Chapter 34

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Aquamarine could see shadows forming. What was going on? "Is it him again..." Aquamarine gritted her teeth. "It better not. I can't deal with him right now. I still need to harness them..."

It was time. At exactly six thirty-seven pm, as demanded by Atlantic, he and Blackout were sitting on the rock at the lake. What better place to talk about saving Aquamarine than where she's fighting for control of her own mind?

Everyone was slowly arriving, and Atlantic was watching the sun setting, the water turning pink as the sunlight faded from the world onto the other side of it. First Wanda had arrived, with the addition of Ally, then Talon, who had just gotten back from football practice. Stella arrived, and finally Maddie, who sheepishly admitted, "so sorry for being late! I got too caught up in my band practice..."

"No problem!" Atlatnic said with a cheeky smile.

"Just don't let it happen again," Blackout said sharply. He was clearly in a bad mood, but Atlantic had no clue why.

Maddie nodded nervously, looking down. "S-sorry..."

"I-it's fine, Maddie, don't worry," Atlantic reassured. He didn't want to start this off with a bad first impression because of one guy's bad mood. "So, anyway, I'm assuming you all know why we're here?"

"So we can save your sister!"

"Aquamarine's been corrupted!"

"I honestly have no clue who Aquamarine is!"

All these voices and more spat out from the others, which Atlantic was surprised only three people could cause such a ruckus. "Alright, alright!" Atlantic yelled, as the three were talking even more violently and louder than before, wanting to get their opinions heard. "That's enough!" Almost immediately everyone shut their mouths, hearing Atlantic's callings. Atlatnic took a deep breath, before saying, "okay... so for anyone who doesn't know, my sister- or- cousin, Aquamarine... she's been corrupted by a Corrupt Potion."

"I remember learning about those!" Maddie gasped. "Isn't that where someone's worst traits become their main traits?"

"Yep," Blackout said with a hard end in his voice, eying Maddie.

Atlantic realized that Blackout seemed to have it out for Maddie. He leaned over, whispering to Blackout, "what's gotten into you? You know she's going to be helping us, right? You can' say that stuff to her... she might decide to disagree, and you know how hard it is to find unicorns. Especially where they don't live..."

Blackout scoffed. "It's not her. Just... I don't like talking about this, okay?"

Atlatnic blinked. He'd picked up something that had happened between him and the Corrupt Potions. "Wait... do you know someone who got affect-"

"We'll talk about this later," Blackout blurted out, just wanting to leave this conversation.

"But Blackout-" Atlantic tried to speak.

"Shut up. You want to save Aquamarine, don't you?" Blackout glared at Atlantic.

"I-I do..." Atlantic nodded lightly.

"Then stop, and instead focus on Aquamarine."

"Blackout, I don't-"

"I'm leaving," Blackout got up, walking down the lake shore.

Atlantic sighed, turning back to the others. "I.. I'm sorry... he has a bit of a temper...

don't worry, he'll come back eventually... I hope." Atlantic trailed off, shaking his head. "Anyway! So, Aquamarine's gotten affected... she's actually in this very lake, last time I saw at least."

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