Chapter 36

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Aquamarine looked around the surface, before slowly escaping the waters. She snapped her fingers, and almost immediately she dried off and went back into her regular form. She looked at her reflection, snarling at herself. "Ugh, I hate my regular form..." her thoughts trailed

off, as she saw the dormitory. She saw her old dorm, and smirked. "I wonder if she misses me... let's find out."

Atlantic twirled his thumbs nervously as he waited for Blackout to wake up. He had a bad feeling about letting Anchor be a part of the plan, but they needed him to save Aquamarine. Blackout eventually opened the room, and Atlantic looked up at him, immediately spitting out, "I'm rethinking if we should let Anchor join the group..."

Blackout nodded. "Yeah, understandable.. But don't worry. Hopefully Anchor will realize how important all of this is, so he won't do anything cruel or funny in his opinion."

Atlantic hummed. He pulled his knees up to his chest, and looked at the ground. "Hopefully... but do you think that we'll ever get our powers back? What if we become humans forever?"

"Don't worry about that," Blackout said, "I'm sure it's only temporary, or there's a cure somewhere... let's focus on that after we finish saving your cousin, alright?"

"Yeah, I suppose..." Atlantic hesitantly agreed. After Blackout helped with his braces, the two headed out to Ms. McKlaw's homeroom.

Atlantic and Blackout took their respective seats, and started to chat. Anchor hadn't arrived yet, so the two boys were focusing on ways that they could get Aquamarine somewhere without her attacking them.

"Maybe we could tie her up?" Blackout offered. "Make it where she couldn't aim anything at us..."

"Nah, she'd break them... she's a lot stronger now than before the Corrupt Potion got into her system..." Atlantic remembered back to his first encounter with her corrupted version, cringing slightly. "Plus, I think that's a bit drastic. Maybe Wanda or Maddie know a spell of some sorts that could temporarily paralyze her while we do our thing?"

"Maybe..." Blackout murmured, just as two shadows appeared above them. The two boys looked up to see Madide and Wanda there, almost like Atlantic saying their names had summoned them.

"Oh, hi you two!" Atlantic chirped up. "Do you need something?"

"We just wanted to let you know, Atlantic," Maddie began. "We're researching ways to get your powers back."

Atlantic smiled. "Aw, that's so sweet of you two! But Blackout will need that, too," Atlantic gestured to Blackout, as the two girled turned towards him.

"Oh?" Wanda inquired, "he lost his powers, too?"

"Unfortunately," Blackout sighed, running a hand through his fiery red hair.

"Don't worry! We'll get two cures or something," Maddie reassured.

"Yeah, I appreciate that," Blackout nodded.

Electra walked in the room, and it looked like it was raining outside, even though it was a

wonderfully warm sunshine outside.

"Eoah, what happened to you!?" Stella gasped, looking at her cousin in surprise. "Did

you take a shower with your clothes on or something!?"

Electra wringed out her hair onto the floor, and Atlantic grimaced at the mess she was

making. "I don't know!" She cried out. "I was on my way to class, when suddenly I heard this voice... it sounded like it was singing, I don't know, but next thing I know I'm on the edge of that lake outside the dormitory building, and I'm completely soaked, coughing up water!"

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