Chapter 17

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After bandaging up Aquamarine's hurt elbow, she'd gone to sleep, as the fairy dust was wearing off and it was like a five year old experiencing a sugar crash for the first time ever. Blackout and Atlantic had convinced Wanda to fix the door that Blackout had unfortunately broken when the fire started, and everything seemed to be all good. Now all that was left was for Aquamarine and Electra to make up. When Aquamarine woke up, it seemed a lot easier than she had initially thought.

Aquamarine woke up, her brain a little foggy of what had happened while she was under the effects of the fairy dust, although she was quickly reminded of the foolery she had done when she went to bend her elbow, and felt the gauze taped to her elbow. "Oh... Right..." Aquamarine mumbled to herself, "dang, I was so dumb..." She got up, and quickly got ready for the day. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Electra humming happily to herself as she made breakfast. "E-er, Electra..?"

Electra turned to face Aquamarine, and waved at her. "Good morning!"

"A-aren't you still mad at me..?" Aquamarine questioned wearily.

Electra shrugged. "Oh, your... Your brother left me a note."

"Brother?" Aquamarine blinked in confusion, before understanding what Electra meant.

"Oh... Are you talking about Atlantic?" "Yep!"

"Yeah... He's not my brother," Aquamarine explained.

"But he's called you sis-?"

"Yeah, I know. He likes to think of me as his sister, but he;s an only child. We're cousins." "Oh...I guess that makes sense!" Eectra shrugged. "But you two do act a lot like


"Yeah, I know..." Aquamarine trailed off with a small smile. "Oh, right. You said

something about a note? Can I see it?"

Electra nodded. "It's on the counter closest to the door."

Aquamarine walked over to the counter, grabbed the wrinkled notebook paper that was on it, and read what it said.

Hello, Electra!

She told me about you guys' fight... Well, I think you should know while trying to make it

up to you, she almost set the dormitory on fire! I don't think she'll be able to make those crab cakes, as they were most likely burnt in the process. But I thought you should know she tried really hard to make it up to you, and you two should totally be friends again! Besties, even! I hope you forgive her. She's really upset over it! Thank you!

Atlantic Mlyn, your roommate's brother :)

Aquamarine smiled fondly at the note. "He's so sweet... Although, this isn't his handwriting. His handwriting is a lot more stick straight than this... And he usually has one or two grammatically incorrect."

Electra shrugged half heartedly. "I don't know."

Aquamarine hummed, staring at the note for a little bit longer. "Eh, I'll ask him..." Electra nodded. "Anyway, since you didn't like the pancakes, I thought I'd do some

research. You lived in the Pacific, right?"

"Uh-huh..." Aquamarine nodded slowly. "How'd you know?"

Electra shrugged. "Educated guess. I know Atlantic's a shark, and that's where the major shark towns are."

Aquamarine hummed, "oh, okay, yeah that makes sense I guess... but what about me living there?"

"I thought I'd make you a Pacific breakfast! I just need to finish the toast... You can go ahead and take a seat on the island.

Aquamarine blinked. "O... okay..?" She took a seat on the plush stool that was at the island, and fidgeted with her bracelet as she waited. After some time, Electra put a plate down in front of Aquamarine, who's eyes widened. One the plate was smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, and two pieces of toast with some strawberry jam on the side.

Electra saw Aquamarine's shocked face, and blinked a bit in confusion. "You... You don't like it?"

"I-i love it," Aquamarine breathed. "This is what my aunt makes me at home."

"Really?" Electra's face lit up. "Yay! I finally found something I can make you!" She gave Aquamarine a giant hug, which made Aquamarine's hair fuzz up from the electric charge that Electra gave off.

After the two ate – with Electra still drowning her pancakes in maple syrup – they got up and went to Mr. McKlaw's homeroom. On the way there, they bumped into Atlantic and Blackout. Aquamarine was expecting an immediate scolding from Blackout, but was quickly surprised as he let out a tiny snort of laughter as Aquamarine came into vision.

"What's so funny?" Aquamarine asked, looking at Blackout with a strange gleam in her eyes.

"I'm just thinking about how dumb you were when that fairy dust was in your system," Blackout said calmly.

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