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Aquamarine was sitting in the living room, listening with a mental sigh as her aunt went on and on about Atlantic's 'rebellious behavior'. "He was never like this before he met that Blackout! If he was going to make friends, why couldn't the friends at least be good people!? You've made good friends, right, Aquamarine!? You can make him be their friend!"

Aquamarine didn't want to make Mrs. Mlyn even angrier than she was. Blackout and Electra were her only friends, but they weren't really the best influences. Electra with her blurting out in class, and obviously her aunt didn't like Blackout. She meekly muttered out, "... I haven't really made any friends..."

Mrs. Mlyn's expression turned sour. "Of course you haven't! Because you don't know anything when it comes to friendship! You couldn't befriend a coral reef even if you tried!"

Aquamarine sunk in her seat, growing more and more uneasy by the minute. "It's not my fault-"

"Don't try to blame anything on me!" Mrs. Mlyn snapped. "You know that you don't know how to say anything because of how awkward you are. I'm surprised Atlantic even likes to hang out with you... yet again, he's one of those kids that'll hang out with even the freakiest of kids..."

Aquamarine was about to say a snarky reply back, when suddenly the sound of a doorbell chimed throughout the whole house. Mrs. Mlyn turned sharply towards the door, fire dancing in her eyes. She smoothed back her hair with a heavy sigh in annoyance. "Please tell me you're not lying and there's one of your friends standing outside that door right now..."

Aquamarine shook her head. "No... I didn't invite anybody." That was the truth for the first time since Aquamarine returned home. She knew she hadn't invited anybody. If it was one of her friends, she'd be freaked out by how they knew where she lived.

"We'll see, missy," Mrs. Mlyn shot back fiercely, glaring at Aquamarine. Aquamarine's shoulders hiked up in stiffness, growing anxious at the tone her aunt was using at her. Mrs. Mlyn floated towards the door with a huff, before changing her tone and expression for the visitor, making it much lighter and giving off a warm smile. She opened the door, and Aquamarine let out a sharp gasp.

Hovering in the doorway was a boy with red and orange hair. Mrs. Mlyn sneered in Aquamarine's direction, as she seemed to have been lying about no friends and that she hadn't invited anybody, because standing in the doorway was Anchor Aquino. Anchor saw Aquamarine in the doorway, and gave off a small smile. "Hey."

The End

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