Chapter 5

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The boy stood there, his red hair giving off a fiery-like look as it flapped upwards, almost like an actual fire would.

"Oh, are you going to be my roommate?" Atlantic asked with a smile. He walked over, holding out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you! I'm Atlantic."

The boy hesitated, before giving out a small smile and shaking his hand. "N-nice to meet you, too. I guess I am your roommate." He obviously wasn't expecting this kind of friendliness when he first saw the two.

"Woah, you're hot!" Atlantic gasped, yanking his hand away from his new roommate, who immediately started blushing. Atlantic then realized what he said, and quickly blushed. "I mean- Temperature! Not that way! I- ugh..."

Aquamarine coughed, gathering the two boys' attention. "So, uhm... I guess we should introduce ourselves..." She looked at Atlantic, who had the familiar gleam in his eyes. He obviously wanted to do this, as he was much more comfortable around people his own age instead of adults.

"Alrighty!" Atlantic cleared his throat dramatically, getting the tiniest laugh out of Aquamarine. "I'm Atlantic, and I'm a shark! I'm mainly here because I don't like adults, and I need help with my braces. Aquamarine can probably show you, or she can do it! She's my sissy, and we're the best of friends!"

Aquamarine smiled. She loved whenever Atlantic called her his sister, but decided that his new roommate should know the difference. "We're cousins, actually."

"Practically siblings!" Atlantic added in with a grin.

The boy nodded. "Nice to meet you, Atlantic. I'm Blackout. I'm a volcanic spirit, if you couldn't already tell from my hand... Don't worry, you get used to it pretty quick."

Atlantic smiled, "oh, no biggie! It didn't leave a burn markie or anything."

Blackout showed the tiniest of a smile, much to Aquamarine's surprise. "Well, that's a good thing."

Aquamarine looked between the two. " Well, I think I'm going to go to my dorm now..."

Blackout looked at Aquamarine with a wary look in his eyes. "... Alright."

"Aww, no! Don't leave me, sissy!" Atlantic whined, hugging Aquamarine.

Aquamarine laughed lightly, giving Atlantic a hug back. "Bud, you're kind of squeezing the life out of me."

Atlantic made an 'o' shape with his mouth, before letting go of his cousin. "Aww, sorry, Aquamarine! I'll just miss you really really much!"

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving you forever. You'll see me later! If not today, tomorrow morning!" Aquamarine said reassuringly, ruffling Atlantic's light blue hair.

"Yeah, true..." Atlantic nodded hesitantly. "Okay! Then go off, my sister! And have fun with your roommate!"

Aquamarine smiled and said, "don't worry! I'm sure me and my roommate will get along swimmingly!"

Atlantic gasped. "Was that a water-themed joke?"

Aquamarine smirked. "Maybe..."

Atlantic laughed, "I love whenever you make jokes! I'll see you later. Right, sissy?"

Aquamarine nodded. "Of course! I'll see you soon!" She went across the halfway to her room, and was met to an almost identical dorm that was just like Atlantic and Blackout's. "Well, glad that they're the same..."

Aquamarine went into one of the rooms, and started unpacking her stuff. Soon the walk-in closet contained all of her clothes, sorted color, as that was the way she liked stuff. It always drove her insane whenever stuff like that wasn't color-coded.

She examined her closet, satisfied with her work. "I guess that's enough unpacking for now... Maybe I'll-" The sound of the door entrance to the dorm broke Aquamarine out of her thoughts, as she assumed her roommate had just arrived.

"Oh, wow! This place is big!" One voice said, who Aquamarine could only assume to be her roommate.

"Yeah, I told you! My sister told me that when she was here she had a giant dorm! I don't even need all of this, with how short I am." Another voice came through. Strange...

Slowly, Aquamarine opened the door that led to the kitchen and living room part of the dorm, to see two girls standing there. One was probably less than five feet, with long blonde hair and matching neon yellow eyes, while the other was at a normal height with yellow hair that faded into blue, and the same two colors in her heterochromic eyes. The two girls almost immediately noticed Aquamarine standing there.

"Oh, hi! Are you my roommate?" The taller of the two girls asked, extending a hand.

"It seems so. You're in room 311?" Aquamarine asked. The girl nodded, and Aquamarine took the girl's hand to shake. Immediately, she felt electricity flow through her body, almost like being struck by lightning. Aquamarine shivered, slowly pulling away. "What the-?"

The girl chuckled. "Oh, my bad! I keep forgetting that happens whenever I shake someone's hand. You see, I'm an electric spirit, and I sort of have a hard time controlling it with these types of things."

Aquamarine suppressed a sigh, smoothing back her hair, which had sprung up thanks to the fiery handshake that had just occurred. "It... It's okay. I'm used to weird handshakes by now..." Aquamarine thought back to when Atlantic and Blackout had shaken hands, and chuckles at the thought.

The girl smiled widely. "Well, that's good! My name's Electra, and this is

my cousin Stella! What's yours?"

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