Chapter 40

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Aquamarine saw them swarming around. Once again. She smiled cruelly. If she could find out which one was him, she could finally be rid of him. Maybe then her life would finally be somewhat decent.

It was now the meeting. The final meeting where everything would finally be explained. Everyone was jittery and chatty, all extremely excited for what was about to be spoken. Atlantic glanced at the two new people. Drake gave a quick introduction.

"Alright! This is Aspen, they're a nature nymph... and next to them is their girlfriend, Aethra," Drake explained, gesturing to each as he spoke.

Aspen had greyish-green hair that was curled up to shoulder-length, and to Atlantic at least it seemed that it would go down to their mid back if it was straightened out. They had a white tank-top on, with a green flannel tied around their waist. They had normal blue-grey jeans that were ripped at the knees and looked heavily worn out, and brown boots with fluff around the top, like a little ankle border. Their eyes were a light brown, with a beauty mark that seemed naturally planted right under their left eye. Vines wrapped around their arms like little sleeves or bracelets. "Hi, guys!" They said with a smile, waving.

Aethra had golden hair that flowed down so long that as she sat on the ground criss-cross it touched the grass. Her eyes were a chocolate brown, and she wore a tan shirt that looked more of a sweater, contrasting drastically from her almost pure white skin. She wore a brown skirt that went down to her kneecaps, along with white heels. Little brown freckles spotted all over her face, and she wore lots of bracelets that clinked and clanged together whenever she put a strand of hair behind her ear. She leaned against Aspen, but her head perked up as Aspen elbowed her. She hummed, looking up at them. "Yeah, Babe?"

"I think you need to say hi to the group," Aspen said calmly, smiling lightly.

Aethra nodded the smallest bit, looking at the group. "Erm, ugh, hi, I guess? I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing here, I'm only here because Drake told me he'd give me a free tutoring session for history."

Drake gave a small chuckle. "Yeah... because the promise of studying is better than saving my brother's best friend's cousin from a Corrupt Potion?"

Aethra's mouth almost dropped in astonishment. "Wait, that's what we're here for!? Dang, that's some serious business!"

"Yep," Blackout nodded. "Anyway, Atlantic, do you want to explain it or should I?" Atlatnic shrugged. "Do you want to explain it?"

"... not really?" Blackout admitted quietly, surprisingly seeming a bit embarrassed about


"No worries! Then I will," Atlantic stood on the edge of the rock, cupping his hands

around his mouth. "Attention!" Everyone almost immediately cocked their heads in Atlantic's general direction, Alastair and Maddie a bit annoyed as they were mid-stand tune when Atlantic had 'rudely interrupted' them. Atlantic smiled. "Alright! Now, I know you guys – or at least some of you – have had fun meeting here and all... but now it's time for some serious business. The reason why we've all met here, as I'm sure almost all of you know, is because my cousin Aquamarine, she-"

"She's under a Corrupt Potion!" Stella suddenly called out.

"Shut up," Blackout snapped. Stella flinched at Blackout's cold tone and angry eyes, and nodded the smallest bit as she shrunk back down.

Atlantic looked at Blackout with slight irritation, letting out a sigh. "Blackout, it's okay..." he mumbled. He then spoke at a loud, commanding tone to everyone else, "well, Stella's right. Aquamarine has been affected by a Corrupt Potion. To cure someone under the influence of a COrrupt Potion, we need certain species. All of us here are one of those species. Sadly me and Blackout cannot participate, as Aquamarine has learned how to lock us in our regular forms."

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