Chapter 27

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She stepped across the glass, but quickly flinched as her foot hit a piece of glass. She leaned against the wall, lifting her right foot. She snapped the piece of glass out of her foot, and scowled as the blood dripped down. She scoffed, slipping into her slippers. "Dumb glass..." she mumbled in annoyance , tossing it against the floor.

Atlantic had woken up, being met with his usual bedroom. Posters and drawings everywhere scattered around his walls, one on end hung his wall of surfboards. While waiting for Blackout to wake up, he went over to his little book corner. It held his beanbag that he plopped into, a shelf or two filled with just books, and a plant in the corner.The plant had a gay flag sticking out of it. His tiny hint of representation.

He grabbed a book that had random facts about Cigam, including world records and stuff of the sorts. He loved to memorize this stuff and share it with everyone. After about five to ten minutes of reading, there was a knock at his door. Atlantic yelped, "come in!"

Blackout entered the room with a small smile. "Are you ready for your braces?"

Atlantic nodded, jumping up. "Yep!" he sat down on his bed, Blackout sitting down next to him. Atlantic looked out the window as Blackout did this – which Atlantic personally didn't understand at all. He hummed a song he'd heard the day before, then turned to Blackout. "That's good."

Blackout nodded, and this repeated for Atlantic's other leg as well. Once they were finished with their morning routines, they waited at Aquamarine's door for a few minutes. "She's usually out by now..." Atlantic mumbled.

"Don't worry, she might just be running late," Blackout reassured. But they waited still. And waited. Nothing. Atlantic glanced at the clock in the hall, and grew weary. "It's also time for class... I guess we should just go..."

Blackout looked a bit confused at this. "She... she must just be sleeping in or something. Yesterday probably stressed her out so bad she slept in."

Atlantic did a tiny nod. "Yeah, it must be..." the two made their way to Ms. McKlaw's homeroom ,Atlantic feeling a pit grow in his stomach, and he was nervous about Aquamarine's absence. When they were in the hallway right in front of the class, Atlantic hoped that Aquamarine had just entered the class early like she had the day before. But his prayers were quickly denied as he sat down in his seat, the seat to his left bare and empty.

"She's not here..." Atlantic turned to Blackout. "Blackout, I have a bad feeling about this..."

Blackout sighed, and seemed the slightest bit concerned. "Yeah, it is weird... do you think she might be sick or something?"

Atlantic shrugged. "I don't know... I'll check as soon as school is over."

School continued, and that feeling in Atlantic's stomach was growing. He had talked to Electra in third period. "Hey, Electra, have you seen Aquamarine anywhere?"

Electra hummed for a second, before responding, "not since yesterday when I went to her dorm."

"Did she seem off? Pale? Sick?" Atlantic questioned.

Electra blinked at Atlantic's unknown persistence. "Uhm... no? She looked tired, but that was about it."

"Okay... tired... so she must've just slept in!" Atlantic murmured to himself.

"Are you okay? You look really nervous..." Electra asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, just..." Atlantic sighed, rubbing his temples. "Me and Blackout always wait for Aquamarine, as I'm sure you know, but she didn't show up today. Do you have any classes with her? I only have homeroom and seventh period with her..."

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