Chapter 11

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Aquamarine spent the rest of the class sitting in silence, anxiety and guilt fogging up her brain in worried thoughts. She had no idea how long she was thinking for, until Ms. McKlaw, seeming much more calm, said loudly to the class, "alright, everyone! Can I have everyone's attention please?"

All of the students paused their conversations or whatever else they were doing, and looked up to the front of the class where the teacher stood.

"So, since it's our first day, I want everyone to introduce themselves! Just stand up in your seat, tell us your name, species, and just one or two fun things about yourself," Ms. McKlaw explained, causing Aquamarine to go slightly pale. "I'll start. So, as you hopefully know by now, I'm Ms. McKlaw, and I'm a werewolf. I started teaching just this year, so you guys are my first ever students I've ever taught!" She had a hopeful gleam in her eyes, and Aquamarine took notice that she wasn't looking at her or Blackout. Not even for a second. "So next, we'll just go down the rows... Aquamarine, would you please stand up?"

Aquamarine gulped nervously, her throat suddenly very dry. She nodded shakily, standing up. She saw Blackout glance at her skeptically, but ignored his hurtful stare. She took a deep breath, before saying, "I-i'm Aquamarine Mlyn. I'm a, ugh... Water creature," This caused Blackout to raise an eyebrow at her broad response. "And some stuff about myself, is, uhm... I

really like fashion, and I'm hoping someday to be a fashion designer..." She quickly sat down, her ears burning in humility.

"Okay, thank you, Aquamarine!" Ms. McKlaw said – a little overly joyful – as she turned to Blackout, who was next since Atlantic's seat remained empty. "Your turn, Blackout."

Blackout grumbled something incoherent to himself, before standing up. "Yeah, fine... I'm Blackout Griffin, and I'm a volcanic spirit. Just something random about me is that my powers can get out of hand the angrier I am, so be careful." He made sure to glare at Aquamarine as he said this, only making her sneer back in response.

"Good to know, thank you!" Ms. McKlaw said with a smile. "Alright, Valentina, can you go next?"

A girl nodded. She had pastel pink hair with hot pink eyes, a pink sweater and skirt, white stockings with little pink hearts on them, and light pink boots. She also had glasses – which of course – were also pink. Aquamarine squinted her eyes as it somewhat hurt her, as this girl looked like she was what a child would throw up after eating too much cotton candy – another sweet that Electra had explained to her. "Okay!" The girl said happily, bouncing up. "So, I'm Valentina, and I'm a Cupid Jr! One cool thing about me is that my birthday's actually Valentine's Day, and that's when my species does our most work, so you better watch out!" She gave a playful wink to no one in general, sitting back down.

"That's cool, Valentina! Okay, next, uhm... Maddie! Your turn!" Ms. McKlaw gestured to a girl who kind of looked like a duller version of Valentina. She had purple-ish pink hair that was tied into buns, a white bow simply plopped on the side of her head, a very light pink shirt with a white hoodie, and a purple skirt. Her eyes were a less bright version of Valentina's, and she had white and light purple shoes, matching with her lazy socks. She had magenta glasses, and was probably the second shortest in the class.

"Okie dokie! So, let's see... I'm Maddie Arabella, and I'm a unicorn! One thing about me is that I love music, and I know how to play all kinds of instruments! I'll be playing the trumpet in

the Mystic High band, so if you go to a football game or one of our concerts be sure to look out for me!" Maddie explained.

"Well that's lovely, Maddie!" Ms. McKlaw said with a warm smile. "We'll keep that in mind! Stella? Would you go next?"

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