Chapter 19

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Aquamarine was sitting in class, half-listening to Atlantic ramble on about something. She felt like there was a voice in the back of her head, whispering something. She didn't like it one bit.


Aquamarine shivered from the eerie tone the voice spoke in.

"Sis? Are you okay?" Atlantic asked.

Aquamarine perked her head up. "Oh? Yeah, I'm just... my mind's not exactly in the right

place right now, alright?"

Atlantic looked at Aquamarine with slight concern. Blackout also glanced over. "That...

doesn't sound good."

Aquamarine shrugged, looking sluggishly at her desk. "Don't worry, guys... I'm fine." Atlantic and Blackout shared a weary glance, before Atlantic mumbled, "if you say so..."

Class continued on, the happy chatter of students filling through the class, bouncing off of the walls, but for Aquamarine, it was all in one ear, out the other. The voice was getting louder, almost unbearable.

Aquamarine... Come to the lake...

Aquamarine was growing nervous as the voice continued. She wanted this voice to go away. It was clouding her thoughts.

A ringing entered her mind. She didn't know whether it was the bell, or if the voice had decided to scream higher than she could imagine. But almost immediately, she blacked out.

Aquamarine felt like she was asleep. Was it all a dream? Has school been a dream? No, it must not have... But she felt water all around her. Was she back home? She took in a big breath, wanting to feel the saltwater just like in Sharkdom, but was surprised as the water stung her throat and lungs. Immediately her eyes shot open.

She found herself surrounded by water. No wonder she couldn't breath, she still had the necklace on. It may protect her skin, but once she opened her mouth or tried to breath, the water could touch that. She could only breathe underwater in her true form, not her regular form.

She could see two figures above, but the water was too much for her to tell who. She clawed at her necklace, trying to break the chain so she could transform into her true form. After some seconds of struggling, she finally got the necklace to fall apart, and it traveled to the bottom of the lake. Immediately she felt herself transform. Her legs snapped together into a tail, and blue lines came out of her eyes, almost like tear stains. Almost immediately she felt someone scoop under her by her armpits, and dragged Aquamarine up to the surface. When she was finally above the water, she took a deep breath.

Aquamarine realized that the person who had grabbed her was none other than her own cousin Atlantic, who had transformed into his true form as well, as he dived into the water.

"Aquamarine, oh my flippers! I was so worried about-" Atlantic noticed that Aquamarine was in her true form, and he gasped, "you... you're in your true form..?"

"I... I had too..." Aquamarine breathed desperately. "I was going to drown..! How'd I even get there-" she noticed that Blackout was there, probably the other figure she saw. She immediately gasped, realizing her secret was out.

"You're..." Blackout trailed off, his eyes wide. "A siren?"

Aquamarine and Atlantic blinked. "N... No?"

"But you have a tail..?" Blackout mumbled, surprised beyond belief.

"Yeah... I, ugh..." Aquamarine glanced nervously at Atlantic, who was nodding slightly,

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