Chapter 22

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Aquamarine exited her bedroom, not bothering to dress up. She had lazily brushed out her hair and had it down, with a hoodie that Atlantic had gotten her for her most recent birthday – a blue hoodie with a pearly white clam on the front – with navy blue leggings and her blue and white sneakers that she always wore.

"Good morning!" Electra greeted, with the same breakfast as their routine had become. She didn't seem to care – or notice – Aquamarine's less dressed up self.

"Morning..." Aquamarine mumbled, sitting down on the stool at the island.

Electra instead noticed Aquamarine's down manner, as she asked, "didn't get a good sleep last night?"

"Nope... nightmares..." was all that Aquamarine got out, not wanting to talk about it.

"Oh..." Electra stared at her pancakes, shifting in her seat slightly. "Well, in the future, if you need some help, I have some sleeping pills. They're not prescribed or anything, I just buy them at that store across the street."

Aquamarine nodded lightly. "Yeah, thanks..."

"No problem," Electra's fork clanged against her plate with a thud, as Electra grabbed her bottle of maple syrup. She had decided she wanted more, and Aquamarine grimaced as Electra casually drowned her pancakes once more.

The rest of the breakfast was left with silence, minus the clinking of silverware and the occasional clicks of Electra's fidget cube that she was almost always fiddling with between her fingers.

Eventually they finished, and the two got up to go to Ms. McKlaw's homeroom, Aquamarine very reluctant as they did so. She wanted to find any excuse she could to delay her arrival, but she only got a few minutes in by saying she had to go to the bathroom. Electra waited, wanting to walk with her new best friend.

Once out, they found that Atlantic and Blackout were waiting outside of the room for them. Aquamarine immediately went to Atlantic's left, who looked at her cautiously. "Are you ready..?"

Aquamarine sighed. "Not... not really..." she admitted but then looked at Atlantic. "But I don't think I'll ever be. Best to get it done and over with now, right?"

"Makes sense," Blackout agreed.

"What're you guys talking about?" Electra hummed, budding into the conversation. "Y-you'll see when we get to homeroom, don't worry..." Aquamarine quickly said The

rest of the walk was in silence, three of the four on edge, the other looking around, no clue what was about to go down.

Once they got there, Aquamarine looked around the room cautiously. Some students were looking at her strangely, but Aquamarine noticed that Ally was still in the corner, doodling endlessly in her sketchbook. Aquamarine noticed she was drawing a pretty good sunset, and Aquamarine wanted to compliment her fine art. She walked up to Ally, saying, "hey, Ally, I just wanted to say-"

"Ah-!" Ally gasped, noticing the voice as Aquamarine. "Siren!" She yelped, before a puff of smoke consumed her. Aquamarine coughed. As the smoke faded, Aquamarine noticed that Ally was no longer there, and had been replaced by a black cat scurrying away.

"Woah-" Aquamarine gasped, as she quickly jumped as the little cat jumped between her legs. The cat stopped in front of the doorway, as Wanda had walked in with a book, as she had just gotten back from the library. She seemed to immediately notice what was going on, and scowled at Aquamarine. She got out her wand, and it pointed at Aquamarine.

"Get away from Ally!" She yelled. A purple beam entangled with white streams shot out of her wand, and it shot directly into Aquamarine, making her fly against the wall with a hiss in pain.

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