Chapter 47

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Atlantic fidgeted with a hangnail on his thumb as he talked to Blackout. "Are you still mad at your mom?"

Atlantic let out a dry laugh. "Why wouldn't I? I just found out that she's been lying to us this whole time."

"Well, that's going to be a problem..." Blackout sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You know that Fall Break is at the end of the week, right?"

Atlantic froze, his eyes wide. "... oh. I forgot about that..."

"Yeah... that's going to be a problem for you, isn't it?"

"What do you think?" Atlantic muttered bitterly. "I don't think I'll be able to look at her the

same. Even if I get over being mad at her... she's a siren. I can't ever forget that."

"True..." Blackout thought for a moment, and the two sat in silence. Blackout's eyebrows

raised as a thought sprung to mind, and he offered, "what if you don't go there for Fall Break?" Atlantic looked at him, his expression filled with perplexity. "What? Where else would I go

besides home?"

"You could stay with my family in the dragon village," Blackout explained, "my dad's

really open minded, I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Atlantic seemed hesitant about the decision. "But... I don't think my parents would be

fine with me staying with someone they've never met..."

"Well, no hurt in trying, right? There's a chance... it's better than staying with your siren

mom..." Blackout shrugged.

"True..." Atlantic whispered. He contemplated his decisions for a minute or so, before

sighing. "I don't know... I'll think about it, okay?"

Blackout nodded his head. "Yeah, okay." The curtain then opened, and Ms. Fairyland appeared.

"I'm afraid visiting hours are over, Blackout. You may come back tomorrow, of course, but Atlantic needs some rest!" She said with her warm smile still plastered onto her face.

Atlantic and Blackout perked their heads up at her as Blackout said, "alright..." he turned back to Atlantic. 'I'll see you tomorrow. And don't stress over the decision, it's no big deal if you decide not to come with me."

"Alright..." Atlantic murmured. The two said their farewells, before Blackout left to go back to their dorm. After Ms. Fairyland did some procedures to make sure Atlantic's was healing correctly, she too escaped to the other side of the curtain.

Atlantic was left in the little section, reading a book that BLackout had brought him since he knew how boring it must be to be bedridden and have nothing to do while it took place. Atlantic's mind wandered away from the book, into the situation he and Blackout had been talking about prior to their conversation.

Should I do it..? Will Mom even let me? Well... it might be fun... Atlantic thought to himself. He pondered about this for a few more minutes, before grabbing his phone that was on the bedside table, and sent a text to his mom.

Me: Hey, Mom! I was wondering if for Fall Break I could go to Blackout's? He's the person that's helping me in my dorm and I think it'd be really fun! Please?

Atlantic seemed content with that, so he turned his phone back off. Before he did so, he glanced at the timer, and saw that it was getting pretty late. He decided to call it a day, laying down on the bed and closing his eyes.

When Atlantic woke up, he sighed and simply grabbed his phone to see if his mom had responded. Fortunately, she had. He opened up his phone, clicking on the notification that said 'one text from: Birth Giver'.

Birth Giver:

Oh, are you sure, Atlantic? I don't want you going somewhere unfamiliar... that'd be awfully worrying to me... do you want to worry me?

Atlantic hesitated with his response, before deciding on his choice of words.

Me: But Mom! Didn't you say you wanted me to be more social?

Birth Giver: Let me call you.

Atlantic cocked his head to the side, before his ringtone played on his phone. He saw that it was his mom, and quickly answered. "Yeah, Mom?"

"Atlantic, I don't want you going over there. Where does this Blackout even live?" Mrs. Mlyn's voice cut in sharply.

"Uhm... in Dragon Village-"

"Dragon Village!?" Mrs. Mlyn gasped. "No! Of course not! You won't survive over there!" Atlantic's expression turned to a bitterly confused one. "But Mom-"

"No! You're not going over there!" Mrs. Mlyn quickly intervened. "I don't want you going

over there, and that decision is final."

Atlantic was about to agree, but then he thought back. She was a siren. She'd lied to her his whole life, so what would one white lie do? Hr sighed. "Okay, mom... I won't go over there..."

Mrs. Mlyn's expression turned from sour to sweet in a matter of seconds. "Oh, thank goodness... You gave me a scare there. You know that, right?"

Atlantic could feel his anger boiling as the betrayal he felt resurfaced, but he took a deep breath and responded back through gritted teeth, "yeah, okay. Bye, Mom."

"Bye! I love you-!" Mrs. Mlyn said, but Atlantic quickly hung up. He grumbled under his breath, before opening a game on his phone and tapping away on it aimlessly. This continued on for who knows how long, as Atlantic was so focused on his game that next thing he knew, Blackout was coming to visit once more. Aquamarine was following behind him.

"Hi, guys!" Atlantic's mood immediately rocketed up, and he smiled brightly at them.

"Hey,' the two responded, glancing at each other in surprise at their synchronization. Blackout then turned his attention back to Atlantic and said, "so... have you decided?"

"Decided on what?" Aquamarine inquired, as she didn't remember being informed on whatever the two boys were talking about.

"Oh, I suggested that since he's still kind of mad at his mom he could stay with me for Fall Break," Blackout revealed. Aquamarine gasped quietly.

"Oh... my aunt's not going to like that..." Aquamarine said.

"Yeah, she just got done yelling at me about how I shouldn't go to Dragon Village. I said I'll go with her, but..." Atlantic's face started to show a cheeky grin. "I'm not."

Aquamarine's eyes went wide in shock. "You... you lied to your mom..?"

Atlantic nodded, feeling proud of himself. "Yeah! It was a lot easier than I anticipated..." "That's a first..." Aquamarine muttered, seeming shocked that Atlantic would even

consider lying to anyone. That wasn't the Atlantic she knew.

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