Chapter 39

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Aquamarine scowled, seeing Blackout break away from her spell. She grumbled under her breath, "oh, he thinks he's so clever... ugh, I hate him. He's the root of all my problems... next time I see him... oh, next time I see him he's done for."

Almost immediately, Blackout was forced away from Atlantic, as Drake immediately yanked him into a hug.

"Blackout, I'm so sorry..!" Drake mumbled, seeming to be crying softly.

Blackout hesitated, looking at Drake. "I- er- ugh..." he looked at Atlantic pleadingly, mouthing, 'save me'. Drake always had the biggest and strongest hugs that genuinely made Blackout ache for days.

Atlantic picked up on this, and he smiled schemingly at Blackout. He then called out to Drake, "hey, Drake, I don't think Blackout's being hugged hard enough!"

Drake raised an eyebrow at Atlantic, before picking up on the joke and playing along with it. He let out a shaky chuckle. "Oh, is that so?"

"Wait, no-!" Blackout gasped, as Drake squeezed even harder around Blackout. Blackout let out a huff of air, catching his breath abruptly.

Atlantic let out a little laugh. "I don't think that's quite enough!"

"What do you mean? This is the tightest hug I can give!" Drake's eyes widened playfully, his mouth gaping open dramatically.

"I said it needs to be tighter, didn't I?" "But you never actually said-"

"Well I'm saying it now!"

"On it!"

Blackout knew this was a joke, but winced as Drake squeezed so hard that Blackout was actually struggling to breath. "O-okay, this is tight enough..." he wheezed out, "no, seriously I'm struggling to breathe now..."

Drake and Atlantic let out a laugh, as Drake let go of him. "But seriously... I'm really sorry for everything that happened..."

Blackout shrugged lightly. "Eh, it's okay, I guess... I'm partially to blame, too..."

"N-no..." Drake shook his head firmly, looking down at Blackout. He put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, listen to me. You're right. I shouldn't be so cheerful when this stuff is mentioned..."

"No, you're allowed to be. I..." Blackout closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "I should probably let go of him. Nothing I can do, is there..?"

Drake looked surprised, before giving a caring smile at Blackout. "I... if you're fine with letting him go... I personally think it'd make your life a lot easier, but only when you're ready, of course."

Blackout gave him a small smile. "Yeah, I'm ready... maybe over Fall Break I'll finally let go of him," Blackout said.

Drake gave Blackout another hug, but much lighter this time. "Well, that's great, Blackout."

"Ahem," Wanda cleared her throat dramatically, getting the boys' attention. "So... I really love this reconciliation, but have you forgotten the rest of us exist?"

"I'm perfectly fine with them ignoring our existence as a whole!" Maddie shrugged. Her and Alastair were to the side, and were looking at music sheets. Maddie had somehow gotten her trumpet, and Alastair was now holding a flute in his grasp.

"I-'' Atlantic blinked in confusion, not understanding the sudden instrumental appearance. "Wh-where you'd get those instruments from..?"

Alastair let out a tiny laugh. "Oh, I used my magic. I can make stuff immediately appear in my hands as long as I know what they look like!"

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