Chapter 38

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Aquamarine hummed, still thinking of the perfect victim to test her powers. As she saw them forming above the surface, she smiled wickedly. He'd be the perfect target... not too dumb, not the smartest man alive. If she could get him under, then she'd definitely have improved on her powers. Now, the only matter was time...

It was the second meeting of the club. Atlantic had discarded the 'save Aquamarine club', and a new name was in the making.

Atlantic sat on the edge of the rock like he had the previous day. "Alright, everybody! Thank you for staying after the, ugh, inconvenience..."

Blackout cleared his throat, clarifying, "he means when we kind of got attacked by Aquamarine."

Atlantic seemed on edge, but nodded hesitantly. "Er, yeah, that. So to replace me and Blackout, as we seemed to have lost our powers, we've gotten some replacements. Instead of

Blackout, his older brother Drake will be replacing him," Atlantic gestured to Drake, who gave off a kind smile. Atlantic then continued saying, "and replacing me will be, uhm, Anchor..."

A silent tension immediately covered the meeting, until Stella sneered at Anchor, "weren't you the one who started the rumors that Aquamarine was a siren!? This is all your fault!"

Anchor frowned furiously. "Well, actually, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. But if you keep yelling at me about how much of a villian I am, I might just quit." He stood up, looking fed up already.

"No-!" Atlantic quickly piped in. "Please no! We need you for this!"

Anchor huffed, sitting back down while crossing his arms. "Fine. Just because you and Blackout have blackmail on me now..."

Drake blinked in confusion. "Blackmail? Oh, Blackout, please don't tell me you're forcing him-"

"I'm not," Blackout rolled his eyes. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. He's just being paranoid."

"Blackout, what did we talk about?" Atlantic glared at the volcanic spirit. "We're not forcing him into this, don't worry, Drake..."

Drake sighed reluctantly. "If you say so..."

Atlantic nodded, turning back to the whole group and saying, "so, we also have one of Wanda's triplets now... please welcome Alastair to the group, everybody."

A blonde sitting next to Wanda smiled, waving rapidly at everyone. "Hello! Nice to meet all of you!" He chirped out, seeing a bit too joyful for the current situation.

"Okay. So, we still need two more people now. How has the search for someone with nature or wind powers gone?" Atlantic asked. A silence immediately filled the air, and Stella let out a light cough. Atlantic sighed. "Nobody? We need them to do the spell-!"

"Nature and wind?" Drake hummed, raising an eyebrow ."Oh, that'd be easy! My best friend is a nature nymph... would that work? Oh, and their girlfriend is a harpy."

"That'd definitely work!" Atlantic smiled. "Thank you, Drake! Would you invite them to come here tomorrow? Then we can explain what we will need to happen to save Aquamarine!"

"Will do," Drake said with a smile.

Blackout grumbled something under his breath, and Atlantic looked his way. "What?" Blackout scowled, looking away. "Nothing."

"C'mon, Blackout," Drake sighed. "We've talked about this... you can't just hide your


"Don't tell me what to do!" Blackout snapped out violently. If he hadn't been trapped, he

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