Chapter 21

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When Aquamarine woke up, she started with a groan in her bed. She looked around, seeing that the room was dim and quiet. She had no clue of what had just happened, but all she knew was she still felt weak and shaky. "... what... the..."

Immediately there was a small noise, and Aquamarine jumped slightly. She saw Electra entering the room. Electra looked concerned and worried. Once she saw that Aquamarine was awake, she smiled. "You're awake! Thank goodness..."

Aquamarine rubbed her temples. "I... what happened..?"

"I honestly don't know. Atlantic and Blackout came knocking on the door, saying you'd passed out. Atlantic said he wanted to see you once you woke up... you can walk, can't you?" Electra asked.

Aquamarine thought, sitting up straight. She felt okay. Decent enough, anyway. "I think I can walk..."

"Great! If you need anything or any help, just let me know. Alright? You had me worried sick..."

Aquamarine nodded shakily. "Yeah, thanks..." she stood up, making sure to grab against the windowsill. Once making sure she had her balance right, she made her way through the dorm. After a little stumbling, she eventually gained most of her balance back, and knocked on Atlantic and Blackout's room in confusion.

Atlantic opened the door, and immediately swallowed Aquamarine into a hug. "Oh my flippers, you're okay!"

"Yeah, I only... ugh... passed out... how did I, anyway?" Aquamarine asked, cocking an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I think it was a panic attack," Atlantic explained, "I've experienced many of them, as you know..."

"P-panic attack!?" Aquamarine blinked in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"N-not really," Atlantic admitted, "but it's just my guess. I know you can get really anxious sometimes, and it just came on so suddenly, I... I assumed. I suppose I shouldn't have assumed-"

"No, it's okay," Aquamarine quickly reassured, "you might be right... I was really panicking. So, uhm, what now..?"

"Well," Blackout appeared in the doorway, and Atlantic moved to the side so he could have more room. "Anchor's going to be spreading those dumb rumors and whatnot... We'll deal with those, and hopefully there'll be some time to study."

"And tomorrow there's my Surfing Team tryouts! You two have to be there for those!" Atlantic added.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Aquamarine hummed.

"Ah, right. Don't worry. We'll be there," Blackout nodded, ruffing Atlantic's hair softly, who let out a sheepish giggle.

"Ah-! Stop it!" Atlantic squealed, playfully shoving Blackout away blushing.

Blackout snickered under his breath. "Oh don't worry, I'll stop... for now, anyway." Aquamarine smiled at the two's playful conversation. "Well, I guess... We'll see what it's

like at school tomorrow..?" "Yep!" Atlantic nodded.

"What time are your tryouts?" Aquamarine added suddenly.

Atlantic thought for a moment, before Blackout said, "they're at four."

"Alright. I'll see you in homeroom..!"

The two boys agreed, and Aquamarine paced back to her own dorm with a sigh.

Tomorrow was going to be interesting, to say the very least.

Aquamarine fell asleep with some trouble, and had woken up multiple times from various dreams. Being accused of being a siren, being expelled, her home being blown up again, and even the hypnotic voice that seemed to follow her wherever she went. She eventually fell asleep around midnight to a particular dream that stuck out to her.

Aquamarine woke in a place that was completely dark. She looked around cautiously. It was pitch black. She didn't feel anything. Didn't hear anything, until...

A voice slowly arose from the distance. Aquamarine's shoulders heightened in fright. This must be a dream about the siren's voice again. It had to be. What else would it... Aquamarine's eyes widened. Slowly coming into view, was another her in her true form, except she looked different. The blue streaks were black, almost as black as the background that surrounded the two. Her eyes were closed, and she was singing the voice that Aquamarine had hurt, and the dots connected. The tail looked like it was dipped in black slime, or if there was an oil spill.

The hands stuck out to Aquamarine the most. The true form's hands were clawed, the edges also looking like the tail. It seemed to be fading into her pale skin, like it was actually a part of her. The other Aquamarine opened her eyes, making the original gasp. Her eyes were void of emotion, and they had no shine. It was like an endless blackhole inside each of her eyes. Aquamarine took a step back. "No.. you're... you're not me. I'm not a siren."

The true form stopped singing, and chuckled dryly. "Are you so sure about that, my dear?"

Aquamarine gulped hesitantly. "I'm a mermaid."

"Oh? But why is it that you don't like singing? You tell everyone it's stage fright, but no one's ever heard you sing... not even your dear cousin." The true form started pacing around Aquamarine with a smirk plastered on her face.

"It... it is stage fright. I don't like singing in front of the public. I barely ever do it when I'm alone."

"And why is that?"

"I don't know! That's just how I am!" Aquamarine yelled. "Why won't you leave me alone!?"

"It's hard to hide a part of who you truly are..."

"I'm not a siren! You're just my fears!" Aquamarine's voice rose by the letter. "How can you be so sure?"

"Leave me alone!"

As Aquamarin jolted awake with a sharp gasp, she noticed that her alarm was going off. Grateful, she turned off her shellphone buzzer and sighed, rubbing her eyes. The dream didn't give her any sleep, and she found no peace in her current situation. She got out of bed reluctantly, not looking forward to what the day had to bring.

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