Chapter 28

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Walking, she found the lake. The source of all of her troubles. She scowled at it. 'Whatever freaky kind of siren lives in there, you mean nothing. You're pathetic." She looked over her surroundings, and raised an eyebrow as she saw a tree hovering over the edge of another lake, with the same rock. It was almost identical to the one he despised with every fiber in her body. She climbed to the top of the tree, perching himself on the thick purple branch, watching over the nightly-colored pink water that lay before her. She chuckled dryly, staring up at the dormitory. "Now, where do I begin..."

Atlantic was tossing and turning in his bed, a voice was practically screaming at him.

"No! Not now! What have you done to her!?"

Atlantic was breathing rapidly, trying to block out the voice by drowning his ears with his fluffy pillow, but that only made the voice grow louder.

"She wasn't supposed to end like this! She'll never return! How could you!?"

Atlantic sprung up in his bed, on the verge of tears. He just wanted whatever was going on to stop. Hesitantly, he got up out of his bed. He paced around for a second, thinking of a way he could stop this screeching. He decided there was no use, but suddenly there was the voice., sobbing in his ear. He needed help.

Atlantic dashed to Blackout's room. He opened the door, glad that Blackout always had it open in case of an emergency. This might as well have been one. He opened it, and grabbed Blackout's sleeping form by his shoulder. "Blackout! Blackout! Please!"

Blackout woke up almost immediately, almost bonking heads with Atlantic as he sat straight up suddenly. Atlantic quickly ducked to the side to avoid him. "What? What's wrong?" Blackout asked cautiously.

'I... I don't know..." Atlantic mumbled, tears in the corners of his eyes. "I just... I keep hearing a voice."

Blackout blinked. "Like Aquamarine?"

Atlantic paused, his eyes wide. "Y-yeah..."

Blackout ran a hand through his fiery hair. "Great... you're her next target, it seems..." "It... I don't know... the voice stopped for now, but I heard them sobbing... they sounded

like they were crying their lungs out..."

"That... wasn't anything close to what Aquamarine said," Blackout said thoughtfully.

"But Blackout, I can't sleep... I can't..." Atlantic murmured.

Blackout thought for a second. "Here. Let me try something..." With bright red cheeks, he scooted to the side on his bed, and patted where he was. "Sit down."

Atlantic seemed confused, but obliged and sat down next to Blackout. Blackout hesitated, before awkwardly wrapping his arms around Atlantic. Atlantic blushed heavily, but felt good in Blackout's embrace. "What're you doing..-?" "Shut up," Blackout whispered, incredibly embarrassed and looking away. "I just thought this would help..."

Atlantic looked at Blackout, but smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, it is... thank you..."

Blackout nodded the slightest bit. "N-no problem..."

Atlantic woke up the next day, and immediately remembered what had happened the night before, as it was still in effect. They seemed to have fallen asleep like that. Blackout was leaning against his headboard, still asleep, with his arms loosely wrapped around Atlantic, who was leaning against his side. Immediately Atlantic jolted away, blushing madly, waking Blackout up in the process. "Hmm..?" Blackout hummed, rubbing his eyes as he woke up. He noticed what had been going on, and he blushed too. "O-oh..."

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