyn got out as well to say his goodbyes. "Well, you two, you're teenagers now. You two are going to have such a great time there, I promise you. I wish that they had Mystic High when I was a kid..." He trailed off, before clearing his throat and getting back on topic. "Er- anyway, I know you two will do amazing. Remember, you can always call or text me. And Aquamarine, please keep an eye on Atlantic, make sure he stays out of any trouble."

"Dad!" Atlantic huffed. "Just because I was overdramatic in primary school doesn't mean I am now!"

Aquamarine chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him..."

Mr. Mlyn smiled. "Great. I'll see you two for Fall Break, then?"

"Yep!" Atlantic nodded.

"Wouldn't miss it," Aquamarine added. But I'll miss this place...

"Excellent! Well, I guess you two should head inside now. I love both of you," Mr. Mlyn hugged both of them.

"Love you too, Dad!" Atlantic smiled, hugging his father back with an incredible amount of strength.

"Yeah, love you too," Aquamarine said. The two walked inside of the room, to be greeted by a lady who seemed to be a jellyfish, at the front desk which was made out of cut pearls, impressing Aquamarine.

"Please state your name and place you're headed," The woman insisted in a monotone voice.

Aquamarine hesitated, before saying, "A-Aquamarine and Atlantic Mlyn, and we're going to Mystic High."

The woman nodded, typing away on her clam computer. "That'll be room 405, please follow all directions."

The two headed down the halls, and Aquamarine grabbed Atlantic by the wrist, dragging him into the room. She looked at the sea paper that had been plastered to the wall, protected by a seel of a thin layer of frozen seafoam.

"Step one, stand on the portal or portals..." Aquamarine glanced at the two portals lined with blue and black that stood to the side. "Step into the footlines, where your feet are in the lines. Grab the helmet, and put it on, then press the button. You should arrive at your destination," She glanced down at her fin. "I'll just fit my fin into the footlines, I guess..."

"On it!" Atlantic nodded. He got onto one of the portals, and did what was told, strapping the helmet to his face.

Aquamarine followed, gripping the sides to help her stay in the footlines. She sloppily put on her helmet, and she put her hand on the button, before being rudely interrupted by the yell of her cousin.

"Wait!" Atlantic insisted, making Aquamarine jump slightly.

"Atlantic! I almost fell! What's so important that you almost make your cousin crack her head open?" Aquamarine scolded.

Atlantic let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry! I just wanted to do a countdown."

"Fine," Aquamarine sighed, getting back into position.


Aquamarine put her hand on the button.


Aquamarine closed her eyes.


The two relatives pressed the button, and Aquamarine felt a soft floating sensation travel through her body, and when she opened her eyes she saw a stream of light with rainbow little sparkles littering he

r vision.

"Goodbye Sharkdom... Hello, Mystic High..."

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