Chapter 10

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The trio entered the classroom, to be met by a teacher with black hair that was obviously straightened out with a straightener, a white undershirt with a red cardigan over it, and a black skirt that went down to the floor, paired with black high-heels – that weren't actually that high. "Why, welcome! You're here for Ms. McKlaw's homeroom, right?"

Seeing Atlantic's uninterest in talking to the teacher, Aquamarine opened her mouth to speak, when Blackout spoke up first, annoying Aquamarine even further. "Yes, we are."

The teacher smiled warmly. "Lovely! I'm Ms. McKlaw in case you couldn't tell. It's wonderful to see your three! Please tell me your names, and then you can choose any seat in my classroom. Okay?"

The trio nodded. Hearing that they could choose their own seats, Atlantic shoved his way forward, now seeming confident to talk to Ms. McKlaw. "I'm Atlantic Mlyn!"

Ms. McKlaw hummed, looking down on her clipboard that held the attendance sheet. "Ah, there you are! I've got you!"

Atlantic smiled, happily making his way over to the desks. He had a look of serious thinking as he decided to make a seemingly important decision.

Aquamarine quickly got in front of Blackout. She heard him growl, but ignored him. She wanted to make sure to be next to Atlantic. "I'm Aquamarine Mlyn."

"Oh, are you and Atlantic siblings?" Ms. McKlaw inquired, checking her name off of the list.

"No, cousins," Aquamarine corrected.

"Ah, I see! Alright, well, I've got you down. Feel free to go and join Atlantic!" Ms. McKlaw nodded, keeping her head buried in her clipboard.

Blackout rolled his eyes as Aquamarine headed off to Atlantic, discussing with him in an attempt to quicken the process of choosing a seat. "I'm Blackout Griffin."

"I see you!" Ms. McKlaw nodded, checking off a name on her clipboard once more.

Blackout headed over to the two cousins, who seemed to have finally decided on their seats. Atlantic turned to Blackout with a gleeful smile. "Hiya, Blackout! We've decided. Aquamarine'll be by the window in the front row, I'll be to her right, and then you'll be to my right!"

Aquamarine frowned as Atlantic mentioned Blackout sitting next to him. "Wait, but we didn't agree-"

"It doesn't matter," Blackout snapped sharply at Aquamarine. "It's not like I'll be sitting next to you, so shut up."

Aquamarine's eyes widened, as she sensed a challenge in Blackout's hurtful gaze. She stormed up to him, grimacing. "Excuse me? And what do you mean by that?"

Blackout smirked, and it seemed he was challenging her. "You know exactly what I mean. You leave your little 'cutey-patooty' self to your own business. Atlantic will sit next to you. That's what you want, isn't it? Does it really matter if I'm one seat over from you? What, do you really hate me that much?"

Aquamarine gritted her teeth. "Well maybe if you stopped judging my every move, I'd like you more. But right now, you're acting pretty annoying..."

"Oh, is that so? So it's me who's been leaving nasty little comments and facial expressions every time Atlantic as much as speaks to me? Like seriously, I get he's your cousin, but do you really have to be that overprotective?"

"I'm not overprotective-!" Aquamarine snapped, balling up her fists angrily, as if she were about to punch him.

"Oh? Is the little ocean princess getting angry because I'm stating the obvious?" Blackout narrowed his eyes, a smirk still planted on his face.

"I'll show you angry-!" Aquamarine began, when Atlantic's cry interrupted her feisty mood.

"Please! Can you two just get along for even one second!? I'm tired of this! Why can't my two best friends just get along!?" Atlantic pleaded, tears about to form in his eyes, immediately causing the two to calm down their fiery behavior.

"Atlantic, I-" Aquamarine and Blackout began simultaneously, glaring at each other.

"Uhm, I think I should speak first. I am his cousin," Aquamarine demanded.

"If you're such a good cousin, you'd let his best friend go first," Blackout shot back angrily.

Aquamarine was about to speak up, when suddenly Atlantic seemed to have finally snapped, and yelled out, "stop!" before he ran out of the room, slamming the door shut harshly. The room went silent, as everyone stared on in surprise and astonishment.

Aquamarine's eyes widened in worry, seeing what her and Blackout had done to Atlantic. This only happened when Atlantic got really upset, and he would usually withdraw himself from everyone for a day or so afterwards.

Aquamarine gulped as anxious thoughts filled her mind. She made her cousin snap. She knew he hated fighting – especially between two people he really liked – and she blew it. She got up to go to the door, before freezing as a voice reprimanded her.

"Aquamarine and Blackout!" Ms. McKlaw scolded harshly. "I'm very disappointed in both of you."

"I-i'm sorry, Ms. McKlaw, but may I please go-?" Aquamarine tried desperately to go and fix what she'd caused.

"I think you've done enough," Ms. McKlaw said sharply, causing Aquamarine to immediately go silent. "I'll call the school counselor. Just..." Ms. McKlaw sighed in annoyance. "Sit down, and don't cause any more trouble."

Aquamarine nodded lightly, slowly taking the seat that Atlantic had assigned to her, feeling incredibly guilty. She glanced over at Blackout, who was staring at his desk, his eyes narrowing every second. He seemed to be in intense thought.

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