Chapter 43

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Aquamarine slowly put down the ice wall, as she felt like everyone should see her as she explained what seemed to be an obvious thing about herself that everybody knew. "You guys

seriously didn't know I was a siren? Dang.. .I knew you all were dumb, but not that dumb! Geez..."

"H-how!?" Wnda stuttered out. "I mean.. You've started looking like one ever since you were affected by the Corrupt Potion... did you infuse the siren's DNA with your own to make you a siren!?"

"Of course not, that's gross," Aquamarine shivered at the mental image that sprang into her mind. She then cleared her thought train, and shrugged, "do I owe all of your pretty little heads an explanation?"

"Yes, please!" Aethra nodded rapidly. "I need to know if this actually makes sense, or I'm just really stupid."

Aquamarine shrugged carelessly. "You're both."

"Ahem?" Blackout cleared his throat. "Where's that explanation you offered?" Aquamarine sighed in annoyance and boredom. "Okay... let's see. Where do I start...

Well, first of all, I didn't do any weird spells or anything. She was the one using her powers on me, not the other way around... I may be a siren, but I don't know many spells yet. Just the important and necessary ones. I was born as a siren."

Everyone mentally or physically flinched, some even both. This was a big shock to everybody. "Wait, so let me get this straight..." Stella muttered, "so you had your whole 'I'm not a siren' ordeal but you are a siren?"

"Correct, I'll admit, I used to be... not very clever," Aquamarine hummed, picking at a hangnail on her left thumb. "So, I went my whole life believing I was the mermaid princess, and I wasn't allowed to let anybody know because I might be 'taken away for experiments'," she held up sarcastic quotation marks as she spoke those last four words. "And then... I came here. That siren that Atlantic had seen, I did kill her. She was causing too much of an annoyance in my life. I had to get rid of her... well, while she was pleading for me to spare her..."

"Which you should've," Blackout muttered.

Aquamarine glared at him with hatred in her eyes, but huffed and turned back to her story. "Well, she ended up admitting that... she was my mother."

The line of students were shocked once more. "How many plot twists are there going to be!?" Maddie couldn't help but cry out.

"But.. .how is that possible..." Drake asked, somewhat thinking out loud but also hoping Aquamarine could answer his question. "Wasn't the queen killed in the bombing..?"

"This is where it gets annoying," Aquamarine groaned, thinking of how to explain the next part of the story for a second. "So... I was like, 'wait, what the heck?' much like all of you. She explained it to me. She was a siren, but she had somehow made the whole entire mermaid kingdom believe she was just simply a mermaid that was shy and not many people knew of. Then, she gave birth to me. Then fast forward a few months or so, boom! Boom! Bombs everywhere. She was able to convince her people to spare her, so she pretended that she had died and left me to go live with my aunt and uncle."

"But..." Blackout suddenly thought of something Atlantic had explained to him. 'Atlantic told me that you were his cousin because your mom was his mom's sister?"

"Yep. She's also a siren. She had just been able to fool me long enough until I came to this school... she fooled Sharkdom, just like my mother had tricked the mermaid kingdom."

"So..." Talon connected the dots. "Is Atlantic a siren..?"

Aquamarine couldn't help but let out a laugh at that comment. "Are you kidding me? No! Sirens are females? Did your genius brain really not know the difference? Geez, I'm surrounded by idiots..."

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