Chapter 44

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Aquamarine woke up, and quickly shot up with a heavy huff of air. She was so confused about her surroundings, and she seemed to be in a room she was unfamiliar with. It looked like a hospital... the nurse's office? But why was she here? Last thing she knew, she had been surrounded by that strange red fog. Next thing she knew, she had woken up in a hospital bed or something of the sorts. Was that fog poisonous or something?

She heard a shuffle, and noticed that she was surrounded by a light periwinkle curtain all around her. The curtain was being peeked through by somebody Aquamarine didn't recognize. She had silver hair, and cold blue eyes that stuck out strongly compared to her skin that was whiter than snow. She seemed to be in the older range of age, and was quite short. "Oh, you're awake! That's wonderful!"

Aquamarine looked at her, feeling the most confused than she'd ever felt. "W-who are you?"

The woman let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, how rude of me to not introduce myself? I'm Ms. Fairyland, and I'm the head nurse of Mystic High."

"H-head nurse?" Aquamarine muttered. How many nurses were there?

"Well, yes. As I'm sure you've been informed, the tuition for this school is very high. It's not high for nothing. Why else did you think your dorms were so big?" She was sad, her eyes giving off a serene look.

Aquamarine thought to herself. No wonder why her parents were acting like it was such a big deal to go here, especially since Atlantic had discounted tuition due to his autism. "Oh... w-what even happened to me?"

"Oh, did you not know?" Ms. Fairyland inquired. Aquamarine shook her head in embarrassment, and Ms. Fairyland said, "oh, that's quite alright, dear. Many people here are confused when they first wake up... just so you know, you've been under the influence of a Corrupt Potion for quite some time. I believe your friend said two and a half weeks?"

Aquamarine's breath caught in her throat. So that's what that strange fog was. "W-what?" she got out, barely audible. "I've been... huh!?"

"You're very lucky, all of your friends worked very hard to return you back to normal," Ms. Fairyland went on.

"B-but how would I even be affected by one!? I've never even seen a Corrupt Potion, I've only read about them! How-!?" Aquamarine seemed to be freaking out.

"Calm down, my dear," Ms. Fairyland warned. "You've in a fragile state right now. Both mentally and physically. I don't want you overexerting yourself. Your friend – Blackout is his name, I believe – told me that a boy named Anchor Aquino had confessed to breaking into your dorm and breaking a Corrupt Potion container in your bedroom dorm."

Aquamarine's eyes went wide once more. "Anchor did that!? I knew he hated me, but... no... what!?" she thought for a second, before a thought startled her beyond belief. 'What about Atlantic!? Is he okay!? Did he say anything!?"

"Atlantic? Oh, your cousin?"


"I'm afraid he's currently in here, too," Ms. Fairyland informed. Aquamarine could

immediately feel herself about to cry.

"W-what!? Did I hurt him!? Why's he in here!?" Aquamarine begged, wanting to know if

Atlatni was going to be alright or not.

"He's fine," Ms. Fairyland said calmly. She was used to students freaking out, especially

after a situation like this. "While you were under the effects of the Corrupt Potion, you transferred part of the potion to Atlantic. He was under the influence, but luckily not nearly as long as you."

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